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Digestion Esophagus Stomach Anatomy Muscularis Externa Stomach Mucosa

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Presentation on theme: "Digestion Esophagus Stomach Anatomy Muscularis Externa Stomach Mucosa"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestion Esophagus Stomach Anatomy Muscularis Externa Stomach Mucosa
. Be able to discuss the anatomy of the esophagus and discuss how its structure is related to its function. Be able to discuss the anatomy of the stomach and discuss how its structure is related to its function. Know the basic anatomy of the stomach. Be able to discuss the function of the major cell types found in the stomach. Marieb 23

2 Swallowing: Voluntary and Involuntary Phases
Tongue forces bolus into pharynx Epiglottis blocks trachea Pharynx and Esophageal muscles contract Upper Esophageal Sphincter Opens 2

3 Esophagus: “Food Carrier”
Upper esophageal sphincter Lower esophageal sphincter Esophageal Hiatus

4 Esophagus: Mucosa and Submucosa
Stratified Squamous Folds Esophageal glands 4

5 Esophagus: Muscularis externa
Skeletal Muscle Smooth Muscle 5

6 Esophagus to Stomach Peristalsis 2-8 seconds No Digestion
No Absorption 6

7 Operation Video (also contains segmentation)
Peristalsis Cartoon Operation Video (also contains segmentation) 7

8 GERD – Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
“Heartburn” Pregnancy Obesity Runner’s reflux Overeating/drinking 8

9 Stomach Functions Reservoir for Food Mechanical Digestion
Protein Digestion Appetite Control 9

10 Stomach Position Ventral to Liver Inferior to Diaphragm 6-10” Long
50ml  4 Liters in volume

11 Stomach Gross Anatomy Cardia Fundus Body Rugae Pyloric Region !

12 Pyloric Region of Stomach
Pyloric Antrum Pyloric Canal Pyloric Sphinter

13 Stomach Mesenteries Greater Curvature Greater Omentum Lesser Curvature
Lesser Omentum 13

14 Greater Omentum Loose network of fat deposits Visceral Fat
Lymph Nodes- immune system for peritoneal cavity 14

15 Layers of the Stomach: Muscularis Externa
Lumen Oblique Circular Longitudinal 15

16 Layers of the Stomach: Mucosa
Gastric Pits 16

17 Gastric Pits Produce Stomach Acid
Depths are lined with specialized cells 17

18 Parietal (Oxyntic) Cells
HCl Intrinsic Factor (needed for B12 absorption) Decrease pH

19 Acids Denature Proteins

20 Gastric Juice Production
3L/Day Gastrin Gastrin Inhibitors 20

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