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PhD Seminar Research Ethics

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1 PhD Seminar Research Ethics
NMBU, Ås Research Ethics II PHI401 Norwegian University of Life Sciences

2 Research Ethics Internal Norms:
Duties to scientific community, misconduct, publication and authorship Research subjects: humans, animals External Norms: Environmental and Societal consequences of research «Experiment was repeated until we had three statistically significant similar results and could discard outliers» #overlyhonestmethods PhD Frokost Seminar – 2008

3 Research Ethics Boards and Guidelines
Local level: NMBU: The Ethical Committee ( National level: National Research Ethics Committees ( Science and Technology (NENT) Humanities and Social Research (NESH) Medicine (NEM) Data Protection Official for Research/ Personvernombud for forsking/NSD Biotechnology Advisory Board ( Technology Advisory Board ( Nasjonal Granskingsutvalget (The National Committe for investigations into misconduct in research) Guidelines for publication and review – The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) – “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (the Vancouver Convention)

4 Etikkutvalget NMBU (2017-)
Leader: Terje Kvilhaug (HH) Deborah Oughton (MINA) Øystein Evensen (Vet) Anne Katrine Geelmuyden (Landsam) Aslak Syse (UiO – Jus) Anne Gravdahl (A/T - KBM) + 2 PhD’s not yet appointed Frida Omma (student) Raymond Bjøntegård (student) Secretary: Jan Olav Aastvedt (FIE) Deputies Frode Kjosavik (HH) Ian Bryceson (Landsam) Henning Andreas Haga (Vet) Rani Lill Anjum (HH) Nikolai Kristoffersen Winge (UiO) Karen Eg Taralrud (POA) Christoffer Gjendem Olsen (St) Hanne Berggreen (St)

5 Ethics at NMBU Research Research Ethics Guidelines Storage of raw data
Whistle-blowing and scientific misconduct Education Specialist courses in research ethics in PhD studies Undergraduate and Masters Courses Seminars and workshops PhD Frokost Seminar – 2008

6 Ethics in Education at NMBU
PhD students A course in Research Ethics is obligatory for ALL PhD students Recognised PhD level research ethics course at NMBU PHI401/402: Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics (5/10 sp) Other courses (MSc level) PHI230: Philosophy, Environment and Biology (5 sp) BIO340: Bioethics (5 sp) PHI351 Business Ethics (10 sp) PhD Frokost Seminar – 2008

7 Ethical Guidelines for NMBU
Approved by UMB University Board November 2008 Revised version, NMBU 2015 Contents Fundamental values Work and learning environment Research and Research Ethics Management and Business Whistle-blowing and Procedures for dealing with breaches Revision of the Guidelines RESEACH ETHICS PHI401 Deborah Oughton

8 Two cases: Misconduct and Scientfic Method
Link between research ethics and philosophy of science Publication and Authorship Link between research ethics and personell disputes Tittel på presentasjon Norwegian University of Life Sciences

9 Research Fraud and Misconduct
What is research fraud? Why does it happen? How often does it happen? How is it controlled? Dutch psychologist Diederik Stapel RESEACH ETHICS PHI401 Deborah Oughton

10 #overlyhonestmethods
It’s often hard to tell the jerks from the cheats David C "Experiment was repeated until we had three statistically significant similar results and could discard the outliers" #overlyhonestmethods RESEACH ETHICS PHI401 Deborah Oughton

11 Ethical Issues in Publication
The most common source of arguments and misconduct allegations Responsibility of co-authors is a key issue in fraud cases ”Co-authors problems about authorship can range from the trivial to the catastrophic” - Maeve O’Connor, quoted in Day and Gastel ”How to Write a Scientific Paper” CUP. Publication and Authorship –

12 Publication and Authorship –

13 Criteria for credit .Vancouver
Authorship credit should be based on: 1) Substantial contributions to: the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND 2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3) Final approval of the version to be published; AND 4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Publication and Authorship –

14 Thank You! Tittel på presentasjon
Norwegian University of Life Sciences

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