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African Societies Chapter 8 (P 210-225).

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Presentation on theme: "African Societies Chapter 8 (P 210-225)."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Societies Chapter 8 (P )

2 African Geography Sahara- largest desert in Africa
Savannas- grassy plains Most people live here

3 Early Societies Organized into family groups Animism
Griots- oral history Skipped Copper & Bronze ages- straight to Iron Age

4 Migration A permanent move from one country or region to another
Causes: Environmental Economic Political

5 Push-Pull Factors

6 Effects of Migration Redistribution of population Cultural blending
Shared technology & ideas Conflict Environmental effects (famine, depleted resources) Employment opportunities may become limited

7 Bantu-Speaking Peoples
Migrated for 1,500 years southward throughout Africa, spreading their language & culture Bantu Video

8 Aksum Conquered the Kush
Became a major trade center on the Indian Ocean trade routes Diverse cultural heritage

9 Aksum Converted to Christianity under ruler Ezana
Modern-day Ethiopia is still predominantly Christian Adapted to hilly environment by using terracing & irrigation techniques First state south of the Sahara to mint coins

10 Aksum Lasts 800 years Islamic empire invasions isolated Aksum from trade & other Christian settlements Aksum’s rulers moved capital to a more isolated location Declines as world power

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