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Legislative Process Suffolk University.

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1 Legislative Process Suffolk University

2 Clerk (House/Senate) Relevant Comm Hearing Kill Pass
Schedule Hearing Kill Pass Approp/Ways & Means No Action Adverse Pass Pull Floor Floor Floor Wright, Chapter 3: Vermont Legislature

3 Clerk (House/Senate) Relevant Comm Hearing Pass Kill Ways & Means
Schedule Pass Kill Ways & Means Rules Steer/Policy Study Kill Pass Adverse Calendar Pass No Action Floor Floor Floor State Legislature

4 Power of House Speakers: US State Legislature
Squire and Hamm, p. 102

5 Power of House Speakers: US State Legislature
Squire and Hamm, p. 102 Indicators: Ability to 1) Appoint other Leaders; 2) Comm. Chairs; 3) Comm. Members; 4) Tenure Potential; 5) Control of Resources and Procedures.

6 Power of House Speakers: US State Legislature
Case: Florida: Speaker Can: Appoint other Leaders Appoint Comm. Chairs/Members Controls Procedure But, has Limited Tenure Limited Resources Squire and Hamm, p. 102 Indicators: Ability to 1) Appoint other Leaders; 2) Comm. Chairs; 3) Comm. Members; 4) Tenure Potential; 5) Control of Resources and Procedures.

7 Power of House Speakers: US State Legislature
Case: Hawaii: Speaker Can: Control Procedure Has control of Tenure But, has limited ability to Appoint Comm. Chairs/Members Limited Resources Squire and Hamm, p. 102 Indicators: Ability to 1) Appoint other Leaders; 2) Comm. Chairs; 3) Comm. Members; 4) Tenure Potential; 5) Control of Resources and Procedures.

8 Committees: State Level

9 What Shapes Legislative Behavior?
Rules, Norms, Trends Leadership (White House) Leadership (I, $) Institutionalism Political Economy Member Inter. Grps/Lobbyists (I, $) Business and Labor Interests (I, V, $) Rational Choice Preferences? Voters (I, V, $) Pluralism

10 What Shapes Legislative Behavior?
Norms, Rules Reelection Leadership Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Voters Interest Groups Lobbyists

11 Legislative Goals? Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Institutional
Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Voters Interest Groups Associations

12 How Lobbyists Exercise Infleunce
Provide Costly Info. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Voters Interest Groups Associations

13 How Lobbyists Exercise Influence
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Voters Interest Groups Associations

14 How Lobbyists Exercise Influence
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Voters Interest Groups Associations

15 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups Voters Interest Groups Associations

16 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups How active and Informed Voters are. Voters Interest Groups Associations

17 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups How well organized by formal and informal business and citizen groups are. How active and Informed Voters are. Voters Interest Groups Associations

18 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups How well organized by formal and informal business and citizen groups are. How active and Informed Voters are. Voters Interest Groups Associations How Professional the Legislature Is (Staffing, Salary).

19 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups How well organized by formal and informal business and citizen groups are. How active and Informed Voters are. Voters Interest Groups Associations Level of Competition in the District or State.

20 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups How well organized by formal and informal business and citizen groups are. How active and Informed Voters are. Voters Interest Groups Associations Levels of Partisanship in the District or State.

21 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups How well organized by formal and informal business and citizen groups are. How active and Informed Voters are. Voters Interest Groups Associations State or District Culture.

22 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups How well organized by formal and informal business and citizen groups are. How active and Informed Voters are. Voters Interest Groups Associations Industry in the District or State.

23 Factors that Influence the Power of Lobbyists
Provide Costly Info. Model Leg. Help Legislation Pass. Responsive Knowledgeable Effective Member Institutional Rational Choice Preferences? Pluralism Number and Strength of Interest Groups How well organized by formal and informal business and citizen groups are. How active and Informed Voters are. Voters Interest Groups Associations Economic Condition of the District or State.

24 What Shapes Legislative Behavior?
Political Economy Member Business and Labor Interests (I, V, $) Source: John Berg a. Autonomy of the state, economic determination in the last instance (Class trumps politics, policies…)

25 What Shapes Legislative Behavior?
Executive: Nat. Rules, Norms, Trends Leadership (White House) Leadership (I, $) Institutionalism Executive: State Member Leadership (Governor) Sources: Dodd and Oppenheimer; Sinclair; Green and Burns; Pearson and Schickler a. Rise of a Powerful Speaker (1970s to Pelosi) and Special Rules b. Influence of the Bush White House (Medicare Drug Benefit, Tax Cuts) c. Trends: Polarization, Low Retire., Careerism, Partisan Redistricting (incumbency) 2. Sinclair; Lee, Wright a. Trends/Norms: Rise of Individualist, Partisan Senate with weakened Leadership. b. Rules: Deliberative process of Senate is making the Chamber Irrelevant c. States: Personal Politics of Power and Comm. Assign., Variation in States (Speaker)

26 What Shapes Legislative Behavior?
Member Inter. Grps/Lobbyists (I, $) Source: McDonough; Dodd and Opp a. Normative v. Self-Interested leadership b. limits of the const. service, governmental intervention; c. which interests matter in a district; who has access, faith in the system, partisan basis of incumb. Voters (I, V, $) Pluralism

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