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Rome 500 B.C.E. Benefits of both maritime sea trade through the Tiber river+protection by 7 hills 15 miles inland. Etruscans: *Had a monarchy in which.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome 500 B.C.E. Benefits of both maritime sea trade through the Tiber river+protection by 7 hills 15 miles inland. Etruscans: *Had a monarchy in which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome 500 B.C.E. Benefits of both maritime sea trade through the Tiber river+protection by 7 hills 15 miles inland. Etruscans: *Had a monarchy in which the king was advised by Patres(Later to be the Senate in Rome) Roman republic forms with the lower Plebian class and the higher Patricians. - Plebian class made up the army and eventually gained full rights. - Plebians created Tribunes which eventually gained the power of veto. - In times of war a dictator was elected to rule. - After war the power would be given back to the Senate. - Male dominated family structure called Paterfamilias. - Small farmers basis of Roman economy.

2 Punic Wars(Rome vs. Carthage)
- Carthage – powerful civilization in North Africa – Rome vs. Carthage for control of Mediterranean - Rome wins and wealth from the war creates class distinction. - Senate gives land from war to the aristocracy, which they create large plantations run by slaves. This makes the small farmers sell out and the unemployed flood Rome. - Civil war breaks out in Rome.

3 WARM UP – February 16 Pick up the handout on Ancient Greek and Roman Political Institutions – answer the following questions IN YOUR NOTES 1. In what ways did the Romans borrow from the Greeks in regards to how they governed their empire? 2. What was the intention of the Roman laws? How is this similar to the United States today? 3. Why was Christianity able to spread successfully in Rome? 4. Describe the roles of women in both Ancient Greece and Rome

4 Period of Warring States in China 403 BCE-221BCE
Confucianism emerges - Confucius contemplates why China is in Chaos. - Emphasized harmony, order, and obedience. The 5 basic relationships were: 1. Emperor/subject- Emperor takes care of subjects, and subject must obey Emperor. 2. Father/son 3. Older brother/younger brother 4. Husband/wife 5. Friend/friend- mutual care and obedience. -The Chinese govt' used Confucianism to support rule. Daoism- Laozi is the founder - Focused on living simply in harmony with nature. - Like Confucianism, accepted things the way they were. - It is introspective and reflective. Legalism- Philosophy of Shi Huangdi, the first Qin Emperor. - Emphasized the rule of law, having laws govern not men. - Punishment was harsh and swift

5 Trade Routes that linked the Classical Civs
The Silk Road- overland route extending from western China, across Central Asia, and finally to the Mediterranean area. Indian Ocean Trade- Maritime trade with 3 legs 1) Connecting eastern Africa and the Middle East with India 2)Connected India to Southeast Asia 3) Finally Southeast Asia to the Chinese port of Canton. Saharan Trade- Connected people in the south Sahara to the Mediterranean and Middle East. Nomadic peoples called the Berbers traveled on camel caravans to Cairo with goods. Sub-Saharan Trade- Inspired by Bantu migration this route connected all African trade to the Indian ocean trade along the eastern coast of Africa. Cultural Diffusion along these routes included: - Buddhism and Christianity along the Silk Roads. - Lateen Sail(Triangular shaped for off coast trading) and cultural merchant class in Indian Ocean trade. - Domestication of camel in Saharan trade.

6 Map 5 The Silk Roads

7 Map 6 Indian Ocean Trade

8 Mauryan and Qin Dynasties
300 B.C.E. Qin Dynasty in China - Ruled for only 14 years strictly with the values of Legalism. - Mandated 1 system of measurement, 1 language (Mandarin), and formed the idea for 1 huge wall to keep out nomads from the North. (Great Wall) - Governed through a bureaucracy instead of by the aristocracy. Mauryan Dynasty in India - 1st to unite India. - Ashoka- ruled by controlling the details in every area closely. - Ashoka converts to Buddhism, eliminates animal sacrifice, and gave lots of money to build Buddhist temples. - Sent missionaries to China and Eastward. - Dynasty end with the death of Ashoka.

9 Gupta and Han Dynasties
200 B.C.E. Han Dynasty(200 BCE-200 CE) - Under the control of Liu Bang the Han took the strengths of the previous Zhou and Qin. - The idea of the Mandate of Heaven was contributed by the Zhou dynasty. - The Qin, committing the most to the Han, convinced Liu Bang to create a centralized govt‘ with a centralized bureaucracy to defy power to the nobility so they couldn't undermined the Central govt'. - While Liu Bang sought to take the "Middle Path" between the 2 previous dynasties his system collapsed and a new, totally centralized govt' took over. - The next Emperor, Han Wudi, would strongly push his policies of administrative centralization and imperial expansion. - Overall this dynasty created the heritage for future Chinese societies through this enduring, Confusian supported empire.

10 Fall of Rome 1 C.E. Diocletian(3 CE)
Christianity- Branches off of Judaism. - The promise God gave Abraham of a Messiah is fulfilled through Jesus. - Roman roads connect the whole empire allowing for Christianity to spread. - Roman empire all had same language. -Apostle Paul 1st Christian missionary. - Christianity supports missionary zeal. Diocletian(3 CE) - Persecutes Christianity, which actually strengthens it. - He splits the Empire into 2 capitals, one in Rome and one in Byzantium.

11 Late Classical Era : The fall of the Empires
200 C.E. 600 C.E. The Common factors that caused them to fall include: *Attacks from the Huns *Deterioration of political institutions: political corruption and moral decay. *Lack of protection and maintenance of boarders. *Diseases that followed the trade routes. Killed as much as half the populations of these empires. Common Consequences include: *Trade was disrupted but survived, long distance trade increase and trade on the Indian ocean was even increased. *The importance of religion increased as political authority decreased. *Political disunity in the Middle East forged the way for the appearance of new religion in the 7th century. - Han China was the 1st to fall(around 220 CE), then the Western Roman Empire (476 CE) Continuities include: *Patriarchy and Agricultural societies until the 18th century *World religions until the present.

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