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Studio 5000 V24 Update.

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Presentation on theme: "Studio 5000 V24 Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studio 5000 V24 Update

2 Studio 5000 Schedule Overview

3 Studio 5000 Phase 1 Integrating Control Design
Logix Designer RSLogix 5000 Logix Designer the first Capability of Studio 5000 V1…16,17,18,19,20 V21,…

4 System-wide Automation Design Environment
Designing for Automation Productivity v24 System-wide Automation Design Environment

5 Studio 5000 Today and Future
System Organization System Security & IP Management Modular Automation Device Management Library Management Collaborative Engineering Actionable Information Virtual Design & Engineering Common Infrastructure Scalable Architecture Multi-Discipline

6 Maximize your engineering and design capabilities
Studio 5000 System Organization System Security & IP Management Library Management Device Management Modular Automation Collaborative Engineering Also known as RSLogix5000, in earlier releases, Studio 5000, provides a feature-rich environment that Yields logical program flows, precise timings, and concurrent tasks for control engineers Enables complex overall processes to be broken into smaller parts and logical groupings Allows for increased collaboration during development Facilitates the organization and cataloging of code Actionable Information Virtual Design & Engineering Maximize your engineering and design capabilities

7 Modular Automation - Solution
System Organization System Security & IP Management Library Management Device Management Modular Automation Collaborative Engineering Now that we have discussed some best practices related to tag design, let’s extend the discussion out to How do we create re-usable code snippets leveraging these tags. Actionable Information Virtual Design & Engineering Studio 5000 a modular approach to automation

8 What is Encapsulation? Encapsulate: To encase in a capsule or other small container. How does this apply to Logix? Taking all logic and tags associated with a module and packaging it into a single container (AOI, Program, Routine, etc.) A clearly defined interface for each module. For example, parameters in an AOI.

9 Add-on Instructions Now let’s take the concept of a buffered subroutine and suppose we “package” the code into concise, pre-compiled instructions. Encapsulated code developed by the user in any language using standard instruction set and other add-on instructions that can be instantiated multiple times. Each instance of the instruction has its own backing data. Q: Who in the audience has used AOIs?

10 AOI Structure The implementation permits the user to define input pins, output pins and even parameters passed by reference (InOut pins). You can specify which pins are visible by default and even required. In addition to the input/output parameters, you can define internal or local tags that remain within the instruction. The environment will do automatic datatype conversion for numeric datatypes. If a Bool is passed it must be placed in a BOOL, if a SINT, INT, DINT or REAL are passed they will be converted automatically to the data type specified on the input or the target tag programmed for the output tag. If a compound data type (UDT or Array) is specified, they must have a matching data type. Local Tags User specified name, data-type and description Supports atomic (BOOL, SINT, INT, DINT and REAL) and compound data types (UDT and Arrays) Tag definitions and names loaded into controller while descriptions are saved in project Tags only accessible by the code within the instruction. Use a Parameter if you want to access tag from an HMI Version Control As an instruction is created and updated, historical information is tracked – Who created, latest change, user comments. Help Automatically-generated help includes Instruction Description Parameter names, data-types and descriptions Instruction sample view Extended description can be entered to further document the instruction – Presented when user requests help for the instruction.

11 Accessing the Module Object – New to V24 in AOIs
Module Object now accessible inside the AOI Abstract HW centric code for machine/process code Return the comm. Path from the Instance Name

12 Using Program Parameters Connecting to AOI
Can reference Parameters or Physical I/O

13 Modular Code Design: Program Parameters

14 Modular Programming Pieces and Parts
The module contains the “details” of the solution, The “Details” Connections My_Module Interface Code The output is the “Result” The “Result” Input1 Input2 Output1 Modularity is the degree to which a system's components may be separated and recombined. Each (engineering) team member has their own module Each module has Inputs/Outputs Each module does something different Outputs from one module are used as an input into another module Define our interface (kinda like a wall) – Think about nothing coming in or out without passing through the Interface. Note that we’re not saying this can’t be done, but that detracts from the pure modularity idea. Add the inner workings (local tags and code) – Modular programming is just a CONCEPT. You can apply the modular programming practice in any programming language. Local Tags Leave the details to the designer and provide flexibility for user

15 Historical Modularity
I need sharing! CS_Tag1 CS_Tag2 CS_Tag3 Prog_01 Code Routines Program Tags Tag_4 Tag_5 Tag_6 Prog_02 Code Routines Program Tags Tag_4 Tag_5 Tag_6 Explain the layout of routines which leverage Program-scoped tags. Data at the program scope is isolated from other programs. Routines cannot access data that is at the program scope of another program. You can reuse the tag name of a program-scoped tag in multiple programs. For example, both Prog_01 and Prog_02 can have a program tag named Tag_4. Data

16 Parameters for Programs -Conceptual Block Diagram (Sharing)
Controller scope tags are still important in our code. But they are no longer a requirement for sharing data between programs. CS_Tag1 CS_Tag2 CS_Tag3 Prog_01 Code Routines Local Tags Parameters In Out InOut Prog_02 Code Routines Local Tags Parameters In Out Shows BASIC conceptual diagram of Program Parameters. It’s no longer necessary to use the controller-scoped tags as a gateway between programs. They can share directly and exchange data between them through parameter passing. Taken the program container and ADDED to it Parameters. Copy and paste without disturbing the parameter configuration. Supports modular automation practices and enables a higher level (more complex) encapsulation. AOI-style Input, Output, and In/Out parameters for Programs Supports strings, arrays, and structures as parameters Online editable and supports sub-element connections Ability to interconnect Programs with these parameters Ability to Copy / Paste Programs without disturbing parameter configuration Not just Atomic data type Passed by value = data stays the same PLC5 Passed by reference = data changes PAC Public limit = no inherit the source, could be value or reference. Alias vs. Public Public defined data type can’t produce/consume Data

17 Public Parameters - “Global” Tag at a Program Level
Like a Controller- Scoped Tag But at the Program level.. Program Controller Public parameters represent a “public” memory space at program level. They behave very similarly to Controller-scoped tags. They can be connected to Input, Output, and InOut parameters. One Public parameter can be connected or bound to multiple Input, Output or InOut parameters to form a shared memory space. Allows the modularity to be increased at program level.

18 Parameter Types and Rules
Connected To # of Connections When refreshed Passed By Comments Input Controller Tags 1 Before each scan Value Output Params Public Params InOut Params Output Multiple After each scan Input Param InOut Controller tags With source param Reference Acts like an alias Public Param Output Param Constant olny Public Like Controller- scoped at Program Level Output Param InOut Param

19 Program Parameters Safety to Standard Connections
DrvCntrl IN EStop System OUT Safety Output Parameters can connect to Standard Input Parameters.

20 Conceptual Diagram Direct Access to Program Parameters
Valve Code Routines Parameters Local Tags WaterLevel High_Lvl_Tmr TankCtrl Code Routines Parameters Local Tags Cannot Access Local Tags from other programs Q: Can Local Tags be accessed externally? A: No, just the parameters. (In, Out and Public) InOut Parameters cannot be accessed via direct access. Sell the real-time Un-buffered aspect of this. If data needs to be available outside of the program, then it needs to be in the interface! Format: \<ProgramName>.Parameter \Valve.WaterLevel

21 Direct Access to Program Parameters
In-line access to Program Parameters (\prog1.var) Leading ‘\’ identifies the argument as a program and not as tag Full Programming Language Support (ST, RLL, FBD, SFC) Format \<ProgramName>.Parameter \Valve.WaterLevel \ gives access Direct access allows for a more dynamic (real-time, un-buffered) data values.

22 System Organization - Solution
System Security & IP Management Library Management Device Management Modular Automation Collaborative Engineering Actionable Information Virtual Design & Engineering Studio 5000 view code in an intuitive way

23 Logix Task Relationships Refresher

24 Logix Task Operation Executes each program top to bottom and then restarts Operates at the lowest priority on the controller Uses all CPU time left after other tasks execute Interrupted by operating system to perform processor and communications overhead Traditional PLC Scan Triggered automatically at a preset time interval Interrupts lower priority tasks and can be interrupted by higher priority tasks (15 Levels) Will time-slice on a 1ms basis with another task at the same priority level Captures fault for task overlap Similar to PLC/SLC Selectable Timed Interrupt (STI) Triggered on arrival of input, consumed tag, motion operations, via another program, or a Windows Event for SofLogix5800 Priority same options as Periodic... Similar to PLC Peripheral Input Interrupt (PII) or SLC Discrete Input Interrupt (DII) Continuous Task Scan CPU Overhead Time-slice Task Auto-restart Scan interrupted by periodic and event tasks Program 2 Program 1 Program ..n ... Periodic Task Scan Program 2 Program 1 Program ..n ... 5ms 10ms 15ms Depending on task priority scan interrupted by other periodic and event tasks Event Task Scan Program 2 Program 1 Program ..n ... Input Motion Code Depending on task priority scan interrupted by other periodic and event tasks Continuous Task – Runs code as fast as possible Periodic Task – Permits consistent time-based code execution Event Task – Runs based on a configured input trigger

25 Preemptive Multi-Tasking Operating System
IEC compliant tasking model Support for 32 separate tasks 15 Priority levels Up to Programs per task System Task Motion Task Fault Task User Task Password Configuration Status Watchdog Program I/O Data array[x] float int struct struct array[x] Global Data array[x,y,z] Fault Routine if A=12 then B subroutine --| |------( )-- Local Data Main Routine Logix Controller Use this slide to articulate that there are pre-defined tasks running in addition to User Tasks, and illustrate Data organization. IEC compliant tasking model 32 separate tasks: Segment your application Execute each piece at an appropriate rate 1 Continuous task 31 Periodic tasks each running at a different interval down to 2ms (STI) or Event Based Tasks 15 Priority levels Up to 1000 Programs per task System overhead task scheduled as a percent of available CPU Time

26 Continuous vs Periodic Tasks
Given an application that must be serviced every 60msec, and the code takes 40msec to execute: Continuous Task Restarts Continuous Task 10% CPU Overhead Continuous Task 25% CPU Overhead Periodic Task CPU Overhead 2 msec / increments Periodic Task Restarts CT(in ms) = 100/%OTS – 1 DEMO Task scan time monitor vs. Program scan time monitor in Studio 5000. 10% Continuous 25% Continuous 60msec Periodic Continuous Task with 10% CPU time-slice: Task executes every ~44msec, for every 60msec there is 5msec of Overhead Continuous Task with 25% CPU time-slice: Task executes every ~57msec, for every 60msec there is 15msec of Overhead Periodic task set at 60msec: Task executes every 60msec and completes in 40msec, for every 60msec there is 20msec of Overhead

27 Multiple Task Interactions
Motion Planner Event Periodic Continuous CPU Overhead Event Task Delayed by Motion Periodic Task Delayed 2 ms by Motion and Event Task Continuous Task Restarts 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Overhead Delayed 2 ms by Motion and Event Task = Suspended Task Explain the multi-tasking operating system and explain the chart above where the tasks at the top of the chart are the highest priority and the ones at the bottom are the lowest priority. Explain the impact of this type of task structure on communications and how the SOTS works (CPU OverHead). This is very important material for anyone using multiple tasks in Logix, but not easily explained. Task Configuration Execution Time Task Duration Motion Planner 8ms Assumes 1ms 1 ms Event Input, priority 1 1 to 2 ms Periodic 12 ms, priority 2 4 ms 4 to 6 ms CPU Overhead 20% of Continuous (1 ms every 5ms) 1msec worst case 1 to 7 ms Continuous n/a 20 ms ~46 to 48 ms

28 A Logical View of the System
VFFS VFFS Infeed Filling Infeed Forming Forming Filling Sealing Sealing Mixer Vertical form fill seal From this view, the user will define a multi-level, organizational hierarchy of folders, programs, & phases to represent their system. Addition Addition Mixer Agitate Agitate Pressure Ctrl Pressure Ctrl

29 A Logical View of the System
Logically Organized Programs Span the Tasks The Logical Organizer provides a way to create a organizational model of the system from the user’s perspective. This facilitates good modular automation design practices. Paradigm shift from how the “controller executes code” to how the “user views the system”. View supports same functionality as execution view to create, edit, or delete code. Organizational hierarchy is stored in the controller and therefore is recoverable on upload. Folders are just organizers. Eventually supporting additional files such as PDFs, etc.

30 System Organizer Logical View
Use this slide to illustrate how sections of the machine code are segregated.

31 Logical Program Grouping
Introducing a virtual concept of “sub-programs” Allows nesting of a number (<= 15) of sub- programs under a single program Allows for a better representation of physical resources and functions Sub-programs are a logical representation and not an execution view Drag & drop of structure (program + sub- programs) to and from the library Increased number of programs per task. Mixer 1 Code Routines Parameters Local Tags - Addition Code Routines Parameters Local Tags - Agitate Code Routines Parameters Local Tags Press Cntrl Code Routines Parameters Local Tags Discuss options of how this grouping could in fact help a customer with examples: Calendar Stack with an Upper and Lower Roll with a spreader roll. Or in the picture below how the mixer can be sectionalized and represented

32 Library Management - Solution
System Organization System Security & IP Management Library Management Device Management Modular Automation Collaborative Engineering Throughout the day, we have discussed a variety of modular programming techniques and organizational tools. Let’s tie this all together now with a few workflow examples and additional Library Management options. Play video. Collaboration necessitates project sharing and workflows. Our goal is to preserve existing workflows, not requiring you to work differently or adopt separate tools. To do this, we plan to leverage Logix ACD file(s) as library containers or central repositories. Programs, Phases, UDT’s, AOI’s, & Routines (basically anything that can be imported/exported or copy/pasted in Logix) is supported content. The benefits: Managed dependencies and “collisions” Full library content editing Organizational hierarchies Program renaming facilitated through the user interface Partial import enhancements Actionable Information Virtual Design & Engineering Studio 5000 easily store and find code

33 Library Options Using XML Code Import/Export Library Management Tools
Right Click You’ve seen a few of these tools already. Import/Exporting of components to various formats (L5X, XML) L5K Full application (code + data) and documentation Imports as a new project and creates a new ACD file and cannot be imported over an existing file. Cannot attach to a controller running the previously exported program Does not maintain RSNetWorx Configurations Useful for providing a reduced size backup of the program CSV Primarily a tag definition import/export Merges into and replaces tag definitions within an ACD file. Can still attach to the processor after the import Requires I/O modules and bases tags to exist before importing Alias tags Useful for changing tag descriptions and defining new tags Logical Organizer visualization

34 Library .ACD Deployment
My Project .ACD Create from Library Demonstrate the Flow of using Library content in a project and then likewise populating the Library from a working ACD file. The Hierarchy will prove to be a very valuable tool going forward. *Multiple or Hierarchy *Drag and Drop Copy and Paste Gets all the backing tags Add to Library This includes Dependencies (UDT, AOI’s)

35 Library .ACD Deployment
My Project .ACD Logical View Execution View Rest assured, the original project views are still available.

36 Efficient Project Design
Create, store, share and reuse content Project Deadline 24 HRs !!

37 Efficient Project Design
Create, store, share and reuse content I just finished building Line 1, and it works! Now I need to duplicate it many times! But that is a lot of work & what if I make a mistake? I wish there was an easier way! Project Deadline 24 HRs !!

38 Efficient Project Design
Create, store, share and reuse content I’ve heard Logix Designer V24 can help All I need to do is copy the entire line_01 folder… Paste, answer a few questions and…Done! This will put us way ahead of schedule!!!! New capabilities on the way! (Logical Organizer, Program Parameters, PIO Enhancements)

39 Efficient Project Design
Create, store, share and reuse content Enhanced coping of content across projects or within project with Version 24 Manage references (Tag Aliases, Program Connections) Manage dependencies (AOI’s UDT’s and Tags) Manage conflicts (Overwrite or Use Existing) Optionally include/exclude data values Supports online and offline workflows

40 Collaborative Engineering - Solution
System Organization System Security & IP Management Library Management Device Management Modular Automation Collaborative Engineering Actionable Information Virtual Design & Engineering Studio 5000 collaborative engineering

41 Support Collaborative Engineering
Enable multiple people to code, then compare and merge

42 Support Collaborative Engineering
Enable multiple people to code, then compare and merge Multiple people can independently work offline, then merge their work back together! New capabilities on the way! (Compare & Merge Tool)

43 Collaborative Engineering
Compare and Merge Tool V17-20 RSLogix5000 (V21+) Logix Designer Selectable Side by Side Comparison and Merge Programs Tags & I/O Routines Motion Groups AOI UDT

44 Enhanced Existing Features
System Organization System Security & IP Management Library Management Device Management Modular Automation Collaborative Engineering Actionable Information Virtual Design & Engineering Maximize your engineering and design capabilities

45 Maximize your engineering and design capabilities
V22 Motion Enhancements Maximize your engineering and design capabilities

46 Drive Multiplexing (V24)
Support for L7x and CompactLogix 5370 controllers Provides three coarse update periods (CUR) per controller Available for CIP Motion drives and Virtual axes Benefit – increase Logix controller drive control capacity Without drive multiplexing ….. Set CUR based on the highest performance drive (1 CUR supported)…wasted controller capacity With drive multiplexing…. Set CUR to match drive performance (3 CUR supported) ….optimize controller capacity utilization Multiple uses Reduce the number of L7x controllers Expand CompactLogix 5370 application range Rate Selection Estimated and Actual Utilization Requires 2 -L7x controls Fits in 1 - L7x control Not possible Possible

47 V21 and Prior Motion Group Coarse Update Rate
Only Operate At Machine Set Up Only 1 Coarse Update Rate Explain the application where multiple axes exists. Highlight the fact the there are axes in the system that do not run continuous OR that do not demand a fast CUP. Highlight the fact today that we only have one coarse update rate. Because we have seen more and more axes being added we saw the need to add some additional flexibility to this. – Then go to the next slide. Fan or Pump Run Continuous

48 V24 w/ Drive Multiplexing (Multiple Rate Selection)
AX_SetUp_DS AX_SetUp_Cntr AX_SetUp_OS Multiple Rate Selections AX_Unw AX_GR01 AX_GR02 AX_GR03 AX_SetUp_DS AX_SetUp_Cntr AX_SetUp_OS AX_ExConv Explain the application where multiple axes exists. Highlight the fact the there are axes in the system that do not run continuous OR that do not demand a fast CUP. Highlight the fact today that we only have one coarse update rate. Because we have seen more and more axes being added we saw the need to add some additional flexibility to this. – Then go to the next slide. AX_Unw AX_GR01 AX_GR02 AX_GR03 AX_ExConv Match the Update Rate With The Machine Functionality

49 V22 w/ Drive Multiplexing (Multiple Rate Selection)
Estimated & Actual Utilization AX_Unw AX_SetUp_DS AX_ExConv AX_GR01 AX_SetUp_Cntr AX_GR02 AX_SetUp_OS AX_GR03 Estimated and actual utilization metrics Information on important system performance metrics – calculated and runtime actual FYI: Same metrics are available in Integrated Architecture Builder (IAB) Manage/predict system performance during design, programming, and commissioning

50 IAB Motion Performance Calculator
Use the IAB motion performance calculator to verify application performance New in V9.5.x.x …..Drive Multiplexing Select up to 3 CUR per controller/project New V9.5.x.x 5050

51 Things you have been asking for!!!!
Maximize your engineering and design capabilities

52 Other Important Features
The many hidden gems of the “Automation Productivity” release… Have you been asking for these? Simpler “delete” of programs in Logix? Select a program, hit “delete”. Also works on groups of programs! Works offline and online Manage multiple project components like AOI’s, UDT’s, Programs? Select multiple items, then copy/paste, drag/drop, export/import them as one! Are you moving to Windows 8.1 ? If so, you are in luck. We will support Windows 8.1 Are you interested in mobile support for Logix Designer? We will support Windows 8.1 including tablets, additionally targeting virtualization and remote desktops solutions

53 Other Important Features
The many hidden gems of the “Automation Productivity” release… Have you been asking for these? Have you been asking for Alarm support? Yes! Alarms will again be supported! Do you use robots or are you interested in Safe Torque Off drive control? Safe & standard connections will be included! Do you need more than 100 programs per task? We will now support 1000 programs per task! Wondering what new devices be supported in this release? Many new devices (both RA and Partner) will be supported!

54 That concludes the new programming changes so now lets look at hardware

55 Sample of new Rockwell Automation Profiles
1788-EN2DNR 440R-ENETR (Guardmaster Ethernet Interface AOP) 193-ECM-ETR 1756-OB16IEF 1756-OB16IEFS 1734-UB2 1769-AENTR 1756-HIST 1734-IB8S and 1734-OB8S 1756-IB16F 1734-AENT/AENTR Series B PowerFlex® 755 CIP Motion AOPs Stratix 5700 and 8000 enhancements 1783-BMS10CGN, 1783BMS20CGN, BMS10CG and 1783-BMS20CGP, Stratix Modules with NAT support Kinetix 5500 ERS2 with Integrated Safety over EtherNet/IP (safe and CIP motion connections) 1444-Dynamix PowerMonitor™ 5000

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