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Science Olympiad Crime Busters (B)

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Presentation on theme: "Science Olympiad Crime Busters (B)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Olympiad Crime Busters (B)
Hints, Tips, Things to Prep

2 Overview Story arc presents Table of Results suspects
types of evidence which exhibit goes w/ which suspect Table of Results Evidence Powder Metal Liquid Hair Chro Crime Scene P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M3 M4 M2 Suspect 1 Suspects Suspect 2 Suspect 3

3 Prep Pack the Student Kit see list in Rules ex: hand lens(es)
ex: small containers (spot plates / well plates?) plural have enough to run all tests w/o washing waterproof box for dirty ex: paper towels does not specify all the same type pack plenty (include enough for cleanup) Read the rules… build the kit while practicing the tests

4 Categories of Exemplars
Powders Metals Liquids Hair Fibers Chromatography DNA (results) Fingerprints Recyclable Plastics Shoe Prints / Tire Tracks Required Groups - 55% Optional Groups – 15% Analysis – 30%

5 Prep: Powders, Metals, Liquids
Develop a Flowchart Practice the tests chart of results in binder count equipment needed for student kit

6 Prep - Powders Add Water Swells  Gelatin Bubbles  Alka-Seltzer
Cloudy and Stinks  Yeast Dissolves  go to pH test Does not Dissolve  go to iodine test

7 Prep - Powders Dissolved  pH test Acid  Vitamin C Base  add vinegar
Bubbles  Baking Soda No Bubbles Sodium Acetate Neutral  observe the crystals Cubic  Salt Hex  Sugar

8 Prep - Powders Did Not Dissolved  Iodine test No Change  Sand
Brown / Tan  add vinegar Bubbles  Calcium Carbonate No Bubbles Calcium Sulfate Blue  observe original color White  Cornstarch Off-White  Flour

9 Prep - Metals Color Copper Magnet Iron HCl Zinc Tin Aluminum Magnesium
Yellow/Orange Color Copper Other Attracts Magnet Iron Not Bubbles; Steam HCl Magnesium Bubbles; No Steam Zinc No Bubbles; Dents Easy Tin No Bubbles; No Dent Aluminum

10 Prep - Liquids Physical Characteristics & pH Liquid Odor Color
Blue Litmus Red Litmus pH A/B/N Alcohol strong clear R 6 A Ammonia B 11-12 HydPer weak to B to R Lemon weak fruit yellow 2 Vinegar 3 Water none 7 N

11 Prep - Hair Human Medullary index < 1/3
even distribution of pigment Hair Cross-Section Human Hairs

12 Prep - Hair Animal Medullary index > 1/2 Dog continuous medulla
scales usually not visible ovoid bodies root is spade-like

13 Prep - Hair Animal Medullary index > 1/2 Cat
uniserial medulla; very large spinous scales root looks frayed

14 Prep - Fibers Animal (Hair) Synthetic cuticle and/or madula
smooth surface odd cross-section

15 Fiber – Burn Tests Synthetic Animal Vegetable
shrinks from flame or melts Animal smolders smells like burning hair Vegetable irregular burn rate stinks

16 Prep - Polymers Density Dichotomous Key 2 5 4 6 1 Water 46%
Isopropyl Alcohol Vegetable Oil 10% NaCl Saturated NaCl PP LDPE HDPE PS PETE PVC PC PMMA Unknown Polymer floats sinks 2 5 4 6 1

17 Prep - Chromatography Typical chromatograms

18 Optional - Fingerprints
arch tented loop radial ulnar

19 Optional - Fingerprints
whorl central pocket double loop accidental

20 Optional – DNA Chromatogram

21 Optional - Foot & Tire Prints
visual comparison

22 Optional - Spatter Directionality Angle of Impact Droplet Size

23 Option – Soils compare composition microscopic examination
soil triangle

24 Science Olympiad Crime Busters (B)
Hints, Tips, Things to Prep

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