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Automated Detection of Human Emotion

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1 Automated Detection of Human Emotion
Jennifer Lee Quarter 1

2 Goal To be able to identify emotions using a low quality camera (webcam). Applications Human-Computer Interaction Alternate Reality Product Testing

3 Past Research Very good results Two visual-based processes
About 80-90% accuracy Generally have access to high quality cameras Two visual-based processes Marker based Shadow based Anger Sadness Happiness Neutral 0.84 0.08 0.00 0.90 0.10 0.98 0.02 0.14 Analysis of Emotion Recognition using Facial Expressions, Speech and Multimodal Information (2004)

4 Development Python (OpenCV, PIL) Read each image GUI Head Shift
Adjustments Analyze Tracking Image Lighting Adjustments Webcam Identify Markers Feature Isolation Produce Tracking Image

5 Progress Python webcam integration  Tracking Identification GUI
Basic marker identification  Basic marker tracking  Head movement compensation Detailed marker tracking Identification GUI

6 Current Progress

7 Problems Fuzzy results Marker placement
Basic tracking give blob-like results. Marker placement

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