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Figurative Language Academic Vocabulary

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1 Figurative Language Academic Vocabulary
For Middle School black

2 What is figurative Language?
Figurative language is a word or phrase that departs from everyday literal language for the sake of comparison, emphasis, clarity, or freshness

3 Why use figurative Language?
Used well, figurative language enhances your writing and can be an economical way of getting an image or a point across. However, used incorrectly, figurative language can be confusing or downright silly.

4 1. Hyperbole Extreme Exaggeration used to make a point:
“If I have told you once, I have told you thousand times…” “My dog is so smart he can leap into a burning building and save a baby.”

5 2. Alliteration Reuse of beginning sounds not letters:
“The king can’t rule with a carrot; he must use his crown. “Mary made muffins with her maid.” “The pretty pony paraded through the posy patch.”

6 3. Personification Giving human characteristics to non-human things:
“The dog told me I needed to pay closer attention.” “The boulder smiled at me as it glistened in the sun.” “The sea was calling me to come and join it.”

7 4. Onomatopoeia Words that make their own sounds.
“Crash went the waves on the shore.” “Bang, bang went the gun.” “Roof, roof went the dog.”

8 5. Simile A comparison using the words “like” or “as”:
“She was as pretty as a peacock.” “He talked like a dog barking out orders.” “The kitten looked like a skunk with the strip down his back.”

9 6. Metaphor A comparison WITHOUT using the words “like” or “as”:
“Talk about bad moods, my dad was a bear this morning.” “The king is a majestic elk.” “Music is the doctor for what ails our soul.” black

10 7. Idiom Old sayings. Cliché’s that have been way-over used but that people recognize their meanings. Their words have different meanings from the dictionary: “It is raining cats and dogs.” “They are a dime a dozen.” “Two heads are better than one.” “Blood is thicker than water.” black

11 8. Imagery Most figurative language is ALL considered “imagery.” It is when you “Paint a Picture with Words.” Or, the formation of mental images through words: “Her beauty was like a dream.” “The succulent, bubbly pizza ignited my senses as I waited for a tasty bit.” black

12 What type of figurative language is the following sentence?
The boy could swim like a fish.


14 What type of figurative language is used in the following sentence?
John is a mountain on the field.


16 Jimmy is so skinny, a skeleton looks fatter than he does!
What type of figurative language is used in the following sentence? Jimmy is so skinny, a skeleton looks fatter than he does!


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