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The Jefferson Era January 2016.

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1 The Jefferson Era January 2016

2 The Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd President
Aaron Burr became the vice-president (Yes, the one that will shoot Alexander Hamilton) Jefferson believed in laissez-faire which means “let the people choose”

3 Marbury vs. Madison An extremely important court case that established the principles of judicial review The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land When there is a conflict, the Constitution must be followed The Judicial branch has the duty to uphold the Constitution

4 Western Territory More Americans moved west in search of land and adventure Farmers moved west in Conestoga wagons

5 French Threat Spain gave up Louisiana to France
France’s leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, wanted the Americas

6 The Nation Expands Jefferson sent men to negotiate with France
They agreed on a price of $15 Million for 828,000 sq. miles – Louisiana Territory

7 The Louisiana Purchase

8 The Nation Expands New territory would provide cheap and abundant land for farmers Senate gave its approval in 1803 and the purchase doubled the size of the U.S. It was time to “Go West”

9 Lewis and Clark Jefferson persuaded Congress to sponsor an expedition as a scientific venture.

10 Lewis and Clark 28 yr. old Meriwether Lewis was picked to lead the journey. The co-leader was 32 yr. old William Clark . Both were amateur scientists, had military experience, and had dealings with Native Americans.

11 The Expedition The expedition left St. Louis in the spring of 1804 and slowly worked its way up the Missouri River. Lewis and Clark kept journals of their journey.

12 The group encountered many Native American groups
a Shoshone woman named Sacagawea joined the group as a guide.


14 Americans in Foreign Seas
Americans depended on trade with foreign nations. The French and British were still at war with each other and their merchant ships did not trade. American merchants were getting all the profit. By 1800’s America had over a 1000 merchant ships.

15 Barbary Pirates Ships had to be on guard for pirates along the coast of North Africa Tribute – money paid to the pirates for safe passage

16 In 1804 pirates seized a U.S. warship and held it for ransom in Tripoli –
Jefferson sent in the marines.

17 Freedom of the Seas Riding a wave of success, Jefferson won re- election in 1804. France and Britain were at war again. British lost patience with American “neutrality” and began taking American sailors by kidnapping, called impressments.

18 Embargo Act Jefferson wanted to hurt British economy by passing the Embargo Act. Prohibited trade with Great Britain and all foreign nations – didn’t work.

19 Jefferson leaves Office
After Washington sets a precedent of two terms in office, Jefferson followed. Jefferson approved James Madison as the Republican candidate. Madison would be president number 4.

20 War Fever America moved closer to war. French were seizing our ships.
British were seizing our sailors. Indians were fighting in the west. War Hawks wanted war with the British.

21 The War of 1812 Naval Battles on the Great Lakes
Andrew Jackson fought Native Americans and became a hero

22 British Offensive Finally defeated the French and began sending more troops to America Attacked Washington D.C. – burned and destroyed as much as they could Dolley Madison saved many treasures from the president’s mansion.

23 Marched on to Baltimore to fight at Fort McHenry
Francis Scott Key watched the battle and wrote “The Star- Spangled Banner” – our national anthem

24 Treaty of Ghent Peace was signed in December 1814.
Neither side declared victory. War lasted 2 years.

25 Last Battle Was fought in January – the news didn’t reach them in time The Battle of New Orleans was won by Andrew Jackson He became a national hero.

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