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Orientation for class XI Physics

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1 Orientation for class XI Physics

2 The topics that are covered in class XI
Volume I 1. Units and Dimensions 2. One dimensional motion 3. Two dimensional motion 4. Laws of motion 5. Work, energy and power 6. Rotational motion 7. Gravitation

3 Volume II 8. Properties of matter (solids and fluids) 9. Thermal properties of matter 10. Kinetic theory of gases 11. Thermodynamics 12. Oscillations & Wave motion

4 The topics that are covered in class XII
Volume I & II (Unitwise) 1. Electrostatics 2. Current electricity 3. Magnetic effect of electric current & magnetism 4. EMI & Alternating current 5. Electromagnetic waves 6. Optics 7. Dual Nature of light 8. Atoms & Nuclei 9. Electronic Devies 10. Communication system

5 Theory 70 Practical 30 In terms of evaluation,
The theory part carries a weightage of 70 marks The practical part carries a weightage of 30 marks Theory 70 Practical 30

6 The practical again has 4 parts Experiment
Activity (demonstration only) Project Viva The evaluation is done at the end of each term.

7 Basic concepts of mechanics, gravitation, waves, light, magnetism and electricity are dealt in secondary level. But senior secondary curriculum covers almost all the branches of fundamental physics.

8 An inclination towards mathematics, language skills to comprehend scientific terms and a scientific bent of mind are needed to cope the course content.

9 Various mathematical tools such as graphical representation, calculus, vectors, logarithm, trigonometry etc. will be used to derive/prove/support various concepts in physics. Thorough knowledge in these concepts are required

10 So the initial days of class XI orientation will be given on the following concepts:
Vector addition/ subtraction Scalar and vector multiplication, Differential and integral calculus. This will help the students to understand the concepts well.

11 Class X Class XI In class X most of the time the evaluation is based on remembering, understanding and application type questions. The numericals are very less. In class XI & XII unless a sustained effort is made to solve all the numericals, answering the numericals may be difficult. Certain concepts need regular revision to comprehend in a better way. Rote learning may not give you a good result.

12 Class X Class XI The course content of science is very less. The course content is very vast. What you have studied as a single subject is now divided into individual subjects as Physics/ chemistry/ Biology. Each subject has two volumes of text book

13 Class X Class XI The syllabus is divided into two terms and you need to study only 50% of the syllabus for each term. The evaluation is spread throughout the year with an annual exam. The entire course is evaluated in the annual exam. Remembering type 10% Application type 30% Understanding type 30% HOTS 14% Evaluation type 16%

14 Question paper pattern for SA1 and Annual exam is same as that of 12th board paper
5(VSAQ) x 1 Mark = 5 Marks 5(SAQ I) x 2 Marks = 10 Marks 12(SAQ II) x 3 Marks = 36 Marks 1(VBQ) x 4 Marks = 4 Marks 3(LAQ) x 5Marks = 15 Marks Total = 70 Marks

15 Text book & Reference Books:
1. NCERT Text Book –Physics Part I & 2 2. New simplified physics by S.L. Arora (2 volumes for XI class) 3. Concepts of physics- H.C.Verma 4. Comprehensive physics Part 1 and 2 5. Physics for competition vol 1 &2 (Batilal)

16 Competitive Exams The following prestigious competitive exams are meant for the students of senior secondary level 1. NSEP/C/B/A – IAPT 2. PRL scholarship 3. KVPY

17 Presentation By Mr. Shunmugasundaram Mrs. T. Jothilakshmi Thank you

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