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Textbook: Principles of Program Analysis
Mooly Sagiv Tel Aviv University Sunday Scrieber 8 Monday Schrieber 317 Textbook: Principles of Program Analysis Chapter (modified)
Outline Analyzing Incomplete Programs Abstract Interpretation
Type (and Effect) Systems Transformations Conclusions
The Abstract Interpretation Technique
The foundation of program analysis Goals Establish soundness of (find faults in) a given program analysis algorithm Design new program analysis algorithms The main ideas: Relate each step in the algorithm to a step in a structural semantics Establish global correctness using a general theorem Not limited to a particular form of analysis
Soundness in Reaching Definitions
Every reachable definition is detected May include more definitions Less constants may be identified Not all the loop invariant code will be identified May warn against uninitailzed variables that are in fact in initialized At every elementary block l RDentry(l) includes all the possibly definitions reaching l At every elementary block l RDentry(l) “represents” all the possible concrete states arising when the structural operational semantics reaches l
Proof of Soundness Define an “appropriate” structural operational semantics Define “collecting” structural operational semantics Establish a Galois connection between collecting states and reaching definitions (Local correctness) Show that the abstract interpretation of every atomic statement is sound w.r.t. the collecting semantics (Global correctness) Conclude that the analysis is sound
Structural Operational Semantics to justify Reaching Definitions
Normal states [Var* Z] are not enough Instrumented states [Var* Z] [Var* Lab*] For an instrumented state (s, def) and variable x def(x) holds the last definition of x
Instrumented Structural Semantics for While
[asssos] <[x := a]l, (s, d)> (s[x Aas], d(x l)) [skipsos] <[skip]l, (s, d)> (s, d) axioms [comp1sos] <S1 , (s, d)> <S’1, (s’, d’)> <S1; S2, (s, d)> < S’1; S2, (s’, d’)> rules [comp2sos] <S1 , (s, d)> (s’, d’) <S1; S2, (s, d)> < S2, (s’, d’)>
Instrumented Structural Semantics if construct
[ifttsos] <if [b]l then S1 else S2, (s, d)> <S1, (s, d)> if Bbs=tt [ifffsos] <if [b]l then S1 else S2, (s, d)> <S2, (s, d)> if Bbs=ff
Instrumented Structural Semantics while construct
[whilesos] <while [b]l do S, (s, d)> <if [b]l then (S; while [b]l do S) else skip, (s, d)>
The Factorial Program [y := x]1; [z := 1]2; while [y>1]3 do (
[z:= z * y]4; [y := y - 1]5; ) [y := 0]6;
Code Instrumentation Alternative instrumentation
Generate an equivalent program which maintains more information Use standard structural operational semantics
Other Consumers of Instrumentation
Specialized interpreters Code Instrumentation Performance analysis qpt - count the number of execution of basic blocks or the number of calls to a function. Profiling Tools --- These are used to find “hot” paths (paths that are executed often) by remembering which edge in the control flow graph was executed. Cleanness Tools Purify - identify uninitialized objects at run-time and SafeC
Collecting (Instrumented) Semantics
The input state is not known at compile-time “Collect” all the (instrumented) states for all possible inputs to the program No lost of precision
Flow Information for While
Associate labels with program statements describing when statements begin and end init:StmLab* init([x := a]l) = l init([skip]l) = l init(S1 ; S2) = init(S1) init(if [b]l then S1 else S2) = l init(while [b]l do S) = l final:StmP(Lab*) final([x := a]l) = {l} final([skip]l) = {l} final(S1 ; S2) = final(S2) final(if [b]l then S1 else S2) = final(S1) final(S2) final(while [b]l do S) = {l}
Collecting (Instrumented) Semantics(Cont)
The input state is not known at compile-time “Collect” all the (instrumented) states for all possible inputs to the program Define d?:Var* Lab* by d?(x)=? CSentry(l) = {(s’, d’)|s0: (P, (s0, d?) * (S’, (s’, d’)), init(S’)=l} Soundness w.r.t. operational semantics For all (s’, d’) in CSentry (l) For all variable x (x, d(l)) RDentry(l) Optimality w.r.t. operational semantics
The Factorial Program [y := x]1; [z := 1]2; while [y>1]3 do (
[z:= z * y]4; [y := y - 1]5; ) [y := 0]6;
An “Iterative” Definition
Generate a system of monotonic equations The least solution is well-defined The least solution is the collecting interpretation
Equations Generated for Collecting Interpretation
Equations for elementary statements [skip]l CSexit(1) =CSentry(l) [b]l CSexit(1) = CSentry(l) [x := a]l CSexit(1) = {(s[x Aas], d(x l)) | (s, d) CSentry(l)} Equations for control flow constructs CSentry(l) = CSexit(l’) l’ immediately precedes l in the control flow graph An equation for the entry CSentry(1) = {(s0, d?) |s0 Var* Z}
The Least Solution 12 sets of equations CSentry(1), …, CSexit (6)
Can be written in vectorial form The least solution Fcs is well-defined (Tarski 1955) Every component is minimal Since F is monotonic such a solution always exists CSentry(l) = {(s’, d’)|s0: (P, (s0, d?) * (S’, (s’, d’)), init(S’)=l}
The Abstraction Function
Map collecting states into reaching definitions The abstraction of an individual state :[Var* Z] [Var* Lab*] P(Var* Lab*) (s,d) = {(x, d(x) | x Var* } The abstraction of set of states :P([Var* Z] [Var* Lab*]) P(Var* Lab*) (CS) = (s, d) CS (s,d) = = {(x, d(x) | (s, d) CS, x Var* } Soundness (CSentry (l)) RDentry(l) Optimality
The Concretization Function
Map reaching definitions into collecting states The formal meaning of reaching definitions The concretization : P(Var* Lab*) P([Var* Z] [Var* Lab*]) (RD) = {(s, d) | x Var* : (x, d(x) RD}= = { (s, d) | (s, d) RD } Soundness CSentry (l) (RDentry(l)) Optimality
Galois Connections The pair of functions (, ) form a Galois connection if: CS P([Var* Z] [Var* Lab*]) RD P(Var* Lab*) (CS) RD iff CS (RD) Alternatively: CS P([Var* Z] [Var* Lab*]) RD P(Var* Lab*) ( (RD)) RD and CS ((CS)) and uniquely determine each other
Local Soundness For every atomic statement S show one of the following
({S(s, d) | (s, d) CS } S# ((CS)) {S(s, d) | (s, d) (RD)} (S# (RD)) ({S(s, d) | (s, d) (RD)}) S# (RD) In our case, S is assignment and skip The above condition implies global soundness [Cousot & Cousot 1976] (CSentry (l)) RDentry(l) CSentry (l) (RDentry(l))
Proof of Soundness (Summary)
Define an “appropriate” structural operational semantics Define “collecting” structural operational semantics Establish a Galois connection between collecting states and reaching definitions (Local correctness) Show that the abstract interpretation of every atomic statement is sound w.r.t. the collecting semantics (Global correctness) Conclude that the analysis is sound
Abstract (Conservative) interpretation
Operational semantics statement s Set of states Set of states concretization abstract representation abstraction abstract representation Abstract semantics statement s
Induced Analysis (Relatively Optimal)
It is sometimes possible to show that a given analysis is not only sound but optimal w.r.t. the chosen abstraction (but not necessarily optimal) Define S# (RD) = ({S(s, d) | (s, d) (RD)}) But this S# may not be computable Derive (at compiler-generation time) an alternative form for S# A useful measure to decide if the abstraction must lead to overly imprecise results
Type and Effect Systems
The type of a program expression at a given program point provides a conservative estimation to its value in all the execution paths A type system provides a syntax directed rules for annotating expressions with types Simplest type inference algorithms are linear But in ML, ABC But types can also include implementation information such as reaching definitions
Annotated Type Base for Reaching Definitions
S : RD1 RD2 if S is executed when the reaching definitions is RD1 it produces reaching definitions RD2 Similar to the constraint based approach
Annotated Type Base for Reaching Definitions
[ass] [x := a]l’: RD (RD - {{(x, l) | l Lab }) {(x, l’)} [skip] <[skip]l: RD RD axioms [seq] S1 : RD1 RD2, S2 : RD2 RD3 S1; S2: RD1 RD3 rules [if] S1 : RD1 RD2, S2 : RD1 RD2 if [b]l then S1 else S2 : RD1 RD2
Annotated Type Base For While while construct
[wh] S : RD RD while [b]l do S: RD RD
Annotated Type Base For While subsumption rule
[sub] S : RD2 RD3 S : RD1 RD4 if RD1RD2 and RD3RD4
Not Covered Effect Systems Transformations
Conclusions Three similar techniques
Dataflow analysis Constraint based approach (a generalization) Type and effect system (directly deals with the syntax) Abstract interpretation can be used to show soundness of these methods But more convenient in the dataflow setting
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