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EnviroGrids: Sustainable Development of the Black Sea Catchment

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1 EnviroGrids: Sustainable Development of the Black Sea Catchment
Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony Lehmann University of Geneva / Climate Change and Climatic impacts / enviroSPACE group and United Nations Environment Programme / DEWA / GRID-Europe & the enviroGRIDS consortium Veli Lošinj, August 27th 2009

2 What is enviroGRIDS about?
…exploring the past, present and future (hydrology) of the Black Sea catchment First, let see what is the main objective of the project: In one sentence, we aim at exploring the past, present and future of the Black Sea catchement, especially from an hydrology point of view, but not only.

3 Role of human activities
IPCC 2007 Observations Natural forcings 1.0 Natural + anthropogenic forcings DT with respect to [°C] 0.5 As we know from the IPCC reports, human have induced a change in our climate that can only be explained by the effect of anthropogenic greenhouse gaz emmissions. This can be observed all over the globe, on Earth and at Sea 0.0 1900 1950 2000

4 Scenarios of climate change
6.0 IPCC, 2007 A2 5.0 4.0 3.0 DT respect to 20th century means [°C] B2 2.0 The IPCC report also use Global Climatic Models and Scenarios to predict how temperature might change in a very close future in function of different levels of greenhouse gaz effect. 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 -0.2 -0.4 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2050 2100

5 Changes in heatwave days
(june-july-august) (Differences between and ) (HIRHAM RCM, A2 Scenario) Mean 90% quantile Beniston, 2004: Geophysical Research Letters These predictions can be made at a european level with regional climatic models that show the percentage of changes between two periods for the summer season. According to the A2 model, the mean temperature will change in a range between 3 to 6 °C The 90th percentile, with changes reaching 8 degrees The 99th percentile, with changes reaching until 10 degrees Then, more we look at higher values and more the change is important °C

6 Changes in summer precipitation
(june-july-august) (Differences in % between and ) (A-2 Scenario) Seasonal precipitation Events greater than 50 mm/day Christensen and Christensen, Nature, 2003 % change -40 -30 -20 -10 +10 +20 +30 +40

7 Land cover changes EURURALIS project
What will happen to Europe in the forthcoming time? How will it impact on the rural areas? What kind of threats as well as opportunities for socio-cultural, economic and ecological values can we expect? Can European rural areas and their communities maintain their livelihood? The ambition of the Eururalis project is twofold. First it wants to support policy makers in discussions about the future of rural areas in the EU27 with scientifically sound data. Secondly it wants to learn about the interacting of many forces that drive the future of rural Europe.

8 Demographic changes

9 Biodiversity changes

10 Changes of water resources

11 The enviroGRIDS project – facts
Founded by the European Commission FP7 framework (Theme 6:environment) April 2009 – March 2013 Total budget of €8.1 mio. (€6.2 EC contribution) and 1367 man-months 27 partners, coordinated by University of Geneva

12 DHMO Fortunately we have a large range of skills and expertise among the 27 partners of the project that all have particular tasks to fulfill in the project. Partners involved in grid computing in the project are circled in RED

13 Why this Catchment? With the adhesion of Romania and Bulgaria to the European Union, the Black Sea becomes a European Sea. enviroGRIDS is centered of the Black sea hydrological catchment (more the terrestrial part than the Black sea bassin itself) More than 2 million square km 25 countries Some of Europe longest and largest rivers (Danube, Dnieper, Southern Bug, Dniester, and the Don) Inhabited by around 160 million people The core environmental problem of the Danube River Catchment can be described as “ecologically unsustainable development and inadequate water resources management” [1]. The problems are caused by different factors such as inadequate management of wastewater/solid waste, ecological unsustainable industrial activities, and inadequate land management and improper agricultural practices. They generate several direct consequences: pollution of surface/groundwater, eutrophication, and accelerated runoff/erosion. These consequences have, in turn, the following main effects: decline in quality of life, human health risks, degradation of biodiversity, economic decline, and reduced availability of water. The Black Sea itself is also affected by severe environmental degradation [2]. Say the ultimate goal of envirogrids is to contribute to a more environmentaly sustainable future of the BSC, to address some societal benefits and to improve environmental concerns and reduce It will achieve that by building the capacity of scientist to assemble Observation system in the Black Sea Basin, the capacity of decision makers to use it, and the capacity of the general public to understand the important environmental, social and economical issues at stake.

14 Generic technical objectives
gap analysis developing a grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) spatially explicit regional scenarios of development modeling of large scale, high resolution distributed hydrologic processes develop access to real time data from sensors and satellites develop early warning and decision support tools at regional, national and local levels Build capacities in the implementation of many new standards and frameworks gap analysis developing a grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) spatially explicit regional scenarios of development modeling of large scale, high resolution distributed hydrologic processes develop access to real time data from sensors and satellites develop early warning and decision support tools at regional, national and local levels Build capacities in the implementation of many new standards and frameworks to run a gap analysis on existing regional observation systems to prepare recommendations for improvement of networks of data acquisition in each region/country, Create regional scenarios of development in function of expected climate, land cover and demographic changes to gridify the software that compute large scale resolution modeling of distributed hydrologic processes, to develop the access to real time data from sensors and satellites, to streamline the production of indicators on sustainability and vulnerability of societal benefits. Streamline data process from data warehouses, to scenarios, hydrological models, impacts assessments and finally to disseminations tools. to provide policy-makers and citizens with early warning and decision support tools at regional, national and local levels. to build capacities in the implementation of many new standards and frameworks (INSPIRE, GEOSS,..).

15 What is a Spatial Data Infrastructure?
SDI provides a basis for spatial data discovery, evaluation, and application. Includes the following elements: - Geographic data, - Metadata, - Services, - Clearinghouse, - Standards, - Partnerships.

16 Challenges when sharing data
Many “islands” of data of different formats and quality. Finding existing geospatial data is difficult. Spatial data from different sources cannot be integrated due to: - Incompatible information models & encodings. - Non-interoperable information systems. - No harmonization between datasets at different geographical scales.

17 Challenges when sharing data
Re-use of spatial data is actually hard to achieve: - Complex data integration procedures. - Costly reproduction and redundancy. Data policy restrictions: - Unclear access rights and licensing policies. - Missing pricing models. SDIs are about facing the challenges and connecting heterogeneous data sources.

18 Water Sustainability framework
If we want to predict how the hydrology of the BSC will change in the context of climate change, land use change and demogaphic changes, we must be able to model this framework! Thanksfully  SWAT

19 SWAT SWAT is a river basin-scale model to simulate the quality and quantity of surface and ground water and predict the environmental impact of land management practices on different soil patterns and land use patterns It will be run on vey high resolution spatial data at the scale of the BSC, based on different scenario of climate, land use and demographic changes.

20 Hydrologic Balance Surface Runoff Lateral Flow Return Flow
Evaporation and Transpiration Precipitation Surface Runoff Root Zone Infiltration/plant uptake/ Soil moisture redistribution Lateral Flow Vadose (unsaturated) Zone SWAT will the model every part of an hydrological model across the full landscape under study. The main input of water is precipitation, which divides itself into Surface Runoff, Lateral flow, Return Flow, Recharge of Aquifer and of course evaporation. Revap from shallow aquifer Percolation to shallow aquifer Shallow (unconfined) Aquifer Return Flow Confining Layer Deep (confined) Aquifer Flow out of watershed Recharge to deep aquifer

21 Lake Balaton catchment
Models We used already SWAT on Lake Balaton in Hungary and many users are using this tool around the world to study their river catchments. In order to run this model, we need relatively simple data: Altitude and slope Land cover Soil characteristics Climatic time series of temperature and rainfall data from weather stations Then, in order to calibrate the model we need hydrological data to fit the model to the observations

22 Hydrological modeling

23 It’s still difficult to estimate the computation time required, because linked to availability of data in high resolution (post gap analysis) However, running the model at the scale of 100 meters (about 80'000 sub-basins) would take about 12 CPU-days of computation for one scenario, and several dozens of scenario need be tested. It also generates about 500 Gb of output data for each scenario. This is without sensitivity analysis, that is much more demanding.

24 Gridification of SWAT We plan to:
gridify SWAT to run on the EGEE infrastructure as a geoprocessing service to be called from various clients such as SWAT users or web clients. Use ganga to easily switch among computational resources easy-to-use frontend for job definition and management, implemented in Python GIS are the main application through which SWAT simulations are launched, and this needs to be taken into account for the smooth adoption of grid technology by this community of users. The challenge here is to develop the least disruptive work flow using SWAT on the grid Ganga is an easy-to-use frontend for job definition and management, implemented in Python. It has been developed by CERN to meet the needs of the ATLAS and LHCb experiments for a Grid user interface. Ganga allows trivial switching between testing on a local batch system and large-scale processing on Grid resources The typical SWAT user (e.g. geologist, hydrologist) is well acquainted with GIS, but not so much with the scripting skills that are usually necessary to launch jobs on the grid. The development of a dedicated ganga module in existing GIS packages (e.g. ArcGIS) that would link input spatial data to the gridified SWAT package could dramatically help SWAT users scaling up their computational experiments. Such a module should allow the direct access to the grid infrastructure from within the GIS interface by taking care of grid credential and job submission processes. It could also be developed in such a way that it optimizes how a SWAT simulation is streamlined, according to the number of available computing elements.

25 Gridification of SWAT-CUP
Program for sensitivity analysis, calibration, validation, and uncertainty analysis of a SWAT model SWAT-CUP is a computer program for calibration of SWAT models. SWAT-CUP is a public domain program, and as such may be used and copied freely. The program links GLUE, ParaSol, SUFI2, and MCMC procedures to SWAT. It enables sensitivity analysis, calibration, validation, and uncertainty analysis of a SWAT model. The overall program structure is as shown in the Figure aboave.

26 Launching jobs from within ArcSWAT
Call ganga directly from ArcGIS (as transparent as possible to the user) The typical SWAT user (e.g. geologist, hydrologist) is well acquainted with GIS, but not so much with the scripting skills that are usually necessary to launch jobs on the grid. The development of a dedicated ganga module in existing GIS packages (e.g. ArcGIS) that would link input spatial data to the gridified SWAT package could dramatically help SWAT users scaling up their computational experiments. Such a module should allow the direct access to the grid infrastructure from within the GIS interface by taking care of grid credential and job submission processes. It could also be developed in such a way that it optimizes how a SWAT simulation is streamlined, according to the number of available computing elements. The interface should be generic enough to: be replicated easily with other gridified applications needed within the consortium used with other GIS package (e.g. GRASS)

27 Grid-enabled SDI SWAT input data sets may: be stored on a local SDI
stored and replicated in a distributed filesystem on the grid called through web services at run time SWAT output data sets may be stored on the grid for future use distributed filesystem solution, basically a piece of software based on a scalable RDBMS to store, query and access large data sets (SWAT input/output) on a distributed framework. It is a key requirement for our web application (but the issue is relevant for the project as a whole) to manage efficiently datasets (simulation, GIS data, etc.)

28 Pushing for standardization
The grid-enabled SDI, will push for standardization among all countries within the Black Sea catchment A strong objective of EnviroGRIDS is to build capacities in the implementation of many new standards and framework The project is a very good opportunity to push for new such framework for standardization New Data sets and services will only be accepted if they comply to the accepted standards

29 Pushing for standardization
INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community a European Commission initiative to build a European spatial data infrastructure beyond national boundaries. INSPIRE is ambitious. The initiative intends to trigger the creation of a European spatial information infrastructure that delivers to the users integrated spatial information services. These services should allow the users to identify and access spatial or geographical information from a wide range of sources, from the local level to the global level, in an inter-operable way for a variety of uses The general situation on spatial information in Europe is one of fragmentation of datasets and sources, gaps in availability, lack of harmonisation between datasets at different geographical scales and duplication of information collection. These problems make it difficult to identify, access and use data that is available. Fortunately, awareness is growing at national and at EU level about the need for quality geo-referenced information to support understanding of the complexity and interactions between human activities and environmental pressures and impacts The INSPIRE initiative is therefore timely and relevant but also a major challenge given the general situation outlined above and the many stakeholder interests to be addressed. INSPIRE is complementary to related policy initiatives, such as the Commission proposal for a Directive on the re-use and commercial exploitation of Public Sector Information. The INSPIRE Concept I. The target users of INSPIRE include policy-makers, planners and managers at European, national and local level and the citizens and their organisations. Possible services are the visualisation of information layers, overlay of information from different sources, spatial and temporal analysis, etc.

The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) is coordinating existing systems by supporting interoperability, information sharing, improving the understanding of user requirements, and data delivery. GEO will make visible global and regional scientific data that are organized in 9 Societla Benefit Areas: Disasters, Health, Energy, Climate, Weather, Water, Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Agriculture It will work a little bit like Google Earth that everybody knows in order to explore existing data across the globe. This is very important in order to be able to access more rapidly the existing data. The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) is being built by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) on the basis of a 10-Year Implementation Plan running from 2005 to 2015.[1] GEOSS seeks to connect the producers of environmental data and decision-support tools with the end users of these products, with the aim of enhancing the relevance of Earth observations to global issues. The end result is to be a global public infrastructure that generates comprehensive, near-real-time environmental data, information and analyses for a wide range of users. EnviroGirds is one of the 70 GEOSS task of the GEOSS Work Plan ! So it will become one of the integral systems in the GEOSS, !!! The vision is to encourage existing observation systems in the Black Sea Catchment to register into GEOSS their institution as components, and their data and processing services as well. EnviroGRIDS will host the services of the institutions that wish to contribute without having the necessary infrastructure in place. The EnviroGRIDS BSC OS will therefore be built from its own services registered into GEOSS, from hosted services and from services already registered in GEOSS. 22 GEO data and processing services were already identified in the list of deliverables by adding a tag on Nature of Deliverables named S-GEOSS. Each task supports one of the nine societal-benefit or four transverse areas Interlinking observation systems requires common standards for architecture and data sharing. The architecture of an Earth observation system refers to the way in which its components are designed so that they function as a whole. Each GEOSS component must be included in the GEOSS registry and configured so that it can communicate with the other participating systems. In addition, each contributor to GEOSS must subscribe to the GEO data-sharing principles, which aim to ensure the full and open exchange of data, metadata and products. These issues are fundamental to the successful operation of GEOSS. [4] [5] [6] [7] GEOSS will disseminate information and analyses directly to users. GEO is developing the GEOPortal as a single Internet gateway to the data produced by GEOSS. The purpose of GEOPortal is to make it easier to integrate diverse data sets, identify relevant data and portals of contributing systems, and access models and other decision-support tools

31 Ensuring long term access to data
EnviroGrids VO? Starting to build our pool of resources: At partners sites Using forthcoming desktop grid at university of Geneva PCs Alternatives: -joining existing VO (e.g. ES VO, biomed VO) One of the main grid-related challenge in this project is the long-term sustainability and access to the grid infrastructure EnviroGrids VO. With resources shared by all partners in the project EGI transition: by gaining support and visibility in the national grid initiative (NGI) GENESI-DR, (Ground European Network for Earth Science Interoperations - Digital Repositories), has the challenge of establishing open Earth Science Digital Repository access for European and world-wide science users. GENESI-DR shall operate, validate and optimise the integrated access and use available digital data repositories to demonstrate how Europe can best respond to the emerging global needs relating to the state of the Earth, a demand that is unsatisfied so far. SEE-GRID-SCI(SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for regional eScience) is a 2 year project  co-funded by the European Commission, starting on 01/05/ TALK ON FRIDAY!! eInfrastructure in Europe has reached a mature state where the GÉANT network forms a communications backbone on top of which a distributed computing infrastructure – the Grid – provides processing and storage services for eScience research. The South-East European eInfrastructure initiatives are committed to ensuring equal participation of the less-resourced countries of the region in European trends. SEEREN initiative has established a regional network and its GÉANT connection and the SEE-GRID initiative the regional Grid.

32 Involvement of the public
IBM World Community Grid (volunteer computing) A good way of having the public of the region participating Challenge Needs to find the good application (jobs needing small amount of input/output data) Apart from standard « approach » such as workshop, multimedia material, conferences involving ministries BOINC is Open-source software for volunteer computing and grid computing

33 enviroGRIDS try to summarize the project through a relatively complex graph. Observational data exists in many international and national organizations and these organizations started making available the important information through the GEO System of Systems (GEOSS) More observational data is exist in regional database. This data should also be made available to the scientific community through GEOSS A lot of environmental and remote sensing data will be soon stored on the GRID and will also be reachable through GEO Once this data is visible and hopefully available, it can be much more easily used by important organization such as the Black Sea Commission (BSC) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) to analyze it and communicate to the public and decision makers about the state of the Black Sea and the Danube river. A clearing house will be created specially for the Black Sea Catchment to fin more rapidly what data exist All this information will nourish the Observation Systems that we will develop to communicate with decision makers and the public through several media.

34 Talking about Landsat (satellite) data:
“In spite of the great need for that information, the vast majority of those images have never fired a single neuron in a single human brain. Instead, they are stored in electronic silos of data.” The Digital Earth (Al Gore, 1998)


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