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Components and Families

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1 Components and Families
Revit® Architecture 2012 Components and Families

2 C H A P T E R OBJECTIVES • Learn how to add and modify Components in your project. • Understand and use System Families . • Understand and use In-Place Families . • Understand and use Loadable Families and the Family Editor .

Revit has a variety of Components , such as different types of furniture, which can be added to a drawing or modified to fit design needs. Components can also be downloaded from the Internet. Place a Component button Component Properties drop-down list

4 Type Properties Type Properties dialog box
Components have usually been created with parameters that can be changed. Experiment by changing their Type parameters.

5 Autodesk Seek website (Autodesk screen shots reprinted with the permission of Autodesk, Inc.)

6 Families A family is a collection of objects, called types . A family groups elements with a common set of parameters, identical use, and similar graphical representation. Different types within a family may have different values of some or all parameters, but the set of parameters—their names and their meanings—are the same. All elements in Revit Architecture are family-based. Family Category and Parameters dialog box

7 Model In-Place Editor The Model In-Place Editor is really just another set of toolbars dedicated specifically to building models inside a project. You can tell when you are in a Model In-Place Editor or a Family Editor because the Home toolbar will include Form creation tools such as Extrusion, Blend, Sweep, Void Forms, and so on.

8 Associate Family Parameter
Associate Family Parameter dialog box

9 Parameter Properties Parameter Properties dialog box
“Name field, select Materials and Finishes from Group parameters under: , and select the Type radio button”

10 Type Parameters for Materials and Finishes
Change the Materials

11 Creating Families When you create a family, Revit Architecture provides you with a template that serves as a building block and contains most of the information needed by Revit Architecture to place the family in the project. Among other elements, the template can include reference planes, dimensions, and predefined geometry, such as window trim. Following are the basic kinds of family templates: • Wall-based • Ceiling-based • Floor-based • Roof-based • Standalone • Line-based • Face-based

12 Family option Select > New > Family option
New Family – Select Template File dialog box

13 Parameter values in Family Types
Family Types dialog box

14 Associate Family Parameter
Associate Family Parameter dialog box

15 Adding a New Parameter Parameter Properties dialog box

Follow along with EXERCISE 6-4 in your Textbook

17 Revit® Architecture 2012 Analyze

18 C H A P T E R OBJECTIVES • Know how to set the geographic location.
• Know how to set the project position relative to True North . • Learn how to use the Sun Path tool. • Learn how to create the Mass Model for energy study. • Know how to set the Energy Settings and perform an Energy Analysis .

19 Introduction In Revit 2012, the Analyze feature is now standard. This feature allows Conceptual Energy Analysis (CEA) of Revit Mass Models , which are 3D representations of the major mass of a building (creating Mass Models is described in depth in Chapter 15 ) . Revit then uploads your project to Green Building Studio (GBS) to compile an analysis. It does this by analyzing the mass model based on parameters such as site location, construction type, percentage of glazing, and so on. Using this feature, one can predict and fine tune a structure to be optimally energy efficient at its location.

20 Location Weather and Site
Location Weather and Site dialog box Weather Stations appear as orange icons

21 PROJECT POSITION In order to get true sun and shadow settings for the building’s location, you will need to locate the building relative to True North. True North is a geographical direction represented on maps and globes by lines of longitude. Each line of longitude begins and ends at the Earth’s poles and represents north and south travel.

22 Set True North & Base Point
Property Lines dialog box

23 Property Line and the Project Base Point
Place the Property Line at the Project Base Point

24 SUN PATH TOOL Sun Path On and Shadows On buttons
The building will display its shadow

25 Selecting the date

26 Change the form’s height

27 The Mass Floors dialog box
“Select the Finish Mass button”

28 Energy Settings T he Energy Settings dialog box Core Offset
Divide Perimeter Zones Target Percentage Glazing Target Sill Height Glazing is Shaded Shade Depth Target Percentage Skylights Skylight Width & Depth

29 Conceptual Constructions
The Conceptual Constructions dialog box

30 Create the Energy Model
“Building Operating Schedule – 24/7 Facility (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) HVAC System – 12 SEER/7.7 HSPF Split Packaged Heat Pump”

31 Display Report Display the TEST ANALYZE Analysis (1) report

32 Report The Annual Carbon Emissions field

33 Energy Use

34 Heat Load The Monthly Heating Load diagram
The Monthly Cooling Load diagram

35 Fuel Consumption & Electrical Usage
The Monthly Fuel Consumption and Monthly Electricity Consumption diagrams

36 The Annual Wind Rose

37 MASS ZONES Show Mass Zones and Shades button

The new custom surfaces and custom zones

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