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Long-term Athlete Development

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1 Long-term Athlete Development
Growth & Development Success is a journey not a destination and it is important that no parts of that journey are missed This is about achieving the correct training, competition and recovery throughout a young athletes career and is important in relation to the growth and development of an athlete and LTAD provides a framework within which sports plan their training and competition programme

2 LTAD Principles Athlete centred approach
Makes full use of the critical or sensitive periods of adaptation (growth spurts) Focuses on the need to develop PHYSICAL LITERACY in all young people Recognises Training – Competition – Recovery ratios Takes 10 to 12 years training to reach elite level Some sports require early specialisation

3 Five Stages of Development
FUNdamentals – Childhood (Basic movement literacy) Swim Skills – Late Childhood (Building Technique) Training To Train – Adolescence (Building the engine) Training To Compete - Early Adulthood (Optimising the engine) Training To Win - Adulthood (Maximising the engine) Fundamentals – Male 6 – 9 and Female 5 – 8 Swim Skills male 9 – 12 female 8 – 11 Training to train Male 12 – 15 female 11 – 14 Training to Compete male 15 – 18 female 14 – 16 Training to win Male 18+ female 16+

4 LTAD Key Issues “The critical, fundamental phase is often overlooked by coaches, teachers and parents, who focus on competition and winning rather than the acquisition of basic skills and fitness”. Balyi, I. (2001)

5 Chronological Age: Male 6-9 years & Females: 6-8 years
FUNdamentals Chronological Age: Male 6-9 years & Females: 6-8 years FUN, participation and child centred “playful environment” Focus on general overall movement skills development ABCs of Athleticism – Agility, Balance, Co-ordination & Speed Own body strength games/exercises Semi-structured programme Physical activity 5-6 times per week Understanding Simple rules and ethics of sport Develop skills from participation in a range of sports This is the start of development of endurance and stroke patterns and also an introduction to the simple rules and ethics of the sport as well as the understanding the need for rules and structure. So they should be taking part in a well sructured programme with proper progression. 5 – 6 sessions of sport a week between 30 – 60 minutes

6 Swim Skills Focus on Optimising Training and Refining Skills
‘Its all about technique’ Chronological Age: Males 9-12 years & Females 8-11 years Focus on Optimising Training and Refining Skills Specific Technique building Skill Development Specific Training Athlete Learning Training and Competition A Vital Stage of Development!!! Due to the development of the nervous system at these ages there are rapid improvmeents in co-ordination in movement skills and therefore this is the optimum preiod in which t o learn how to train and develop sport specific skills – working on developing excellent technique in all four strokes and starts, turns, underwater and finishes. Also a multi stroke appraoch helps to prevent injury. Discuss early specialisation of stroke During this stage swimemrs should be identifying good practice with warm up and cool down, post training sstretching, hydration and nutrition and recovery and relaxation Over competing is to be avoided Competition should be a test of skill refinement under pressure 75% training to 25% competition This is an important phase of development to achieve full potential, easier to develop correct skills at a younger age rather than change skills as swimmers get older. Also too much emphasis on competition at this stage instead of taking full advantage of training can prevent a swimmer from achieving their full potential late in their career. 4 – 12 hours per week

7 Training to Train Chronological - Biological Age: Males years & Females years Gradual loading of training volume and consolidating sport specific skills Major window of opportunity for development opportunities e.g. aerobic & strength gains (‘Critical period of trainability’) Further develop basic Ancillary Capacities, tactical and mental skills Introduce technique based free weights toward the end of phase 13 years for girls and 14 for boys is the peak critical point for trainability in terms of skill development and building the engine. If the engine is not built at this stage it cannot fully be recaptured at a later time The emphasis is still on Individual medley and training not competing. Discuss late developer early developer too much recognition too early effects later and not enough early re late developer more difficult t motivate to say in the sport – no emphasis on winning Swimming is an endurance sport – apart from the 50f/s all Olympic events are swum for more than 45 seconds and we have nothing that compares to the 100, track, therefore the training that we do at a young age has to have an endurance base, this is why the training volumes thorugh this stage increase and swimemrs should be training for between 12 – 20 hours a week with 2 – 3 hours land training and that should include flexibility, use of own body weight, swiss ball, med ball Increased knowledge and understanding of swimming, warm up, swim down, stretching, nutrition, hydration, mental prearation. Towards the end of this stage swimmers would start to learn the skills of how to lift wieghts correctly wthout having any resistance, may be practicing with a broom stick Again if insufficient time is devoted to this stage a young swimmer is unlikley to reach their full potential

8 Training to Compete Sports specific training all year round.
Chronological - Biological Age: Males years & Females years Sports specific training all year round. High volume, increasing intensity. Period of peak strength development. Compete in range of events (strokes or distance). Emphasis on optimum preparation by modelling training and competition. Develop individual strengths and weaknesses. Competitive swimming training is characterised by increasingly high volume to build upon the aerobic base established under the Training to Train phase. This is the period of greatest strength gain for males. There should also be an emphasis on technical/tactical preparation i.e. race preparation. There is a continued emphasis on physical conditioning with the focus still on maintaining high volume workloads but increasing the intensity.

9 Chronological Age: Males 18+ years & Females 17+ years
Training to Win Chronological Age: Males 18+ years & Females 17+ years Maximise and integrate all physical and technical capacities Perfect advanced sports specific technical, tactical and mental capacities Focus on modelling all possible aspects of training and optimising performance High volume, variable intensity Perfect recovery / regeneration Ancillary capabilities eg nutrition, warm up, taper working effectively This is where everything should come together with refinements made to stamina, strength, speed, skill and suppleness. The division of the training year (periodisation) becomes important with an interplay between volume and intensity. Preparation for competition should be specific towards the needs of the swimmers and the events undertaken.

10 Competing Licensed meets Competition at all levels
Short Course – Long Course Competition to compliment a training cycle Competition away from home At least one event at a higher level County, Regional, National, Internationall Level 1 is aimed at National qualifiers and swimmers close to National qualification looking for opportunities to achieve National qualifying times. These meets will have qualifying times for entry, which will be just below the national times (see section on Qualifying Times and Upper Limit Times). l Level 2 is aimed at Regional qualifiers and swimmers close to Regional qualification. They have qualifying times and upper limit times. Access to the asa ranking information can be used to enable meet organisers to verify entry times submitted by swimmers fall within the stated range. l Level 3 is for Club swimmers who seek County qualifying times. They have qualifying times and upper limit times set at an appropriate level. These meets will provide a programme throughout the year to support the requirements of swimmers below Regional level. l Level 4 is for Club swimmers and those beginning to enter individual open competition.

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