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Religious specialists

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1 Religious specialists
By Natalie Smith

2 What is a specialists? A specialist is an individual who concentrates on a particular subject or activity; a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field. Attached Specialists- craftsman who live in the close proximity to a high status person. They may be part of their extended family and related by birth or marriage. A specialists is formed when a society becomes complexed and becomes more independent. Independent Specialists- produce goods to market for their own profit. They are usually not attached to anyone.

3 Identification of Specialists in Archaeology
Frescos e.g. Villa of Mysteries Bronze Age Axe e.g. Otzi the Iceman Figurines e.g. Venus Figurines Ships e.g. The Mary Rose Craftsmanship e.g. Battersea Cauldron Metal Work e.g. Burial at Malia Focus of Attention e.g. A Cave Buildings e.g. Temple of Apollo

4 Roman Roman Specialists can be depicted through the large scale of temples that they had built throughout the years of their empire. Temple of Venus and Roma These are all indications of specialists in the theme of religion. Dome Ceiling Statue Mosaics

5 A seer or prophet in Ancient Roman.
Augur A seer or prophet in Ancient Roman. A confident rider, surrounded by birds of good omen is approached by a Nike bearing victor's wreaths on this Laconian black-figured kylix, ca. 550–530 BC Shows archaeologists that there were Augurs in Ancient Rome.

6 Egyptian Ancient Egypt is a polytheistic religion- They worship a pantheon of Gods. Their main God was Ra, who was the God of the Sun. Hieroglyphs and Art are the most common finds that show religious specialists in Ancient Egypt. May that be through what the art is trying to portray or who made the art.

7 Temple of Karnak Only priests were allowed to enter the Temple.
They would have to shave and cleanse their body in the sacred water every day. Rituals were depicted through the hieroglyphs that were made within the temple. This would indicate to archaeologists that there was specialisation within the temple.

8 Mummification practices is a specialisation
Mummification practices is a specialisation. For archaeologists, this practice is shown through art, storage and the mummies themselves. Rituals are also shown through art, for instances this one, which is depicting the passage to the dead.

9 Germanic Sutton Hoo Sutton Hoo shows unattached and attached specialists. The Silver spoons= Christianity= Unattached Helmet= Local= Attached All of the artefacts that were found within the burial show specialism. The boat that the body was found in would also have been made from a specialist.

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