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Programming Languages

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1 Programming Languages
Computer languages Programming Languages

2 Program A computer program is a well defined set of instructions to achieve a particular task.

3 Programming Language A programming language is a formal construction language designed to communicate instruction to a computer.

4 Programmer A programmer writes a program to tell the computer what to do.

5 Types of programming Languages
Low level language High level language

6 Low-level languages Low- level lang. are designed to operate and handle the entire hardware, Low level languages are machine dependent n computer understands only low-level lang. Low level languages are2 types

7 Machine level language
Computer can understand the binary codes of 0’s n 1’s which is known as machine level language, It is the 1st computer language n machine dependent.

8 Assembly level language
A-L-L used as interface with computer n hardware Mnemonic codes n symbolic addresses are used Needs an assembler to translate the prog. Code to machine level language

9 High level lang. Designed for specific job
Easier to understand and closer to human langs. Combination of English and mathematical symbols Code must be translated into machine lang. Converted into binary code by interpreter or compiler

10 Advantages of H-L-L H-L-L are easily understandable than L-L-L N A-L-L
Debugging ( rectifying errors ) is easy Require less time n effort for coding Knowledge of hardware and binary arithmetic is not required

11 Examples of H-L-L Basic :- Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code general purpose language, used to develop custom applications developed by John G. kemeny n Thomas E. kurtz

12 LOGO Logic oriented n graphic oriented
Used to draw figures using commands Developed by Seymour papert

13 FORTAN Formula Translator
Designed to speed up n simplify n speed up the complex scientific applications Developed by John Backus

14 COBOL Common business oriented language
Used for Business, Finance n administration purpose

15 C Used for designing system s/w Developed in 1972 by DENNIS RITCHIE
( 18 )

16 C++ Object oriented language used for developing system s/w
Developed in 1983 by BJARNE STROUSTRUP ( 18 )

17 JAVA Advanced prog. language derived from C n C++ ( 18 )
Derive = originated from c n c++

18 TRANSLATOR Types of translators Compiler Interpreter
Translator translates the given prog. Into another equivalent prog. Language Types of translators Compiler Interpreter ( 19 )

19 COMPILER Compiler converts a H-L-L into Machine level language
translates the entire program in single shot n execute it ( 19 )

20 INTERPRETER Translates statement by statement n execute it ( 19 )

21 Generations of prog. Lang.
1st gen lang. low level languages, n essentially machine level langs. ( essentially = basic or fundamental )

22 2nd gen lang. low level programming lang.
2 gen lang. comprise ( made up ) of assembly lang. uses the concept of mnemonics for writing a prog. easier to read n write than 1gl

23 3rd G.L Known as H.L.L H.L.L are Procedural languages ( established or official ) H.L.L are comprise list of steps, procedures that tells the computer not only what to do but also how to do. it enables the programmer to concentrate only on the logic of the program. A translator required to translate H.L.L to M.L.L EX :- C, C++, java, etc ( 19 )

24 4GL Also known as H.L.L Purpose of 4GL is to reduce programming time, effort and cost. 4GL are highly user friendly By using the 4GL the sped of developing the progs. Are increased EX:- SQL, CSS, Power builder etc.

25 5GL 5GL languages are used in the field of Artificial intelligence
EX :- Mercury, Prolog etc

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