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CARE Somalia Emergency Response
March 2012
Map of Somalia Food security situation Feb FSNAU
Somalia crisis Beneficiary in lower Juba
Humanitarian Highlights: Country Level – July/October 2011 :
Famine affected : 750,000 Required immediate live saving assistance; 3.3 Million Crises situation:4 million people Nearly 34% of total IDPs in the country live in Mogadishu. Malnourished Children countrywide: 450,000 75% of the malnourished children in the south Approx deaths per /10,000 individuals/ a day Source FSNAU, OCHA
Humanitarian Highlights (March 2012)
Population in need of immediate assistance :2.51 million 1.7 million (68%) of population in need are in the south Malnutrition rates :Approx. 325,000 children < 5 years. 70% of malnourished children lived in southern regions. Mortality rates : 2 adults deaths per 10,000 people per day. Source: OCHA
Security update (Oct-Nov 2011)
Project Area Event 28/11/2011 south-central Al-shabab banned agencies: UNHCR, UNOPS, UNICEF, UNPF, FSNAU, NRC, DRC, CONCERN, NCA, COOPI, SAWA, ACF, SOLIDARITY and German Agency for technical cooperation. 13/10/2011 Border-Somalia/Kenya 3 Aid workers 12/01/2012 Close to Diif-Lower Juba 4 Police officer, LGO , Civilian killed at the border. 16/10/2011 Dobley ( Lower Juba) Military Incursion by KDF 16/02/2012 Shabax( Lower Juba) Al-Shabab attack-looting 181 bags of CSB and hijack a truck.
Emergency Funding –Overview
Source USD Activity Location End date OFDA 2,900,000 WASH, Livelihoods Puntland, Sool, Sanaag June. 2012 Pooled fund (US) 1,700,000 Food vouchers, nutrition WASH Puntland IDPs Mogadishu June 2012 CIDA 600,000 Nutrition, WASH, NFI Lower Juba, Gedo March 2012 DEC II 1,946,886 Food vouchers Puntland, Cord aid (Dutch public) 1,300,000 Cash for work, cash relief Sool/Sanaag May , 2012 AUSAID 968,125 WASH ,Food Voucher CARE Austria 60,000 Protection Advisor Puntland Dec 2012 Total 9,475,011
Pipeline CARE Germany $ 500,000 WASH IDPs Mogadishu ECHO € 2 million
Source USD Activity Location CARE Germany $ 500,000 WASH IDPs Mogadishu ECHO € 2 million USD$ 2.62 M Food vouchers, Nutrition, Mogadishu/Puntland CHF $1.2 million $ 900,000 Agriculture and Livelihood Lower Juba Mogadishu Total USD$ 4.6 million
CS: Emergency Strategic Plan( 2008-2013)
SD2. To reduce the impact of emergencies on vulnerable communities, particularly women and children. Obj: 2.1 Strengthen our organizational & local partners’ capacity Obj. 2.2 Apply Recognized principles and standards in all emergency response such as the Conflict sensitivity Do- no-harm principles SPHERE standards
Geographical target locations
South-central North ( Puntland, Somaliland) Mogadishu Sool, Sanaag, Bari, Nugaal Lower Juba Mudug, Bari/Karkar
Implementation Approach
location Approach Partners South Central Somalia Through Partners MURDO ( Mog.) HIJRA ( Mog) WASDA( L/Juba) North Direct Private contractors DIAL, APD, SVO, CHLE LQC, RAHMO SOMTRAG
Target groups( North & South)
IDPs Host community Pastoral populations Agro-pastoral populations
Areas of focus ( CARE Somalia)
1. Food Security : ( Food vouchers, cash relief, cash for work) 2. WASH 3. Provision of Non-food items 4. Protection- mainstreamed in all sectors
Achievements(Emergency WASH in Mogadishu)
Achievements ( WASH in Mogadishu)
Targets Achieved 1 Target population: 70,000 IDPs Reached: 50% of the target 2 Rehabilitate 1 borehole including pumps 1 borehole rehabilitated & installed one platform with 2 T-70 tanks 3 Construct 45 water distribution point each with 6 taps 19 water points each with 6 taps constructed
Achievements ( WASH in Mogadishu)
Targets Achieved 4 Identify, train and equip 45 WASH and 45 water point attendants on WASH facilities 19 WASH committees ( 15 members each) identified and trained 5 Conduct routine water analysis (bacterial and chemical). Water analysis done on daily basis 6 Procure and distribute 45 sanitation kits Procurement ongoing
Achievements ( WASH in Mogadishu)
Targets Achieved 6 Construct 1,400 new pit latrines (50 person per drop hole) 283 Latrines constructed & are in use 7 Provision of 5,000 UNHCR model sanitary kits to women/girls - 2000 delivered and distributed
Achievements ( WASH in Mogadishu)
Targets Achieved 6 Distribute 10,000 20L jerry cans for water storage Procurement is ongoing 7 Distribution of soap to 4 bar soap per family - 10,000 families (800g/pc per family) 3,024 procured
Achievements (Food voucher-Mogadishu)
Planned target Achieved Targets (2,500 HH) -15,000 persons) All reached in one distribution 1 Select 2,500 most vulnerable HHs ( 80% will be IDP HHs ) 20% ( HH) 2,500 vulnerable HHs identified and selected 2 Identify 12 reliable food suppliers 12 reliable vendors identified, selected 3 Monthly distribution of $80 value food vouchers to 2,500 most vulnerable HHs 2,500 vulnerable target HH received food items of USD80 value
Achievements (Nutrition,NFI, WASH-L/Juba)
Planned Target Achieved Targets : Nutrition /WASH 4200 NFI ( 1400HHs) All reached 1 4100 (Children <5, Pregnant women and lactating women 4,068 persons assisted through SFP 2 1400 HHs have at least 2 containers ( water storage) 1400 HH assisted with NFIs 3 4,200 IDP HHs receive hygiene kits 4,200 reached
Achievements ( WASH)-L/Juba
Planned Target Achieved 4000 persons benefit from water trucking 8400 provided with safe water through water trucking 1 Fuel provision to 3 main boreholes Provided 18,000 lts of fuel to improved access to water for 12,000 persons 2 Rehabilitation of 10 water pans All 10 water pans rehabilitated
North Emergency program
Key intervetions Food security WASH Nutrition NFIs
Water storage facilities
Water treatment
Activities : water treatment
Water filters Water filters
CFW ( Gulley Erosion control)
Before After
Provision of Non-food items
Achievements (WASH -Puntland)
Planned Targets Actual achieved Gap 1 45,504 people access to clean drinking water 53,286 persons reached +7,782 2 4,000 people benefit from water trucking 3,432 people reached -568 3 1,000 households provided with water filters 1,495 HHs provided with water filters +495 4 1,500 water containers for collection 1500 Water container procured & distributed _
Achievements (WASH continued )
Planned Targets Achieved Gap 4 Rehabilitate 12 Communal shallow wells 12 shallow wells rehabilitated 5 Rehabilitate 8 Berkads 14 berkads rehabilitated +6 6 Desilt 8 water pans (ballis). 9 water pans desilted +1
Achievements (WASH -Puntland)
Targets Actual achieved Gap 1 Provision of sanitation to vulnerable populations (Construction of 200 latrines) 200 latrines constructed
Improved distance to waterpoints
SN DISTRICT LOCATION BEFORE interventions AFTER interventions 2 Lasqoray Midigale 80 Km 3 Km 3 Garowe Salahlay 6 Km Km 4 Ceelwaysed 1 Km 5 Boaame Fardhidin 10 Km 200 m 6 Karinkafood 150 m
Achievements (Food security)
Planned Targets Achieved Amounts distributed 1 Cash Relief for 1600 HHs ( 9,600 persons) 1644 HHs( 9,864 persons) $98,640 ( $ 60 per HH) 2 Food vouchers: 2000 HHs ( 12,000 persons) 2000HHs $385,000 ( USD$70 per HH) 3 Cash for work:6,415 persons 6,043 persons $679,768 Total cash distributed 1,163,408
Achievements (Nutrition)
Planned Targets Reached 1 4 SFCs, two in Sool/Sanaag, and 2 in Puntland 2013 Children ,PLW through (SFCs) ( 53.9%-pregnant & lactating women)
Non-Food items NFI kits distributed to 1,9 74 HHs affected by conflicts
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