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Youngsters’ subculture

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1 Youngsters’ subculture

2 Subcultures Hippies, Punks, Goths, Skinheads, Metal Heads, Emo, Bikers etc. Some groups of people share a distinct set of cultural traits within a larger society. Such groups are often referred to as subcultures.

3 Hippies Hippies, members of a youth movement of the late 1960s that was characterized by nonviolent anarchy, concern for the environment, and rejection of Western materialism. The hippies formed a politically outspoken, antiwar, artistically prolific counterculture in North America and Europe. Their colorful style emerged in fashion, graphic art, and music by bands such as Love, the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd

4 Punk Punk, movement of disaffected youth of the late 1970s, manifesting itself in fashions and music designed to shock or intimidate. Punk music began in New York City and London and stressed aggressive and fast performance, often within a three-chord, three-minute format, as exemplified by British punk group the Sex Pistols and New York punk group the Ramones. The Clash

5 Metalheads - fans of heavy metal music, a style of rock characterized by aggressive guitar solos. Heavy metal developed out of the hard rock of the late 1960s and early 1970s and was performed by groups such as Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. Led Zeppelin

6 Goths- fans of goth music and fashion (a style of fashion, popular among men and women in the 1980s, characterized by black clothes, heavy silver jewelry, black eye makeup and lipstick, and often pale face makeup). Goth music is a style of popular music that combines features of heavy metal with punk.

7 Skinheads- racist young white men, a group of young white men with closely-cropped or shaven hair, characterized by extreme right-wing views and aggressive behavior.

8 Bikers—fans and admirers of motorcycles
Bikers—fans and admirers of motorcycles. Unlike usual motorcyclists, at bikers the motorcycle is a part of a way of life. Characteristic association with adherents on the basis of this way of life also is.

9 Emo The term designating a special kind of hardcore-music, based on strong emotions in a voice of the vocalist and melodious, but sometimes chaotic or completely absent musical component. Distinctive features of this style — the manner of a vocal including frequently squeal, groans, whisper, a roar. Texts of songs have personal character — about experiences of authors, is more rare — political character.

10 Authors of presentation:
Matveeva Christina and Eksanov Maxim Form 10 "A" School №695

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