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olitical and conomic ystems

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1 olitical and conomic ystems
P E olitical and conomic ystems S REGENTS REVIEW

gov’t in which citizens make decisions Direct Democracy = citizens vote directly on all issues Representative Democracy (Republic) = representatives are elected to make decisions Athens Direct Democracy = limited citizenship Roman Republic = basis was Twelve Tables Both form basis of Western Democracy ABSOLUTISM Monarch that has complete control over the gov’t & citizens Divine right = position/power of ruler created by God Large armies, palaces, territorial expansion Phillip II (Spain) = colonial empire, religious intolerance Louis XIV (France) = “Sun King”, Palace of Versailles Peter the Great (Russia) = Westernization Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, Catherine the Great

3 (Commu-nism, Fascism, Nazism, dictatorships)
Theocracy Gov’t led by a religious leader Leader often considered a god Leader can be a priest Typically ancient societies Egypt = Pharoah is a god, owns all of nation Sumer = led by priest-kings Mesoamerica = leaders descendants of Sun God Totalitarian-ism (Commu-nism, Fascism, Nazism, dictatorships) One-party dictatorship Controls all aspects of citizens’ lives—political, economic, social, cultural censorship All use secret police & severe punishment of opposition Joseph Stalin (Russia) Benito Mussolini (Italy) Adolf Hitler (Germany) Others: Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Napoleon, Castro

4 Communist Dictatorship Theory in which production owned equally among people Often results in state ownership of all production Soviet Union --collapses 1991 due to want of political freedoms and economic hardship China under Mao Ze Dong --Cultural Revolution China under Deng = refusal of political change --Tiananmen Square Fascism and Nazism Dictatorial govt Extreme nationalism and imperialism Hatred of communism State control of industry Nazism= National Socialist German Workers Party --belief in racial superiority Mussolini = militaristic, expansion into Africa Hitler = rises due to depression, militaristic, invasion of Eur. countries, book burning, Hitler Youth, Holocaust

5 Constitu-tional Monarchy
King or queen limited by law Parliament typically controls money Early attempts to limit --Magna Carta, Petition of Right William and Mary (England) sign English Bill of Rights --Glorious Rev Feudalism Decentralized gov’t --king has little power System of obligations --land for loyalty Strict Social Structure --minority nobles own/control land and gov’t --peasants/serfs work land --compared to caste system, Spanish Colonial system European Middle Ages ( ) --follows fall of Rome --king, lord, vassals, knights, peasants/serfs --isolation and little trade Japan ( ) --emperor, shogun, daimyo, samurai, artisans, peasants, merchants







12 ECONOMIC SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS EXAMPLES/EFFECTS TRADITION-AL Bartering = exchange of goods for goods Jobs determined by parental jobs Early river valley civilizations West African Civilizations Mesoamerica MANORIAL-ISM Systems centered around self-sufficient manors Nobles own land Large labor class (serfs) work land Very little outside trade European Middle Ages --decentralized gov’t leads to unprotected roads --manors must be self- sufficient --isolation of Europe

13 MERCANTI-LISM Nations increase wealth and power by gaining gold and silver and exporting more than importing --favorable balance of trade Colonies provide raw materials Europe Leads to Age of Exploration Atlantic Slave Trade to labor in colonies Capitalism or Market Economy Private ownership of property Investment in businesses entrepreneurs Goal: obtain profit Supply and demand Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations Great Britain during Industrial Revolution --excess capital used to invest in factories --low wages, poor conditions --growing middle class

14 Communism Theory in which factors of production, production, and distribution shared equally among people Belief that capitalism exploits the proletariat (working class) “haves” vs. “have nots” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels --The Communist Manifesto --Workers of the world unite Command Economy System in which all production and distribution is controlled by the gov’t Little to no unemployment Low standard of living USSR under Stalin --Five-Plans = catch up to West with collectivization & industrialization -- focus on heavy industry --Limited consumer goods China under Mao --Great Leap Forward

15 Mixed Economy Partially capitalist with elements of command economy --labor laws --gov’t controls some factors of production Most modern-day countries Historical examples Deng Xiaoping Lenin Gorbachev

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