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Part 2: Genetics, monohybrid vs. Dihybrid crosses, Chi Square

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1 Part 2: Genetics, monohybrid vs. Dihybrid crosses, Chi Square

2 Genes Alleles Genotype Phenotype F1 generation F2 generation
Section of DNA that codes for a specific protein Alleles Dominant: allele that has an affect in a heterozygous organisms Recessive: allele that does not have an affect in heterozygous organism Symbols: Use letters where capital letter looks different than lowercase letter Genotype Homozygous (organism has TWO identical alleles for a gene…dominant or recessive) Heterozygous Phenotype Observable characteristics of an organism; determined by genotype F1 generation Offspring resulting from cross between organism with a HOMOZYGOUS Dominant parent and a HOMOZYGOUS recessive parent F2 generation Offspring resulting from cross between two F1 generation (heterozygous organism)

3 Co-dominant Multiple Alleles Sex Inheritance
Both alleles express their characteristic at the same time Multiple Alleles When a gene has more than two versions (alleles) Ex. Blood groups Caused by genetic mutation: base substitution, deletion, insertion, etc. Sex Inheritance Alleles found on sex chromosomes (pair 23) Sex-linked gene  gene found on X chromosome and not matched on Y chromosome Use X chromosome as gene symbol with superscript Mother can be carrier Male either has allele or does it have allele Ex. FACTOR VIII Gene that codes for production of protein needed for blood clotting Dominant allele  produces protein (H) Recessive allele  does NOT produce protein (h)



6 Genetic Diagrams Standard way of showing the genotypes of offspring that might be expected from two parents Monohybrid Crosses Diagrams showing inheritance of ONE gene Test Cross Cross organism showing dominant phenotype with organism that is homozygous recessive Phenotypes of offspring will guide you to determine the phenotype of Dominant parent (homozygous or heterozygous)


8 Dihybrid Crosses Diagrams that show inheritance of TWO genes at once
Independent assortment Two ways in which 2 pairs of chromosomes can line up along equator during METAPHASE 1 Many cells going through meiosis  chromosomes in half will line up one way and the other half will line up the other way Predict gametes formed from heterozygous cells appear in equal numbers): AD Ad aD ad



11 Interaction between LOCI
Same Locus Interactions Dominant alleles Dominant & recessive alleles Multiple Alleles Different Loci Interactions Genes at one loci affect inheritance of genes at another loci





16 Autosomal Linkage When two or more gene loci are on the same chromosome Do not sort independently Inherited together (usually)

17 Crossing Over Prophase 1 of meiosis 1
A bivalent (pair of homologous chromosomes) joined by CHIASMATA Chromatids of bivalent can break and reconnect to another NON-SISTER CHROMATID Leads to exchange of gene loci between maternal and paternal chromosome Cross-over value Percentages of offspring that belong to recombinant class Measure of the distance apart of two gene loci on chromosome Smaller cross-over value = closer gene loci are Chance of crossing over DIRECTLY related to distance apart Farther apart = higher chance of crossing over


19 Chi-Squared Test Statistical test that allows comparison of observed results with expected results to determine if there is a significant difference between the two Ratios from genetic diagrams represent PROBALITLITIES of phenotypes Do NOT always come out to that ratio Expected phenotypic ratio vs. actual phenotypic ratio

20 Stage 1 of Chi-squared Test
Complete dihybrid cross for expected results Record expected results on table Observe and record your actual observed results onto table Calculate difference between each set of results Squaring gets rid of negative signs (irrelevant) Divide each square difference by expected value Add up all answers for x2 value Finding expected value with ratio: (using 9:3:3:1) Take ratio (9/16) and multiply by total number of organisms actually produced Take ratio (3/16) and multiply by total number of organisms actually produced Take ratio (1/16) and multiply by total number of organisms actually produced

21 Stage 2 of Chi-Squared Test
Degrees of Freedom of Results Takes into account the number of comparisons made Calculation of degrees of freedom: Degrees of Freedom = # of classes of data – 1 For dihybrid cross, we have 4 possible resulting phenotypes (classes of data) Degrees of freedom = 4-1 = 3 Look at table of X2 probabilities Probabilities in table are the probabilities that the differences between our respected and observed results are due to chance Probability of 0.05 is CRITICAL in biological investigations If X2 value represents probability of 0.05 or larger = differences b/t observed and expected results are due to chance When x2 value is LESS than critical value for that specific degree of freedom, it is GOOD! NOT SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE If X2 value represents probability smaller than 0.05 = differences b/t observed and expected results are SIGNIFICANT, reconsider assumptions about cross Probability 0.1 means 1 in 10 chance Critical value tells us how often we expect to see difference between observed and expected result 0.05 means 5%

22 Hypothesis vs. Null Hypothesis
Null hypothesis is always what is expected to be. Looking at a dihybrid cross, our null hypothesis would be our expected results. “There is NO significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies” Hypothesis: The loss of my homework is due to an alien abduction. Null Hypothesis: The loss of my homework has nothing to do with an alien abduction. When X2 is LESS than critical value, null hypothesis is accepted (GOOD!) When X2 is MORE than critical value, null hypothesis is NOT accepted (it is REJECTED) Something other than chance causing observed results We want Chi-squared value to be LESS than critical value!



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