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10-24-16 Get ready for bell work Density 10-24-16 Get ready for bell work.

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Presentation on theme: "10-24-16 Get ready for bell work Density 10-24-16 Get ready for bell work."— Presentation transcript:

1 10-24-16 Get ready for bell work
Density Get ready for bell work

2 1. In many states the population of white-tailed deer has increased dramatically in the last 10 years, resulting in unbalanced ecosystems. Deer now often overgraze on young plants in some forests, making it difficult for these forests to grow and regenerate. This is reducing biodiversity in these forests. What is one way that humans have contributed to deer overpopulation? a. humans keeping deer as pets has contributed to deer overpopulation b. by killing off predators such as wolves, bears, and mountain lions c. eliminating diseases in deer has increased the deer population d. reducing biodiversity by planting more types of trees in the forests where deer live

3 2. Forests are often preserved to protect biodiversity
2. Forests are often preserved to protect biodiversity. This helps preserve the unique characteristics of the organisms that live there. Sometimes these forests are divided into separate sections that are spread out instead of one continuous forest. This is known as forest fragmentation. Which types of organisms will be the least likely to be affected by forest fragmentation? a. herbivorous mammals that are dependent upon specific plants for food b. omnivores that hibernate in winter in order to conserve energy c. herbivorous birds that are able to migrate great distances d. omnivores that burrow underground deep in to the soil.

4 3. Scientists discovered fossils at two locations, as shown in the diagram below.
The scientists concluded that the fossils at these locations were approximately the same age. Which evidence would best support this conclusion? a. Both locations were above layers containing different types of plant fossils. b. Both locations were part of the same layer of sedimentary rock. c. Both locations contained the same type of mineral formations. d. Both locations contained a similar number of fossil types.

5 Ammonite Fossils Paleontologist have found an area rich in ammonite fossils. Although erosion over millions of years has altered the topography of this ocean floor, the scientists were able to create a chronological history of these fossils (see diagram above.). Based on the diagram shown above, which numbered fossil was found in the oldest layer of sediment? a. Number eight c. Number seven b. Number five d. Number one

6 5. Where does the scientific name come from?
Domain and kingdom Genus and species Family and class Phylum and order

7 By modifying the genetic structure of certain corn plants, scientists have developed a type of corn that is able to survive and even thrive in hot and dry environments with very little water. Which practice is unnecessary with this new plant variety? a. removing weeds from crops b. massive irrigation methods c. using fertilizer on the plants d. eroding the land by tilling

8 7. The information below shows what happens to incoming solar radiation
Which pie graph best represents this information? a b c.

9 What is Density-Density Explained in its Simplest Terms

10 1. In many states the population of white-tailed deer has increased dramatically in the last 10 years, resulting in unbalanced ecosystems. Deer now often overgraze on young plants in some forests, making it difficult for these forests to grow and regenerate. This is reducing biodiversity in these forests. What is one way that humans have contributed to deer overpopulation? a. humans keeping deer as pets has contributed to deer overpopulation b. by killing off predators such as wolves, bears, and mountain lions c. eliminating diseases in deer has increased the deer population d. reducing biodiversity by planting more types of trees in the forests where deer live

11 2. Forests are often preserved to protect biodiversity
2. Forests are often preserved to protect biodiversity. This helps preserve the unique characteristics of the organisms that live there. Sometimes these forests are divided into separate sections that are spread out instead of one continuous forest. This is known as forest fragmentation. Which types of organisms will be the least likely to be affected by forest fragmentation? a. herbivorous mammals that are dependent upon specific plants for food b. omnivores that hibernate in winter in order to conserve energy c. herbivorous birds that are able to migrate great distances d. omnivores that burrow underground deep in to the soil.

12 3. Scientists discovered fossils at two locations, as shown in the diagram below.
The scientists concluded that the fossils at these locations were approximately the same age. Which evidence would best support this conclusion? a. Both locations were above layers containing different types of plant fossils. b. Both locations were part of the same layer of sedimentary rock. c. Both locations contained the same type of mineral formations. d. Both locations contained a similar number of fossil types.

13 Ammonite Fossils Paleontologist have found an area rich in ammonite fossils. Although erosion over millions of years has altered the topography of this ocean floor, the scientists were able to create a chronological history of these fossils (see diagram above.). Based on the diagram shown above, which numbered fossil was found in the oldest layer of sediment? a. Number eight c. Number seven b. Number five d. Number one

14 5. Where does the scientific name come from?
Domain and kingdom Genus and species Family and class Phylum and order

15 By modifying the genetic structure of certain corn plants, scientists have developed a type of corn that is able to survive and even thrive in hot and dry environments with very little water. Which practice is unnecessary with this new plant variety? a. removing weeds from crops b. massive irrigation methods c. using fertilizer on the plants d. eroding the land by tilling

16 7. The information below shows what happens to incoming solar radiation
Which pie graph best represents this information? a b c.

17 I Can… Calculate the density of an object given its mass and volume.
TOC #10 Density flipchart #11 Density Problems 1

18 Density flipchart Write this in your SNB
Volume: the amount of space an object takes up Units: KL, L, mL Km3, m3, cm3 Mass: the amount of matter in an object Units: Kg, g, mg Density: the amount of matter (mass) in a given amount of space (volume) g/mL = g/cm3 I can calculate the density of an object given its mass and volume.

19 Density Example: Here are two objects that are the same size.
(1) Bowling Ball and (2) Soccer Ball One of these objects contains more matter (bowling ball). With two same-sized objects like this, the object with more mass has greater density than the other object. Less Dense More Dense I can calculate the density of an object given its mass and volume.

20 Density Formula Use this formula: Density = mass divided by volume M V D = D= M V or or Density = volume mass Memory Trick Soon you will get your first driver’s permit. The place where you receive your driver’s permit is called the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) Think of DMV for density D= M V I can calculate the density of an object given its mass and volume.

21 Solve the Density Problem Shown Below
1) Calculate the density of an object with a mass of 25g and a volume of 10cm3 Example: 25 (mass) divided by 10 (volume) Units… g/cm3 Density= Answer 25g ÷ 10cm3 = 2.5 g/cm3 Don't Forget Your Units! Example: grams/centimeter cubed Written like this…g/cm3 I can calculate the density of an object given its mass and volume.

22 Solve The Density Problem Shown Below
Use this formula: Density=mass divided by volume M V D= D= M/V or or Density= volume mass 2) Calculate the density of an object with a mass of 45kg and a volume of 43m3 Example: 45 (mass) divided by 43 (volume) Density= Units… kg/cm3 (round up to the nearest hundredth) 45kg ÷ 43m3 = 1.05kg/m3 I can calculate the density of an object given its mass and volume.

23 Lower density liquids float on top of liquids with higher density
Density In Liquids Lower density liquids float on top of liquids with higher density Higher density liquids will sink below lower density liquids I can calculate the density of an object given its mass and volume.

24 Answer the items on the Density Problems #1 Worksheet.
I can calculate the density of an object given its mass and volume.

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