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The Origin of Religion.

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1 The Origin of Religion

2 Beginnings Religion= the response to the mysteries of life that is organized, ritualized and agreed upon by a group of people Religio: something done with attention to detail or fervor v. Religare: to bind things closely together Survival was key to early humans, so life and death and the rituals around these were important

3 Shelter for survival vs. shelter for worship
Whatever was needed for survival and protection was of the utmost importance Survival- physical Protection- Cultural When protection is achieved, exploration (both internal and external) could be undertaken

4 Deeper questions emerged
How did we get here? What is our purpose? What happens to us after death?

5 Stories were created Passed on by word of mouth Sacred texts
Some purport to be the revelations of God and therefore become authority for many

6 Systems are established
Worship of nature for survival Attempts to find answers and change outcomes for things like: Natural disasters Scarcity of food Death Established rituals, prayers, and ceremonies Including feasts, silence, fasting, sacraments and others

7 Characteristics of Ancient Religions
Belief in spiritual realm- what are the gods like? Close ties to geography Prescientific worldview Concern with survival Systems of worship Theology: religious belief and behavior Scripture: religious story

8 Terminology Cosmologies: accounts of how the world began
Scripture: sacred texts (or stories) of a religion Faith: what is affirmed in a religion is trustworthy Ritual: the enacted language (actions of a religion) through which human hopes and fears are articulated and renewed Secularization: the breaking of or threat to metaphorical boundaries in religion Fundamentalism: the insistence that there are non-negotiables in a religious tradition

9 Ancient Religions Assignment
Choose one of the six religions of which to be a part of a group Research the setting of this religion: time, place, geography, and culture in which it thrived. Who/what are their gods? How does the religion answer questions of creation, death, survival? What are some of the rituals? Why do they have this in their theology? What/where is their scripture? Create or re-enact a ritual from this ancient religion. Half your group will preform this task and the other half will explain it. On your blog, include a picture and the written elements you contributed to this presentation Your hypothesis about why this religion was so central to the civilization at the time.

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