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EBA Policy Research Workshop

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1 EBA Policy Research Workshop
ECB-UNRESTRICTED DRAFT Philipp Koziol Discussion of Altunbas et al. (2016) “Competition and Bank Risk: The Effect of Securitization and Bank Capital”* *This presentation represents the authors' personal opinions and does not necessarily reflect the views of the ECB or its staff.. EBA Policy Research Workshop

2 Competition and risk-taking
Summary ECB-UNRESTRICTED DRAFT Competition and risk-taking Two strands of literature Competition stimulates risk-taking (focus on deposit market) Banks take on more risk to compensate for reduced profits due to competition Competition reduces risk-taking (considers deposit and loan market) Competition lowers the interest rate of loans, reducing the default rate of customers Focus on the influence of securitization and bank capital Does securitization amplify the relationship between comp. and bank risk? Does bank capital weaken the relationship between comp. and bank risk? Probit model regressing risk-taking on competition, an interaction term and bank specifics Bank risk measured with financial support, systemic risk or idiosyncratic risk Competition measured with the Boone indicator, bank lending survey or C5 Robust findings of securitization amplifying the comp./risk-taking relationship No proof for capital to diminish the relationship between comp. and risk-taking Advising a closer cooperation between supervisory and competition authorities Discussion of Altunbas et al. (2016)

3 Newness of research and findings
Value added to the literature ECB-UNRESTRICTED DRAFT Newness of research and findings The paper contributes to the discussion on competition and bank risk and the impact of securitization The authors find that, all else equal, securitization and bank capital diminish risk-taking When competition is more intense, securitization reduces risk-taking to a lesser extend Contributes to the discussion on how to deal with competition in the financial sector How to regulate the sector? Who should regulate the sector? The authors argue for better cooperation between banking supervisors and competition authorities Discussion of Altunbas et al. (2016)

4 Feedback and concerns (1/2)
Suggestions for improvement ECB-UNRESTRICTED DRAFT Feedback and concerns (1/2) Identification strategy can be streamlined Measuring competition Why is Lerner index not applied as this index measures competition on bank-level rather than country-level? Reasoning in paper is not clear… Boone indicator applied on country level, how is this applied for large internationally active banks? For instance French bank operates worldwide… (weighted average?) Measuring risk-taking Although the materialization of bank risk is most likely correlated to risk-taking, it is not the same and the moment of risk-taking is uncertain Causality Securitization and competition might enhance risk-taking, but risk-taking might also enhance securitization Partly offset by using different time periods (pre-crisis and crisis periods) Supervisory/Regulatory authorities make risky banks hold more capital Self-selection bias: Banks choose their amount of securitization. Risk seeking banks might opt for more securitization, but they are also by definition riskier Causality true for recent period? Securitization exposures have been considerably reduced and the entire markets has been structurally changed Discussion of Altunbas et al. (2016)

5 Feedback and concerns (2/2)
Suggestions for improvement ECB-UNRESTRICTED DRAFT Feedback and concerns (2/2) General framework No statistically significant effect when using idiosyncratic risk Bank specific factors are used. These should explain bank specific risk More bank capital relates to lower likelihood of state aid. Does this mean they took on less risk? Or were they simply able to withstand more losses? When using interaction terms the likelihood of finding statistically significant results increases Think of using a Bonferroni correction Rejection of null-hypothesis with statistically insignificant results (p.16) Inconsistent measurement of certain effects Competition (Boone: 94-04, bls 03-05; definition of bls, Concentration 95-05) Inconsistent use of the pre-crisis and crisis period How can EXLEND (excess lending growth) on average be positive (6.70)? Measuring securitization: trading book vs. banking book (different purpose) At least 75% of banks have no securitization in the pre-crisis period Treatment of systemic vs. systematic effects vs. idiosyncratic effects at least requires explanations Discussion of Altunbas et al. (2016)

6 Suggestions for improvement
ECB-UNRESTRICTED DRAFT Minor comments Literature overview is missing key contributions, e.g. Kick/Prieto (2013), papers by Klaus Schaeck Improve data section: Description of data set lacking important information (for instance I am familiar with most of the sources, I am not able to follow which data exactly you are using) and data manipulation procedures require more details (Did you winsorize the data set?) Check for typos Discussion of Altunbas et al. (2016)

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