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Multiplying Decimals.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiplying Decimals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiplying Decimals

2 Video

3 Vocabulary .6 3 x2.8 1.764 Factors – numbers you multiply
Product – answer to multiplication problem Decimal – point the separates the whole number from the part

4 Remember – DO NOT line up the decimal points when multiplying
Remember – DO NOT line up the decimal points when multiplying! Pretend they aren’t there!!!! .6 3 x2.8

5 -.31 x -4.02 Be careful setting this one up! The number with the most digits ALWAYS goes on top! 1.2462

6 Task card Activity You will work in pairs – I pick these
You will be given 6 cards with problems on them and a recording sheet for each of you. Choose a card – you each work the problem on your recording sheet. When finished, compare answers to see if you agree. If you agree, then do the same with the next card. If you don’t agree, discuss and figure out where/who made the mistake and correct it. When you finish all 6 problems, go to the board, find your set and see if all 6 answers are correct. If one/two don’t match with mine, go back and figure out your mistake. When they all match, turn your pages into the blue bucket and you may then work on your homework – BY YOURSELF! You can NOT go onto your homework until you BOTH turn in a COMPLETED task card sheet showing all your work.

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