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Local Art Styles.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Art Styles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Art Styles

2 Tonalism – Clarice Beckett 1925
(National Gallery of Australia n.d).

3 Clarice Beckett 1887 – 1935. Lived locally in Beaumaris.
Painted outdoors. Beaches, coastline and the bay. Dawn and dusk. Rain, haze, mist and smoke. Tonalism: Overall tone, coloured atmosphere. Oil on cardboard.

4 Visual Literacy What do you see? Tree Sky Cliffs Water Adjectives
Simile Descriptive phrase Collective nouns (Grenfell 2013).

5 Different artists have different styles.
What’s your style?

6 Impressionism – Claude Monet 1874
(Thinkquest n.d).

7 Realism – Leonardo Da Vinci 1506
(Boddy-Evans 2013).

8 Cubism – Pablo Picaso 1921 (Art Quotes n.d).

9 Fauvism – Henri Matisse 1905
(Wiki Paintings n.d).

10 Pop Art – Andy Warhol 1962 (Art Observed n.d).

11 To produce the Beaumaris seascape in our own style.
We are learning to... To produce the Beaumaris seascape in our own style.

12 What I’m looking for... Your own art style.

13 References Art Observed n.d, ‘Andy Warhol’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Art Quotes n.d, ‘Pablo Picasso Painting’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Boddy-Evans 2013, ‘6 Secrets to Painting Realism’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Grenfell, J 2012, Responding to the Arts, Deakin University, retrieved 01 February, < National Gallery of Australia n.d, ‘Beckett, Clarice’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Thinkquest n.d, ‘Impressionism’, retrieved 01 February 2013, < Wiki Paintings n.d, ‘The Moulade’, retrieved 01 February 2013, <

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