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Advent PoeM Peace.

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1 Advent PoeM Peace

2 PEACE God, we are your people, made in your holy image.
We come before you this day joined in prayer for peace. Our sin, both individual and institutional, as well as the adept way we turn a blind eye to it, has caught up with us. Our world seems to be imploding, and we are turning on each other, destroying one other, and riding a wave of fear to a most tragic conclusion. We are in need of you, O God. We are in desperate need of all that you are.

3 PEACE We ask now for your peace, and we ask to be your peace
in a world that so urgently needs it. In this season of Advent, as we remember the astounding event of your birth among us, lead us to our own self-emptying, that we may be filled with your Spirit and reach out to our fellow travelers with the gentle hands of Jesus, bringing his loving acceptance to our every encounter.

4 PEACE Help us remember, God, that no act is too small to matter.
Every smile, every prayer, every practical offer of aid, every major leap of faith – all count, all are used, all add power to the groundswell of goodness and justice and mercy that is your Spirit moving in the world today. Fill us with your peace, O God. Peace be in our hands. Peace be in our voices. Peace be in our action. Peace be in our stillness. 

5 PEACE As one flame, shared candle to candle,
can fill a sanctuary with light, so be it with your peace, from one heart to another, one interaction at a time, until no place in the world is without your light. Amen

6 About the author: Lindy Thompson
Lindy Thompson is a poet and lyricist whose work seeks to shine fresh light on the sacred truth that all people are beloved children of God. Her poetry has been published by Alive Now, Reconciling Ministries Network, and the General Commission on Religion and Race. She has written lyrics for composer Mark Miller for many choral anthems and congregational songs including “I Choose Love” and “Teach Me to Fly,” both published by Choristers Guild. She lives in Franklin, TN with her husband and three children where they are all very active members of Christ UMC. She blogs her poetry at and posts information and updates on

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