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Great Man Theory of Leadership

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1 Great Man Theory of Leadership
Brad Sinkaus Professor Constance B. Newman GOVT-522

2 What is Great Man Theory (GMT)?
Leadership is inherent, not learned Leaders come forth when they are needed most (in times of crisis, war, etc.) “Heroic”, “mythic,” usually male Display certain traits that dictate leadership ability

3 Historical Context First posited by Thomas Carlyle in 1841
Political and military leaders Usually from the aristocracy Inherited particular traits

4 Criticisms of Great Man Theory
Spencer’s argument: “Before he can remake his society, his society must remake him.” Traits ≠ Leader Gender bias and GMT (Gilligan 1982) Distinguishing between a leader and leadership (Heifetz 2002)

5 Examination Question Is subscribing to Great Man Theory a detriment, as framed by Helen Eckmann, or can it be an asset, as framed by Turak?

6 Contemporary Interpretations of GMT Traits
Eckmann Turak Take all of the credit Smartest in the room Act like they care about others Competitive Associate with the “boss” Remind others of expertise Blame those below them Micromanage Talk about work all the time Seek to be their own person Vocation Self-confidence Superstition Challenge Persistence Action bias Optimism Faith

7 “Inside-Out” vs. “Outside-In” Theories
Current political situation: Liberals: Changing people requires changing their environment Conservatives: Individuals must be free to act on their own Turak: “Every great leader has a bias toward the inside-out, Great Man theory of history and human nature regardless of whether this theory is objectively valid or not.”

8 Conclusion Historically, Great Man Theory posited that leaders are born to lead due to inherent traits GMT has been largely criticized for its overemphasis on traits, ignorance of the influence of social environments, and gender bias Contemporary interpretations highlight the fact that in addition to the influence of particular social environments, great men and women exhibit “leadership” traits that facilitate their success

9 Works Cited Cherry, Kendra. “The Great Man Theory of Leadership.” VeryWell. 9 May Accessed June 11, 2016. Cherry, Kendra. “Leadership Theories: The Eight Major Leadership Theories. VeryWell. 20 April Accessed June 11, 2016. “Great man and theory of leadership.” UKEssays. 23 March Accessed June 10, 2016. Eckmann, Helen L. “Great Man Theory: A personal account of attraction.” Paper for the IBA Conference. National University, San Diego. Accessed June 10, 2016. Gilligan, Carol. In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press Heifetz, Ronald A. and Martin Linsky. Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading. Cambridge: Harvard Business Review Press Turak, August. “Eight Lessons from the Great Man (or Woman) School of Leadership.” Forbes. 10 April Accessed June 10, 2016. University Alliance. “The Great Man Theory.” Villanova University. Accessed June 11, 2016.

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