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Tables and Triggers.

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1 Tables and Triggers

2 DDL versus DML SQL statements fall into two categories: the Data Definition Language (DDL) and the Data Manipulation Language (DML) Data Definition Language Statements: build and modify the structure of the tables and other objects: CREATE ALTER DROP All SQL implementations have "data dictionaries", special tables that hold the contents of the descriptions of all of the structures. For SQLite one such data dictionary is called "sqlite_master" Data Manipulation Language: add, remove, query data in a database CRUD operations (INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE statements)

3 ALTER TABLE ALTER TABLE cse480_students RENAME TO students;
ALTER TABLE students ADD COLUMN course TEXT; This statement is used to modify an existing (already created table) SQLite only supports a subset of SQL standard for ALTER TABLE, so it is better to CREATE your table correctly instead of changing it later. You can only do two things with SQLite's ALTER TABLE: You can rename a table You can add a column

4 Warning about altering tables
When you change or replace a table, the pre-existing constraints (foreign keys, checks, etc.) are sometimes lost. You will have to recreate them. See for details.

This command removes a table from the database. All the rows are implicitly DELETE FROM'ed the dropped table. Foreign key constraints are not checked, and must be resolved manually. The IF EXISTS clause stops the error for trying to drop a non-existent table.

6 Trigger Example What if every time you added a student to the table, "students", you wanted to log the current time in the table "log". students log id name 1 Josh 2 Tyler student_id time_inserted 1 12:40:00 2 14:37:34 You could do this with two commands: INSERT INTO students (id, name) VALUES (3, 'Grant'); INSERT INTO log (student_id, time_inserted) VALUES (3, time('now'));

7 Problems  Problems: If you forget to do the "INSERT INTO log"
Previous commands: INSERT INTO students (id, name) VALUES (3, 'Grant'); INSERT INTO log (student_id, time_inserted) VALUES (3, time('now')); Problems: If you forget to do the "INSERT INTO log" You need to know the for the second insert You can't be sure it will always happen For instance, what about INSERT INTO SELECT statements?

8 Triggers to the rescue CREATE TRIGGER log_the_inserts AFTER INSERT ON students BEGIN INSERT INTO log (student_id, time_inserted) VALUES (, time('now')); END; This trigger activates after every insert on the table "students". It does the commands between the "BEGIN" and "END" keywords. In this case there is only one command (to make an insert into the "log" table) You can access the data for the row that activated the trigger with the "NEW" pseudo table. You can see it in action with "" which is the "id" of the row being added to students.

9 Trigger Syntax CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name [Timing] event_name ON table_name [WHEN predicate] BEGIN trigger logic / commands ... END; Event name can be INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE Timing can be BEFORE, AFTER, or INSTEAD OF. It specifies if the trigger's logic is applied before, after, or in replacement of the event The WHEN clause is optional and if provided only activates trigger if true You can can use NEW and OLD to refer to the row's NEW value (for INSERT and UPDATE) or OLD value (for UPDATE and DELETE).

10 Another Example: ID change
name 1 Josh 2 Tyler student_id time_inserted 1 12:40:00 2 14:37:34 students log What if a student got their "id" number changed? We need to update the table "log" too. CREATE TRIGGER id_change AFTER UPDATE ON students WHEN != BEGIN UPDATE log SET student_id = WHERE student_id =; END;

11 BEFORE versus AFTER Triggers
A trigger can be set to activate before or after a database modification that sets it off. Depending on what you want to do, one may be better than the other. BEFORE: Usually used when validation needs to happen BEFORE the database is changed. Your trigger could activate and stop an illegal change. AFTER: Usually used when you need to update information in other tables because of a change.

BEGIN INSERT INTO audit VALUES (, 'Tried to change name, alert the spies.'); END; The INSTEAD OF clause causes the trigger to activate instead of the event which activated it.

13 UPDATE OF CREATE TRIGGER trig_exam AFTER UPDATE OF Name, TrackId ON Tracks BEGIN; -- SQL statements END; You can use the UPDATE OF <comma-separated column names> to specify that you only want the trigger to activate upon the update of specific columns, instead of every update. There is no INSERT OF <columns> or DELETE OF <columns> because every column in a row is changed by INSERT and DELETE.

SELECT RAISE(ABORT, 'ERROR message'); END; RAISE is a special function that takes two arguments: What to do: ABORT which causes the statement that caused the trigger to be undone We'll talk about other options later in the course What to say: An error message to be displayed You can use the RAISE function to write triggers that enforce more complicated constraints For instance, not allowing INSERT INTO the table "grades" after the due date CREATE TRIGGER too_late INSERT ON grades WHEN date('now') > date(' ') BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ABORT, 'Can not add to grades, due date past!'); END;

15 Multiple Statements in a Trigger
You can put as many SQL statements as desired between BEGIN and END. So you can do complicated changes to the table that activated the trigger Or any other tables as well

Works the same as DROP TABLE.

17 What should happen if a trigger's "on" table is dropped?
ERROR, you need to DROP TRIGGER first The trigger should be dropped automatically The trigger should be dropped, but only if it doesn't refer to other tables Then you must prepare for "The Drop", when the beat kicks in

18 Trigger Pros and Cons Pros:
They always activate when the operation they are watching for happens They are logic that is stored in the database, not the application talking to the database Very useful for auditing and validation Cons: Not transparent (they can activate without you knowing about them) They can lead to inefficiencies if you don't know they are happening in the background Often stored procedures (we'll learn about them later) are a better alternative

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