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Blends imaginative writing and science.

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Presentation on theme: "Blends imaginative writing and science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blends imaginative writing and science.
Science Fiction Blends imaginative writing and science.

2 Fantasy Is imaginative writing that is set in strange or imaginary places and contains unusual characters who have magical powers.

3 Warm-up: Fill in the blank using the correct vocabulary words from your notes : The _________________ dog got in a fight and had an __________________ dream of being able to speak with perfect _____________________ to the cute poodle down the street. Answer: The antagonistic dog got in a fight and had an ephemeral dream of being able to speak with perfect diction to the cute poodle down the street.

4 Cover Page Figurative Language Project __________________________
Billy Smith Davie Jones Susy Jackson

5 Page 1 IDIOM __________________ Definition ____________________
3 Examples _ 1

6 Page 2 HYPERBOLE __________________ Definition ____________________
3 Examples _ 2

7 Page 3 METAPHOR __________________ Definition ____________________
3 Examples _ 3

8 Page 4 ONOMATOPOEIA __________________ Definition ____________________
3 Examples _ 4

9 Page 5 PERSONIFICATION __________________ Definition
____________________ 3 Examples _ 5

10 Page 6 SIMILE __________________ Definition ____________________
3 Examples _ 6

11 Page 7 ARTISTIC PRESENTATION PLAN Rubric will be pasted here

12 Page 1 IDIOM __________________ Definition ____________________
3 Examples _ 1

13 Warm-up: Copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct words from our vocabulary words: A story that combines imaginative writing with science is called __________________. Billy is not real, so he is not ________________. He also does not listen or follow instructions, so he is NOT _________________. The little girl in the white dress looked almost _______________________ when she ran outside in the dark.

14 Warm-up: ANSWERS A story that combines imaginative writing with science is called SCIENCE FICTION. Billy is not real, so he is not TANGIBLE. He also does not listen or follow instructions, so he is not TRACTABLE. The little girl in the white dress looked almost WRAITHLIKE when she ran outside in the dark.

15 Artistic Presentations
1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods will present Friday 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th periods will present Monday Choose the term your group will present: Idiom, simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, or hyperbole. Choose the type of presentation: Poster/collage Song/rap Skit/mini play ALL students must participate in presentation. Presentation must be accurate.

16 Artistic presentations
All presentations: All students must participate The term (Idiom, metaphor, etc) must be VERY CLEAR You must explain the definition You must give examples of the term

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