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Irene Guijt, Learning by Design Dave Snowden, Cognitive Edge

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1 Irene Guijt, Learning by Design Dave Snowden, Cognitive Edge
Stories and Statistics with SenseMaker® New Kid on the Evaluation Block Irene Guijt, Learning by Design Dave Snowden, Cognitive Edge

2 Examples of applications
Liverpool Museum of Slavery culture of violence – Latin America grassroots groups - East Africa girls’ empowerment – Rwanda, Ethiopia agricultural value chains - cotton, tea, banana water service delivery - Ghana, Uganda youth leadership - global

3 Why use SenseMaker? Dynamic contexts need adaptive programme
Respond to emerging needs Understand diversity of perspectives Focus on values and people’s experiences, with quantification Not stand alone approach Build in other evaluation frameworks

4 Research & monitoring Prediction Hypothesis/inductive Null-hypothesis/
Derived from material created by Max Boisot Academy of Management Montreal 2010 Research & monitoring Prediction Pareto world Hypothesis/inductive Null-hypothesis/ abductive Log of event frequency Gaussian world Probable Possible Trigger Anticipatory awareness Plausible Log of event size

5 Rewards before the fact
“Economists and workplace consultants regard it as almost unquestioned dogma that people are motivated by rewards, so they don’t feel the need to test this. It has the status more of religious truth than scientific hypothesis.” “The facts are absolutely clear. There is no question that in virtually all circumstances in which people are doing things in order to get rewards, extrinsic tangible rewards undermine intrinsic motivation” New Scientist 9th April 2011 pp 40-43

6 Essence Not only numbers Not one ‘truth’ So …
Numbers have meaning from their context Not one ‘truth’ Stories and experiences as collective filters So … Lots of ‘fragments’ – micro-narratives People signify themselves Use visualization to see patterns and trends

7 Contextualized Statistics
From question to action Prompting question Story capture   patterns Many Narratives Contextualized Statistics Emergence Self-signification Act on signals Visualize patterns (theme, org, time, geo) Make sense 7

8 Methodology in Practice

9 Scale - GlobalGiving 2011 Roll Out Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
Continuous collection 20+ GG partner NGOs 2000+ scribes 24,400+ stories 1,800+ organizations named 2010 Pilot Kenya 2 months 5 GG partner NGOs 120 scribes 2,637 stories 242 organizations named

10 Asking what? Goals, values, behaviours Non-negotiables seek surprise
& confirm known

11 Tell us about a time when a person or an organization tried to change something in your community.

12 Stage 1 Analysis – Sensemaker® (& SNA, text analysis)

13 Stage 2 Analysis – People
Who Pre-analyzes Makes sense What Curiousity Which patterns matter How Clean up Action…. ‘What can be done to get more of this kind of story’ (or less of that kind)’

14 Mapping dispositions – evolutionary potential of a system

15 After 18 months Library of lived experiences
Visualizing shifting story patterns Dissemination to official aid sector Actionable – client, constituent voice Rolling baselines Useful for organizations – facilitate decision-making Information challenges existing frameworks Cross-organizational thinking Stories for evidence-based policy changes Framing the impact for/to donors Peer-to-peer knowledge management

16 Last thoughts See- Attend-Act Measure success without pre-defining
It’s not just getting material in front of people Statistical links (especially self-discovered) create attention Linked “objectivised anecdotes” provide explanatory power and lead to action Measure success without pre-defining measures of success change over time allowing learning through tolerated failure contextual adjustment Evidence-based policy tests of coherence empower ‘people’ to use statistics potential for whole of population engagement complexity/narratives alternatives to “Delphi” to allow real time distributed consultation

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