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(for Prof. Oleg Shpyrko)

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1 (for Prof. Oleg Shpyrko)
PHYSICS 2CL – SPRING Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics Prof. Leonid Butov (for Prof. Oleg Shpyrko) Mayer Hall Addition (MHA) 3681, ext Office Hours: Mondays, 3PM-4PM. Lecture: Mondays, 2:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m., York Hall 2722 Course materials via (including these lecture slides, manual, schedules etc.)

2 Today’s Plan: Chi-Squared, least-squared fitting Next week: Review Lecture (Prof. Shpyrko is back)

3 Long-term course schedule
Week Lecture Topic Experiment 1 Mar. 30   Introduction NO LABS 2 Apr. 6   Error propagation; Oscilloscope; RC circuits 3 Apr. 13   Normal distribution; RLC circuits 4 Apr. 20   Statistical analysis, t-values; 5 Apr. 27   Resonant circuits 6 May 4   Review of Expts. 4, 5, 6 and 7 4, 5, 6 or 7 7 May 11 Least squares fitting, c2 test 8 May 18   Review Lecture 9 May 25 No Lecture (UCSD Holiday: Memorial Day) No LABS, Formal Reports Due 10 June 1 Final Exam Schedule available on WebCT

4 Labs Done This Quarter 0. Using lab hardware & software
Analog Electronic Circuits (resistors/capacitors) Oscillations and Resonant Circuits (1/2) Resonant circuits (2/2) Refraction & Interference with Microwaves Magnetic Fields LASER diffraction and interference Lenses and the human eye This week’s lab(s), 3 out of 4

Purpose: 1) Agreement with theory? 2) Parameters y(x) = Bx

6 LINEAR FIT x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6 y(x) = A +Bx :
LINEAR FIT y(x) = A +Bx : A – intercept with y axis B – slope x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6 q where B=tan q A

7 ? LINEAR FIT x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6 y(x) = A +Bx y=-2+2x
LINEAR FIT ? y(x) = A +Bx x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6 y=-2+2x y=9+0.8x

8 LINEAR FIT x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6 y(x) = A +Bx y=-2+2x
LINEAR FIT y(x) = A +Bx x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6 y=-2+2x y=9+0.8x Assumptions: dxj << dyj ; dxj = 0 yj – normally distributed sj: same for all yj

9 S LINEAR FIT: y(x) = A + Bx Yfit(x) 2 Quality [yj-yfitj] of the fit
Method of linear regression, aka the least-squares fit…. Yfit(x) [yj-yfitj] S 2 Quality of the fit y4-yfit4 y3-yfit3

10 S LINEAR FIT: y(x) = A + Bx true value 2 minimize [yj-(A+Bxj)]
Method of linear regression, aka the least-squares fit…. true value [yj-(A+Bxj)] S 2 minimize y4-(A+Bx4) y3-(A+Bx3)

11 What about error bars? Not all data points are created equal!

12 Weight-adjusted average:
Reminder: Typically the average value of x is given as: Sometimes we want to weigh data points with some “weight factors” w1, w2 etc: You already KNOW this – e. g. your grade: Weights: 20 for Final Exam, 20 for Formal Report, and 12 for each of 5 labs – lowest score gets dropped)

13 More precise data points should carry more weight!
Idea: weigh the points with the ~ inverse of their error bar

14 Weight-adjusted average:
How do we average values with different uncertainties? Student A measured resistance 100±1 W (x1=100 W, s1=1 W) Student B measured resistance 105±5 W (x2=105 W, s2=5 W) Or in this case calculate for i=1, 2: with “statistical” weights: BOTTOM LINE: More precise measurements get weighed more heavily!

15 c2 TEST for FIT (Ch.12) How good is the agreement
between theory and data?

16 d = N - c c2 TEST for FIT (Ch.12) # of degrees of freedom # of data
points # of parameters calculated from data # of constraints (Example: You can always draw a perfect line through 2 points)

17 LEAST SQUARES FITTING true value xj yj y=f(x) y4-(A+Bx4) y3-(A+Bx3) …
y(x)=A+Bx+Cx2+exp(-Dx)+ln(Ex)+… y4-(A+Bx4) y3-(A+Bx3) 1. 2. Minimize c2: 3.  A in terms of xj yj ; B in terms of xj yj , … 4. Calculate c2 5. Calculate 6. Determine probability for

18 Usually computer program (for example Origin) can minimize
as a function of fitting parameters (multi-dimensional landscape) by method of steepest descent. Think about rolling a bowling ball in some energy landscape until it settles at the lowest point Best fit (lowest c2) Sometimes the fit gets “stuck” in a local minimum like this one. Solution? Give it a “kick” by resetting one of the fitting parameters and trying again Fitting Parameter Space

19 Example: fitting datapoints to y=A*cos(Bx)
“Perfect” Fit

20 Example: fitting datapoints to y=A*cos(Bx)
“Stuck” in local minima of c2landscape fit

21 Next on PHYS 2CL: Monday, May 18,  Review Lecture

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