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Shang Dynasty Dates of Existence:

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1 Shang Dynasty Dates of Existence:
BCE (reading) – 1101BCE (textbook) Advanced Technology: First to leave written records (writing system) Calendar based on cycles of the moon Achievements: Bronze containers for cooking and religious ceremonies Weapons (Axes,knives, bows, armor) Ornaments made of jade War chariots chopsticks Facts About Rulers/Government: The rulers expanded the borders to include all of the land between Mongolia and the Pacific Ocean Reason for Decline: The Shang were overthrown in a rebellion with rebels from the western part of China in the 1100s. This marked the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty.

2 Zhou Dynasty Dates of Existence:
1027BCE – 256 BCE (map) BCE (textbook) Advanced Technology: They developed a feudal system where emperors gave land to nobles in exchange for loyalty and military service. Iron tools and plows Achievements: Lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history Expanded China Facts About Rulers/Government: Claimed they had been chosen by heaven to rule China Mandate of Heaven. Influenced by Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism  Reason for Decline: The political system broke down lords became less loyal. When invaders attacked in 771 BCE, many lords refused to fight and the emperor was overthrown. This time of disorder is known as the “Warring States” period.

3 Qin Dynasty Dates of Existence: Advanced Technology: Achievements:
221 – 206 BCE (map and textbook) Advanced Technology: Built huge networks of roads, bridges, and canals. To protect China from invasion, Shi built the Great Wall, a barrier that linked earlier walls that stood near China’s northern border. Uniformed system of writing Achievements: Currency Standardized writing and measurements System of laws that would apply equally to all people Terracotta army Facts About Rulers/Government:  King Shi Huangdi became “First Emperor” and was very strict/harsh. He ended the “Warring States” period and unified China. He refused to share power with anyone.  Reason for Decline: The rulers that followed Shi Huangdi were not as strong. A few years after his death, China began to break apart. Civil War

4 Han Dynasty Dates of Existence:
202 BCE – 220 AD (map) 205BCE – 220 AD (textbook) Advanced Technology: Invented paper Sundial to tell time of day Seismograph to measure earthquakes Silk Road (for trade) Achievements: Fu and Shi style of poetry Acupuncture to cure diseases and relieve pain Works of history Universities to teach Confucianism under Emperor Wudi Facts About Rulers/Government: Liu Bang, a peasant, became emperor because of belief in Mandate of Heaven. He was the first common person to become emperor. He freed people from harsh government and lowered taxes. He relied on educated officials to help him rule. Reason for Decline: The heads of government began to fight and caused the dynasty to collapse. This time of disorder is sometimes called “Period of Disunion.”

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