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Lower Juba Sub-National Food Security Cluster Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Lower Juba Sub-National Food Security Cluster Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lower Juba Sub-National Food Security Cluster Meeting
23rd March 2016

2 Agenda Introductions Review/follow-up actions from previous meeting
Partner Update and Access constraints FSC Monthly responses Humanitarian Response and Gaps AOB

3 Access Constraints & Implications on Operations
To be completed for every meeting

4 Review of FSC Responses for Lower Juba (February 2015)

5 Partners who reported FSC related activities
WFP ADESO CARE SOMALIA NRC OTHERS Partners reporting to the FSC are encouraged to ensure that their activities are adequately captured since under reporting and under representation affects the overall presentations.

6 Cluster Members Responses by Response Priority
Region Improved Access To Food & Safety Nets Livelihood Assets Livelihood Seasonal Inputs Lower Juba Target IASN No. of beneficiaries Reached No. of partners who Reported Target LIAS Target LIIN 29,970 34,686 4 70,265 49,736 193,913 Livelihood Seasonal Inputs the figure represented the calendar month achievement. Partners are reminded to submit 4W matrix by the 14th of each month.

The colour codes were explained as follows:- Red: Indicates that there situation is most dire due to a myriad of reasons such as accessibility, lack of funding etc. Orange: Indicates that the situation is on the verge of digressing into the most critical phase if urgent intervention does not occur in time. Yellow: Indicates a balance between the critical phases and the well performing phases. Light Green: Shows that the situational needs are being achieved upwards of 50% of the overall monthly target. Dark Green: Indicates that the overall strategic objectives have been met in the region of 75% upwards. CARE SOMALIA

The colour codes were explained as follows:- Red: Indicates that there situation is most dire due to a myrad of reasons such as accessibility, lack of funding etc. Orange: Indicates that the situation is on the verge of digressing into the most critical phase if urgent intervention does not occur in time. Yellow: Indicates a balance between the critical phases and the well performing phases. Light Green: Shows that the situational needs are being achieved upwards of 50% of the overall monthly target. Dark Green: Indicates that the overall strategic objectives have been met in the region of 75% upwards.

9 For mapping purposes the achievement are cumulative
The colour codes were explained as follows:- Red: Indicates that there situation is most dire due to a myrad of reasons such as accessibility, lack of funding etc. Orange: Indicates that the situation is on the verge of digressing into the most critical phase if urgent intervention does not occur in time. Yellow: Indicates a balance between the critical phases and the well performing phases. Light Green: Shows that the situational needs are being achieved upwards of 50% of the overall monthly target. Dark Green: Indicates that the overall strategic objectives have been met in the region of 75% upwards.

10 Key Message Responses for January are low primarily due to internal (Programing etc.) and external factor (Lack of funding, implementation strategies are underway) Partners to forward their plans and actuals to FSC. Important to note that you do not need to report if:- Activities are not funded i.e. funding is not confirmed. Activities are funded by implementing donor (i.e. WFP, FAO, UNICEF) Reason, the implementing donor reports on your behalf. You can report all food Security related interventions which are funded by non-implementing donor e.g. ECHO, USAID, OFDA etc. Forward the completed 4W Matrix to Patricia Michael

11 Key Message The high level of food insecurity is expected to deteriorate particularly in Puntland and Somaliland where the impact of drought is intensifying even as the harsh Jilaal season prevails. Even in the context of increased likelihood for near - average 2016 Gu rainfall, the situation calls for close monitoring. In order to effectively deliver planned short-term assistance to the affected communities, agencies require stronger coordination to ensure complementarity of activities and strengthened capacities in the affected areas to optimize impact, improve synergies and reduce duplication. The El Nino-driven drought has left millions in Somalia in need of food and livelihood assistance. There is need for rapid action to scale up the drought response in Puntland and Somaliland in order to safeguard livelihoods and prevent further erosion of household’s nutrition and food security. There is a real risk in reversing the progress made in the drought-affected areas.

12 Any Other Business Procedure to join the FSC mailing list:
1. Go to the link below:   2. Click on Join Somalia FSC mailing list 3. Fill in the required information Click submit upon completion. If you have any additional concerns, please contact Nancy Koech at

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