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Sorry for all the Austria references

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1 Sorry for all the Austria references
Nationalism Sorry for all the Austria references

2 TW: Violence, (sexual) Harassment
Feel free to leave!

3 Possible Motions Except where there is a clear threat to national security THB it is illegitimate for Western states to limit immigration from the the developing world. THWB parties of extreme ideology. TH, as the labour party, would abandon it‘s support for the freedom of movement. This House believes that the European Union should fund satirical publications in its members states that target far-right political parties.  will people be more or less nationalist?  Often a backlash can be used as an argument in an other debate.

4 What it is about Media Elections Group dynamics Domestic politics
Immigration  Motions about nationalism often don‘t have the word nationalism in them.

5 Core believes „We are the losers of globalisation“
„Democaracy is flawed“ FPÖ doubting result of presidential election Donald Trump talking about voting fraud Lieing press „Somebody is taking something away from us.“ Mexican our jobs Muslims our safety Immigrants our culture Lieing Press, shut up! – The only thing that‘s true is the weather forecast

6 Different forms of Nationalism
Extremists: Often organized in groups Threatening Violent Feeling strong in a group Voters: Disillusioned with normal politics Often racist & sexist but not deliberately so Usually low political education

7 How do people become radical?
Being surrounded by the same news Facebook bubble  Same (often wrong) messages from different sources Idea that crime is much higher, refugees are rapistst Idea that the normal press is covering up bad stories about immigrants & can‘t be trusted Being surrounded by the same people Strong group mentality Harder to question what‘s right and wrong

8 How do they gain legitimacy?
„Protecting“ what they „deserve“ Culture Job „Our“ women Legitimacy by the public Women saying they are afraid to go out People voting for the far right People suggesting that people should do something against refugees, immigrants,… „Somebody needs to do something“ Perception that the state treats refugees much better, they get away with crime, etc. Somebody else needs to act  Legitimacy of vigilantism/ violence

9 What is the harm of very radical people?
Attacks on immigrants 1005 attacks on refugee camps in Germany in 2015 – 5 times higher than the year before Violence against muslim women Attacks on (female) journalists Journalists with critical opinions get hate messages  less critical journalism Making people feel unsafe Remember feeling safe is as important as being safe Small number of assholes can make a huge impact

10 Why do people vote for radical parties?
Everything that applies to radicals but to a lesser extent Feeling of „taking back control“ Wanting to be surrounded by something familiar Fear of something you don‘t understand (e.g. EU policy making procedures) Relative loss People often feel like globalisation has been bad for them even when they benefitted in absolut terms. Not the boss of the family anymore Have to compete for jobs  White men have lost out from society becoming more liberal!


12 What is the harm of people voting far right?
Right wing parties make bad policies: Less refugees Worse care for refugees Hijab / Burkini ban Center parties move further right Legitimacy to extremists Stronger voice in parliament/the media

13 a small difference makes a big difference
Explain that even just moving people slightly further right has a huge impact

14 Should we cater to Nationalists?
Should the center move further right to prevent people from going even further right? YES: Most far right voters have legitimate fears, if they are taken seriously by other parties they might return NO: More right policies are really harmful This would give far right parties more legitimacy as center parties would acknowledge that they have been right in some cases.

15 Backlash Remember why people become further right: Feeling left behind
Feeling like „the establishment“ can‘t be trusted Feeling threatened Feeling ignored Explain how this feelings get worse because of the motion Don‘t forget the impact! Don‘t call it „backlash“

16 Questions?

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