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Presentation on theme: "HOLIDAYS IN GREAT BRITAIN."— Presentation transcript:


2 England, Wales, Northern Ireland
Public Holidays Public holiday Countries 2016 2017 New Year's Day UK Fri. January 1  Sun. January 1st. Substitute day (for New Year's Day) England, Wales, Northern Ireland Mon. January 4 Mon. January 2nd January 2nd  Scotland Sat. January 2 Substitute day (for 2nd January or New Year's Day)  Mon. January 4 Tue. January 3rd St. Patricks Day Northern Ireland Thu. March 17  Fri. March 17th Good Friday Fri. March 25 Fri. April 14th Easter monday UK, except Scotland Mon. March 28 Mon. April 17th Early May Bank Holiday Mon. May 2 Mon. May 1st. Spring Bank Holiday Mon. May 30 Mon. May 29th. Battle of the Boyne Tue. July 12 Wed. July 12th Summer Bank Holiday Mon. August 1 Mon. August 7th. Mon. August 29 Mon. August 28th. St. Andrews Day Wed. November 30 Thu. November 30th. Christmas Day Holiday Sun. December 25 Mon. December 25th. Boxing Day Mon. December 26 Tue. December 26th. Christmas Day (Substitute Day) Tue. December 27

3 Valentine's Day People with romantic feelings for a particular person may send person cards, gifts and text messages on Valentine's Day. Popular gifts include chocolates and flowers.

4 St. Patrick's Day Saint Patrick’s Day is a cultural and religious holiday. It is named after Saint Patrick (c. AD 385–461), one of the most commonly recognized patron saints of Ireland.

5 April Fools Day 1April A day of jokes and tricks. You have to play a joke before 12 o’clock midday, otherwise someone plays a joke on you. No one really knows when this custom began but it has been kept for hundreds of years.

6 Mothering Sunday Mothering Sunday, sometimes known as Mother's Day, is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It is exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday and usually falls in the second half of March or the beginning of April.

7 The Queen's Official birthday
Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) was born on 21 April, 1926 at 17 Bruton Street, London. Her birthday is officially celebrated in Britain on the second Saturday of June each year.

8 Trooping the Colour The official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II is marked by a military parade known as Trooping the Colour (Carrying of the Flag). Each June, the Queen and other members of the Royal Family attend the ceremony.

9 Early May Bank Holiday The first Monday of May is a bank holiday in the United Kingdom. It is called May Day in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is known as the Early May Bank Holiday in Scotland. It probably originated as a Roman festival honoring the beginning of the summer season. In more recent times, it has been a day to campaign for workers' rights.

10 Spring Bank Holiday The last Monday in May is a bank holiday, too. Many organizations, businesses and schools are closed. Some people choose to take a short trip or vacation. Others use the time to walk in the country, catch up with family and friends, visit garden centers or do home maintenance.

11 Summer Bank Holiday In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the summer bank holiday is on the last Monday of August. In Scotland it is on the first Monday of August. This day marks the end of summer holidays for many people who return to work or school in autumn.

12 Halloween From the 19th Century to the present day, 31st October has increasingly known as a night when ghost, witches and fairies are especially active. Halloween celebrations include costume parties where people dress as witches, ghosts and animal figures associated with Halloween. Skyline Auckland Waterfront

13 Guy Fawkes Night ‘Guy Fawkes Night’ is also known as ‘Bonfire Night’ or ‘Firework Night’. On the 5th of November children traditionally take their home-made Guys out onto the streets of their town or village and ask passers-by for ‘a penny for the Guy’. This money is supposedly used as a contribution towards their fireworks.

14 Remembrance Day Remembrance Day is on 11 November. It is a special day to remember all those men and women who were killed during the two World Wars and other conflicts. At 11am on each Remembrance Sunday a two minute silence is observed at war memorials and other public spaces across the UK. Town Centre View of Town


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