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TOF detector for RIKEN Rare-RI Ring

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1 TOF detector for RIKEN Rare-RI Ring
D. Nagae Univ. of Tsukuba Univ. of Tsukuba Y. Abe, A. Ozawa, T. Moriguchi, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Ito, H. Ooishi, S. Fukuoka, K. Okumura, R. Nishikiori, T. Niwa Saitama Univ. T. Yamaguchi, T. Suzuki RIKEN Y. Yamaguchi, H. Suzuki, M. Wakasugi HIMAC M. Kanazawa, S. Sato

2 Requirement for TOF detector
Good time resolution dm/m ~   dT/T ∝ Dm/m    dT < 100 ps 2) Energy loss and charge changing of particles should be small    Energy acceptance : ±1 %   thin carbon foil (C-foil) 3) Large acceptance aperture   large beam size. (Height : ±25 mm, Width : ±50 mm)    large C-foil and Micro Channel Plate (MCP) about 50 ×100 mm2

3 TOF detector for Rare RI-Ring
MCP(50mm×100mm) C-foil (60 mg/cm2, 50mm×100mm) D : lateral displacement me : mass of electron q : charge E : magnitude of electric field B : magnitude of magnetic field dB / B = 6 % A. M. Zebelman, et al., NIM 141(1977) 439 J. D. Bowman and R. H. Heffner, NIM 148 (1978) 503 R. H. Kraus Jr. et al., NIM A264 (1988) 327

4 Experiment @ HIMAC HIMAC : SB2 course Primary beam
84Kr , 200 MeV/u C-foil : 174MeV/u) intensity 6×102~6×104 cps TOF (Plastic scintillator – MCP) Setup

5 Result sTOF = 161 ±6 ps Energy acceptance : ±1% Fitting of Gaussian
Resolution of TOF detector Beam :600 cps Resolution of Plastic = 140ps Count [ / 50 ps] sTOF = 161 ±6 ps TOF (Pla – MCP) [ns] Detection Eff. : 65% (Preliminary)

6 Offline measurement 1 Setup Detection Eff. : 9±2 % (Preliminary)

7 Offline measurement 2 Dependence of incidence position

8 Offline measurement 3 Dependence of electric and magnetic fields
E = 17 V/mm, B = 21 G  E = 60 V/mm, B = 38 G ①reduce electrode plate ②R to be large Before After

9 Summary Developing TOF detector for RIKEN rare-RI ring
84Kr (200 AMeV)  sTOF = 161±6 ps a-ray(241Am)  stot = 398±6 ps Electric and magnetic fields E = 17 V/mm, B = 21 G  stot = 398±6 ps E = 60 V/mm, B = 38 G  stot = 161±2 ps Future Improvement of Electric and magnetic fields (magnitude, homogeneity) Improvement of detection efficiency

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