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Class: 8 b The theme of the lesson: step9 London

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Presentation on theme: "Class: 8 b The theme of the lesson: step9 London"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class: 8 b The theme of the lesson: step9 London
Date: Class: 8 b The theme of the lesson: step9 London

2 The aim: Give full information about London development: Writing I reading sklls Educational: Check up knowledge and answer for question

3 Cultural: To teach them to love Motherland The type: mixed The visual aid Picture

4 Outline of the lesson I Organization moment
Good morning pupils Good morning teacher! Now are you? We are fine Thank you may sit.

5 2. Checking up home work -What was you home work for today
2. Checking up home work -What was you home work for today? -Who is ready for lesson? Text Kazakhstan retell.

6 Conclusion of home work
Were is the Republic of Kazakhstan is situaly What is the size of the area of Kazakhstan? What can you say about population about Kazakhstan? What is the capital of the Republic? Where is situctes? What is the official language of the country?

7 Presentation of new words
Capital Астана The largest Үлкен Several Бірнеше Part Бөлік Belonging байланысты, қатысты Atract назарын аудару Factory Завод endless Аяқталмаған Stock Exchange Обмен валют Divide Бөліну

8 London I. Read the proper names: London [‘Indәn] Westminster ['westminstә] Stock Exchange ['stәk iks t∫eindз] Oxford street [‘әksfәd, stri:t] II. Guess the meaning of the words: financial [fai'nœn∫al] office [әfis] hotel [hgu'tel] restaurant [restara:n] market ['ma:kit]

9 London London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europellts population is about 8 million people. London is situated on the both banks of the River Thames. Today in its full extent Greater London covers 625 square miles Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. They are rather different from one another. The City is the heart of London Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated there. lt is the financial centre of the UK, with many banks, offices and the Stock Exchange But the City is also a market for goods from all parts of the world. The City extends lover an area of about 2,6 square kilometres. About half a million people work there, but less than 6 thousand live there. Westminster is the historic centre of government. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The best hotels shops, "restaurants and theatres are situated there. There are beautiful houses and gardens belonging to the Wealthy people. Oxford street in the West End is the endless shopping area which attracts visitors from all over the world. The streets in the East End are narrow, the buildings are not attractive. The East End is populated by working class families.


11 V. Read the text again and learn how to answer the questions below.
1. What can you say about London as the capital of Great Britain? 2. How many people live in London? 3. Where is London situated? 4. What is meant by Greater London? 5. What parts is London traditionally divided into? What did you learn about the City? How much does the City extend? 8. How many people work in the City? 9. How many people live there? What is the West End? Is it the richest and most beautiful part of London? Why does the Oxford Street attract the visitors from all over the world? 12. What is the East End

12 Conclution VI. Complete the sentences.
1. London is one of the largest cities in____________and the largest in_______________ 2. It's population is __________________ people. 3. London is situated on the __________________ of the River Thames. Today in its full _____________ Greater London ____________625 square miles. Traditionally London is ______________ into several parts. 6. The City is the _________________of London. 7. The City ____________over an area of about 2,6 square kilometres. 8. The West End is the ___________ and most ______________part of London. Oxford Street in the West End is the endless. __________which attracts visitors from all over the World. There are a lot of_________ and___________in the East End.

13 New Lesson step 9. London Today we have new lesson
New Lesson step 9. London Today we have new lesson. Our lesson is about London

14 Giving the mark Giving home work 8

15 Our lesson is over You are ftee Good bye!

16 Conclution VI. Complete the sentences.
1. London is one of the largest cities in____________and the largest in_______________ 2. It's population is __________________ people. 3. London is situated on the __________________ of the River Thames. Today in its full _____________ Greater London ____________625 square miles. Traditionally London is ______________ into several parts. 6. The City is the _________________of London. 7. The City ____________over an area of about 2,6 square kilometres. 8. The West End is the ___________ and most ______________part of London. Oxford Street in the West End is the endless. __________which attracts visitors from all over the World. There are a lot of_________ and___________in the East End.


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