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El alfabeto Guided Notes

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1 El alfabeto Guided Notes
Objective: Students will read, listen to, speak and write the letters of the Spanish alphabet as they are introduced to it.

2 A. Write the pronunciation of the letters of the Spanish alphabet next to each letter.
A - ah J - hota R – air- reh B - beh k - kah RR - airr-rreh C - seh L – “L”- eh S – eh-seh Ch -chey LL - “A”-yea T - teh D - deh M – “M”-eh U - ooo E - eh N – “N”-eh V – ooo-beh OR Veh F – “F” - eh Ñ – “N”-yea W – doble-beh G - hey O - oh X – eh-kis H – ah - chey P - peh Y – “E” gree – ay - gah I – “E” Q - coo Z - seta **Note: When you see quotation marks around a letter (like “N”), it means to say the name of that letter like you normally would in English.

3 B. Chocolate lluvia perro
1. the letter ñ does not exist in the English alphabet. Ch, ll, and rr are important letter sounds in the Spanish language. You may hear ch and ll and sometimes even rr included in the Spanish alphabet. (In older dictionaries, ch and ll have their own sections.)

4 2. You may also hear the letter v pronounced as beh in Spanish. So, you’re asking, how do you know the between the letters b and v if that is the case? People will often refer to the letter b as “beh” grande and the letter v as “beh” corta(for small).

5 3. Study tip: The vowels in Spanish are tricky because they sound similar to different English letters. (For example: the i in Spanish sounds similar to the letter e in English.)

6 Reference Guided Notes Worksheet: El alfabeto. Retrieved on August 17th, 2015 from American Eagle Co., Inc.

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