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Published byJohnathan Day Modified over 6 years ago
EU Funds Communication Strategy for 2007-2015 Implementation in 2008
Content 1 OP and travelling exhibition „European Social Fund Project Parade” launching event, 2 OP and 3 OP launching events Co-operation with media Specialized information Public opinion poll (December 2008) Putting up information billboards and plaques Seminars, conferences Major project information measures EU Funds activities search tool EU funds project lists Flying the EU flag on 9 May
1 OP and travelling exhibition European Social Fund Project Parade launching event on 10.01.2008.
No place in the world is so dark, where a good idea wouldn’t spark. J. Jaunsudrabiņš Devoted to the ESF 50th anniversary and 3 years in Latvia
1 OP and travelling exhibition European Social Fund Project Parade launching event on 10.01.2008.
N.Broks, I.Purne (in centre), T.Koķe 1 OP and ESF project parade launching event visitors (up) N.Broks opens the ESF project parade (left)
Travelling ESF project parade truck
Travelling ESF project parade 1st round January- February 2008
Travelling ESF project parade 2nd round May – June 2008
Travelling ESF project parade 2nd round May – June 2008
Travelling ESF project parade 2nd round May – June 2008
Travelling ESF project parade in Brussels 30.06.-04.07.2008.
V.Špidla (left) and N.Broks at launching event in Brussels Brussels Latvian choir at launching event
Travelling ESF project parade in Brussels 30.06.-04.07.2008.
ESF exhibition visitors in Brussels V.Špidla’ s opening speach at launching event
Travelling ESF project parade in figures
12 information stands (each 50 kg) 12 photo, 12 audio and 12 video = 36 ESF project stories told More than km drive along Latvia’s 5 regions 35 municipalities visited More than 2500 visitors 200 references/comments
2 OP launching event on Information on 2 OP „Entrepreneurship and Innovations” launching event together with ceremonial NSRF signing has been included in annual 2 OP implementation report for 2007.
3 OP launching event on Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics A.Kužnieks, EIB representative H.Olbers, EIB vice-president E.Srejber, EC representative, Head of Energy Efficiency Unit V.Berrutto, Parliamentary Secretary of Ministry of Regional Development M.Krastiņš and Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance/ Head of EU Funds Managing Authority A.Ūbelis 3 OP „Infrastructure and Services” launching event/ conference „European Funding for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Urban Development”
3 OP launching event on E.Srejber holding presenation (up) A.Ūbelis at presidium (down) Representatives of the European Commission, European Investment Bank, EU Funds Managing Authority and Smārde local authority at Smārde primary school at 3 OP launching event
Co-operation with media in 2008
Co-operation with media in 2008
Co-operation with media in 2008
87 press releases disseminated by EU Funds Managing Authority <140 press releases and publications disseminated by 11 Responsible Institutions in national and local press <115 press releases and 50 articles disseminated by 8 Cooperation Institutions 97 publications disseminated by 5 Regional Structural Funds Information Centres in local press
Co-operation with media in 2008
Press conferences on EU Funds Issues: 4 press conferences by the Managing Authority 5 press conferences by Responsible Institutions 3 press conferences by Co-operation Institutions 7 press conferences by Regional Structural Funds Information Centres
Co-operation with media in 2008
Radio broadcast Keys to European Funds 51 programme (~43 000 listeners each programme ) TV broadcast Eurobus 23 programmes (~140 000 viewers each programme ) Archive TV and Radio Programmes
Specialized information
Sadarbība ar plašsaziņas līdzekļiem: Informēšana par institūciju aktualitātēm SF apguvē Preses konferences un intervijas Tikšanās ar plašsaziņas līdzekļu pārstāvjiem Sadarbība ar TV un radio
Specialized information
Sadarbība ar plašsaziņas līdzekļiem: Informēšana par institūciju aktualitātēm SF apguvē Preses konferences un intervijas Tikšanās ar plašsaziņas līdzekļu pārstāvjiem Sadarbība ar TV un radio
Specialized information
Specialized information stands on environment projects in the Ministry of Environment
Specialized information
Sadarbība ar plašsaziņas līdzekļiem: Informēšana par institūciju aktualitātēm SF apguvē Preses konferences un intervijas Tikšanās ar plašsaziņas līdzekļu pārstāvjiem Sadarbība ar TV un radio
Specialized information
2 publications by the Managing Authority 40 information materials by Responsible Institutions and Co-operation Institutions 26 information materials by Regional Structural Funds Information Centres
Public opinion poll (December 2008) Information level on EU Funds
Respondents with the university/unfinished university education (84%), employees at high position (84%), farmers (82%), executives of individual work (91%), Latvian speaking respondents (79%)
Public opinion poll (December 2008) Satisfaction with information accessibility
The satisfaction with the available amount of information about EU Funds has increased – it is evaluated as sufficient by 47% of respondents (in 2007 – 41%, 2006 – 29%)
Public opinion poll (December 2008) EU Funds awareness
galvenie avoti, kur tiek iegūta informācija ir (dilstošā secībā) TV, nacionālie preses izdevumi, radio, reģionālie preses izdevumi, internets, informatīvie bukleti Salīdzinot ar 2005.g., par 15% mazinājusies TV, par 9% radio un par 6% nacionālo preses izdevumu loma, ka ari nebūtiski samazinājusies citu izmantoto avotu loma informācijas iegūšanai par SF. Interneta lietotāju skaits savukārt ir pieaudzis no 15% 2004.gada uz 20% 2005.gada un 21% 2006.gada. Lietderīgs būtu arī skaidrojums par to, ka TV, radio un preses ka izmantoto informācijas avotu samazinājumu izskaidro tiešās konsultācijas (personificēta informācijas meklēšana ar konsultantiem, īpašiem informācijas centriem)
Public opinion poll (December 2008) Most often used information channels
Public opinion poll (December 2008) Overall assessment on EU Funds implementation
Pusgada laika kops darbību ir uzsākuši reģionālie SF infocentri par tiem jau zina 36% respondentu (Zemgale 49%, Vidzeme 43%, Kurzeme 42%)
Public opinion poll (December 2008) EU Funds impact on national eceonmy
Public opinion poll (December 2008)
Intention to apply for EU funding in Par prioritārajiem turpmākās SF apguves virzieniem, kas sakrīt ari ar nākamajā ES fondu apguves periodā plānotajiem atbalsta pamatvirzieniem. Respondenti min: (1) sociālo infrastruktūru (veselību, sociālo aprūpi, izglītības iestāžu modernizāciju) - 55%; (2)ceļu un transporta sistēmas sakārtošanu - 45% un (3) nodarbinātības veicināšana - 45%
Putting up information billboards and plaques
Jābūt vismaz vārdam Eiropas Savienība – turklāt nekādā gadījumā nedrīkst saīsināt kā ES
Seminars, conferences
Seminars, conferences < 60 information seminars for potential project applicants by Responsible Institutions and Co-operation Institutions 216 informative measures by Regional Structural Funds Information Centres: 204 informative seminars 7 conferences 5 information days
Major Project information measures Annual award “Apple 2008”
Organised by the Ministry of Environment Applicants: local authorities implementing environmental infrastructure or nature protection projects including EU co-funded projects
EU Funds activity search tool at
EU Funds project lists at
Flying the EU flag on 9 May
Flying the EU flag on 9 May at the Managing and Paying Authorities
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