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Welcome to Metal working I, ii & iii

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Metal working I, ii & iii"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Metal working I, ii & iii
Mr. Medenbach Welcome to Metal working I, ii & iii

2 Why does metal shop exist?

3 Program purpose The purpose for metal shop is for students to develop the knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes that will help them be successful in post-secondary training and career opportunities.

4 Who decided what metal shop would be?
Advisory Council Community… Rancher Mechanic Metalworkers/welders Carpenter Electrician Teacher Business owner

5 What will we be learning?
Accurate measurement

6 What will we be learning?
Power tool safety and use

7 What will we be learning?
Personal protective equipment use

8 What will we be learning
Welding skills

9 What will we be learning?
Cutting torch use

10 What will we be learning?
Read and draw blueprints

11 What will we be learning?
Accurate measurement Power tool safety/use PPE Welding skills Cutting torch use Blueprint reading/drawing

12 Projects in metal shop Introductory Projects Metal heart Napkin holder
Lamp Stool Sheetmetal toolbox

13 Projects in metal shop Continuing students Candelabra Metal rose
Coat rack Bookshelf Jackstands Art Student generated idea project art, tools, toys, let your imagination be your guide


15 Art Metals Projects

16 More metal art!


18 Scrolled Iron Furniture
















34 Take Home Projects

35 Community Projects

36 Sport Accessories

37 Weekly schedules New/intermediate week – Shop work
Next Week – Classroom work Learn to use shop tools Learn to use blueprint tools Get checked out to use tools Learn blueprint skills Work on projects Work on blueprint assignments Next week back to shop …. Advanced week – Skill work Next Week – Project or Skill work Gain skills in… Work on projects of your choice Different kinds of welding Or build new skills The use of different tools Next week back to skill work…

38 Classroom Norms Professionalism in all things! Punctual Safe
On time every period Check in at office if tardy Come early to shoot hoops Safe The careful with yourself and those around you Respectful Raise your hand, be patient Treat staff and fellow students with respect

39 Consequences to unprofessional behavior
1st time – Discrete verbal warning per week 2nd time – lunch detention 3rd time- ISS/ Behavior reflection assignment/lose points/parent contact

40 Personal electronic device policy
Phones, mp-3 players etc. not allowed in the shop or classroom If seen they will be confiscated and must be retrieved from the office after school Parent contact/lunch detention for repeat offense

41 Weekly Grade matrix – Attendance
Attendance /punctuality Safe /respectful On-task Records work 10/10 points Present and on time every day, all absences made up 8/10 points 7/10 points 1 absence, no make-ups 6/10 points 2 absences, no make-ups 5/10 points 3 or more absences, no make-ups

42 Weekly Grade matrix – Safety/Respect
Attendance /punctuality Safe /respectful On-task Records work 10/10 points Daily 8/10 points 1-2 warnings 7/10 points 3 warnings 6/10 points 4 warnings 5/10 points 5 or more warnings

43 Weekly Grade matrix – On-Task
Attendance /punctuality Safe /respectful On-task Records work 10/10 points No warnings 8/10 points 1-2 warning 7/10 points 3 warnings 6/10 points 4 warnings 5/10 points 5 or more warnings

44 Weekly Grade matrix – records all work
Attendance /punctuality Safe /respectful On-task Records work 10/10 points Everyday 8/10 points 1 missing entry 7/10 points Not recorded 6/10 points 5/10 points

45 Weekly Grade matrix Weekly Grade Attendance /punctuality
Safe /respectful On-task Records work 10/10 points Present and on time every day, or all absences made up Daily No warnings Everyday 8/10 points 1-2 warnings 1 missing entry 7/10 points 1 absence or tardy, no make-ups 3 warnings Not recorded 6/10 points 2 absences or tardys , no make-ups 4 warnings 5/10 points 3 or more absences or tardys, no make-ups 5 or more warnings

46 Report card grade 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 59% or less F
Your mid-term and final report card grade will be calculated by averaging your weekly grades.

47 Attendance policies Just like in the workplace, good attendance is very important in metal shop! Absences will cause lower weekly grades Absences can be made up by completing take-home career exploration assignments

48 Fire drill procedure Step 1: Turn off machine
Step 2: Walk out south exit Step 3: Meet at the edge of A court parking lot

49 Assitance If you are having trouble with: Stress
Bullying/ physical threats Put downs Other problems See Mr. Medenbach privately or

50 Substitutes Students are expected to be professional
Students will quietly watch industrial video Students with less than professional behavior will lose weekly grade points

51 Other expetations Bathrooms- treat them with respect
Basketball hoop- shoot until you miss then pass to next person first name starts with the next nearest letter. Used only between periods. Fee- $15 due within one month of start of class

52 Safe clothes and tools Please wear… You may bring your own… Long pants
100% cotton clothes (or leather/fire resistant shop coats) Close toed shoes You may consider buying your own leather gloves and/or plyers

53 Any questions? Please sign the sheet saying that you’ve hear all of this and take a permission slip. THANK YOU FOR COMING TO METAL SHOP!

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