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Turning LEAN into GREEN

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Presentation on theme: "Turning LEAN into GREEN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turning LEAN into GREEN
Presenter: Mike Leigh LMI Partner Roanoke, VA USA

2 Agenda Background/History of LEAN Brief Description of LEAN
How LMI programs can help

3 History of Toyota and Lean
Sakichi Toyoda began loom business in 1894. Toyoda Automatic Loom Works (1926) Toyota Motor Company (1930) Started by Kiichiro Toyoda Influenced by Ford and U.S. supermarkets Developed concepts of JIT and Kanban

4 History of Toyota and Lean
Taiichi Ohno – began Toyota Production System (TPS) Post WWII, needed to compete with Ford and U.S. Needed to turn cash quickly. Japan demand too low to support mass production. Core principle: One-piece flow

5 TPS Philosophy “All we are doing is looking at a timeline, from the moment the customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing that time line by removing non-value-added wastes.” Taiichi Ohno Toyota Production System Beyond Large-Scale Production, Ohno, 1988 * Most business process are >90% waste and <10% value added

6 Defining Value Before After Lead Time Work . . . Value Add Time
Wait / Waste . . . Non Value Add Time Work . . . Value Add Time Lead Time

7 Continuous Improvement
cycle time Perfect output is delivered immediately is defect free is delivered one request at a time is produced without waste Kaizen is the road to perfection… continuous improvement Kai= change; Zen = for the better not a silver bullet or an one time fix…. requires commitment for big dividends months days hours minutes seconds

8 7 Types of Waste Over-Processing (excess work) Transportation Motion
Defects Inventory Over-Production Waiting Inventory

9 Four Areas Applicable to LMI
1. Leadership and Culture Organizational Development Servant Leadership / Respect for Employees Leadership Behaviors

10 Leadership and Culture
“Implementing lean thinking requires major change management throughout an entire organization, which can be traumatic and difficult. Strong commitment and inspiring leadership from senior leaders is essential to the success of an effort this challenging. The CEO must be a vocal, visible champion of lean management, create an environment where it is permissible to fail, set stretch goals, and encourage “leaps of faith.” A senior management team that is aligned in its vision and understanding of lean is a critical foundation for “going lean.” - Going Lean in Healthcare, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2005

11 Leadership and Culture
Principle 9. Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others. Principle 10. Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company’s philosophy. - The Toyota Way, Liker

12 Leadership and Culture
Strategy Deployment (Hoshin Kanri) Create goal alignment at all levels of organization Two-way feedback True North objectives Performance Measures Visual, Easy to understand at a glance Timely (Rapid feedback) Selective (few key areas important to customer) Goals Feedback Ideas

13 Organizational Development
Value Streams vs. Functional Silos Cross-department coordination Information Flow (Communications) Realignment of Responsibilities Sales | Eng | Ops Products Sales | Eng | Ops Sales | Eng | Ops Sales Engineering Ops

14 Servant Leadership LEAN requires an engaged workforce
Managers need to empower employees Process vs People (no “blame game”) Employee ownership Ideas Creation Operators Dept Managers Facilitators Engineers Upper Mgmt Supported Top Down Driven Bottom Up

15 Leadership Behaviors Employee Respect and Appreciation
Kaizen and Suggestion Management Go to the Gemba Standard Work at all leadership levels Enforcement of Standards / Auditing Collaboration between departments

16 Additional Information
All I Need to Know About Manufacturing I Learned in Joe’s Garage – Miller, Shenk The Toyota Way – Liker Lean Hospitals - Graban

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