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Without it, life would be boring…

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Presentation on theme: "Without it, life would be boring…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Without it, life would be boring…
Figurative Language Without it, life would be boring…

2 Personification What is it??
You got it. Personification is attributing human characteristics to animals, objects, ideas, concepts, etc. Can you think of an example? Why would you use personification in your writing? Give it a shot: Using the picture on the next slide as inspiration, write a sentence that incorporates personification.

3 Personification

4 Onomatopoeia What is it?
Mhmm, it’s the use of words that sound like their meaning; they kind of try to mimic the sound. Do you have an example? Why use onomatopoeia? Give it a shot: Using the picture on the next slide as inspiration, write a sentence that incorporates onomatopoeia.

5 Onomatopoeia

6 Hyperbole What is it? Nailed it! It’s an outrageous exaggeration used to emphasize a point. What’s your example? Why would anyone ever in a million years use hyperbole? Give it a shot: You know the drill…

7 Hyperbole

8 Simile Shout your answer.
Totally. It’s a comparison using “like” or “as.” Throw an example my way. What’s the point in using similes? Alright, here we go. Your turn to make one up.

9 Simile

10 Metaphor Whisper your answer.
I could barely hear you, but yes, it’s a word or phrase that denotes one object or idea but is used to represent another. Example? Why use metaphor? Okay, you know the drill—what’s your example?

11 Metaphor

12 Paradox That’s a fancy sounding word! What do you think it means?
Definition: a statement that seems to say two opposite things but that may be true; something (such as a situation) that is made up of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true or possible. Example: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” “Deep down, you’re really shallow” Can you think of another example?

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