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The Executive Branch The Presidency.

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1 The Executive Branch The Presidency

2 The Executive Branch Responsible for carrying out the country’s laws
President of the U.S. heads the Executive Branch Most powerful elected official in the country 1789- George Washington elected first president Only 44 others since

3 Qualifications to become President
Native-Born Citizen At least 35 years of age Resident of the U.S. for 14 years Over the course of U.S. history, economic, religious, racial, and (possibly) gender barriers have been broken

4 Term of Office, Benefits, & Salary
Serve 4 year terms May be reelected to a second term (8 years) U.S. Constitution did NOT originally state how many terms a president could serve George Washington set the precedent for leaving after two terms Refused to serve a third term even when urged to do so

5 Terms of Office, Benefits, & Salary
1940- FDR was elected to third term, and then a fourth in 1944 Served 12 years as president before dying in 1945 1951- the number of terms a president could serve was limited by passage of the 22nd Amendment This amendment set a two-term limit for the presidency

6 Terms of Office, Benefits, & Salary
Congress can set presidential salary and benefits Cannot change a president’s salary during their term of office (cannot punish or reward the president) $400,000 salary plus $50,000 non- taxable allowance Annual allowance for travel costs

7 Terms of Office, Benefits, & Salary
President lives in the White House Home of all U.S. presidents since John Adams Camp David Air Force One

8 The Vice President Constitution: if the president dies, resigns, or is removed, the vice president becomes president Only other job given to vice president is to preside over the Senate John Adams (1st VP, 2nd president) called the office “the most insignificant” ever invented

9 The Vice President Literally does whatever the president wants them to
Must stay informed/prepared in case they have to take office Must meet same qualifications $186,300 plus a $10,000 non- taxable allowance

10 The Vice President Often chosen for their ability to help the presidential candidates win the election Also chosen on their qualifications/merits to succeed to the presidency if necessary Eight U.S. presidents have died, 1 has resigned In ALL cases, the VP took office as president Also assumes roles of the president if president is temporarily unable to perform them

11 The Rules of Succession
If president dies, and VP succeeds him, who becomes the VP then? Until office of VP remained empty until next election 25th Amendment- the new president must nominate a new vice president Nomination must be approved by Congress

12 The Twenty Fifth Amendment
1973- Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns Replaced by Gerald Ford 1974- Nixon resigns Ford then becomes president, nominated Nelson A. Rockefeller as VP Ford is the only vice president AND president not elected by the people

13 The Twenty Fifth Amendment
Presidential Succession (1947) President Vice President Speaker of the House President pro tempore Presidential cabinet members (in order of which the department was created)

14 ? Who is the head of the Executive Branch?
What are the qualifications to becoming president? Who is the only president to serve more than two terms? How is this connected to the 22nd Amendment? What are the main roles of the vice president? List the order of presidential succession.

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