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Mrs. DeCrosta Grading Policies: Class Expectations

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1 Mrs. DeCrosta 2016-2017 Grading Policies: Class Expectations
How to contact me: Infinite Campus Required: 2” 3-ring binder College-ruled filler paper Multiple Pencils Scientific Calculator: TI-30XS TI-30XIIS TI-84 * Any scientific Recommended: Colored pens or pencils Highlighters Grading Policies: Marking Period: Summative: 70% Tests, Quizzes Formative: 30% Classwork, Practice Quizzes, Study guide, homework Marking Period: 1st Marking Period: 40% 2nd Marking Period: 40% Final Exam: 20% Exam: 14% 2 cores: 3% each Class Expectations Begin warm bell Cell phones AWAY Homework daily ½ credit for late 1 day to make up work after absence Maintain organized binder with all notes Try your best! Be kind. Arrive promptly & prepared. No cheating! Procedures Rules Phone call home Referral Lunch/After school detention Consequences

2 Mrs. DeCrosta 2016-2017 Absentee Policy Tests & Quizzes Extra Help
Quizzes are given periodically throughout each unit for 50 points per unit. Tests are worth 100 points at the end of each unit All tests and quizzes must be taken in pencil. Core assessments must be redone until proficiency is met! Yes, we did something important while you were absent  It is your responsibility to check my website for notes, handouts & homework. You have one day to complete missed assignments. All missed handouts will be on my website. They will also be in a folder in the classroom. Extra Help I am available before & after school for extra help provided students display an effort in class. Please schedule a time to meet with me. Cell Phones Please leave your cellphone silenced and away during class. Cheating Any student caught looking at another student’s paper, talking to another student, passing anything to another student, signaling to another student or using unauthorized materials will receive a zero. Disciplinary action will be taken. Curriculum Unit 1- Introductory Concepts Unit 2- Relationships in Space Unit 3- Parallel Lines Unit 4- Polygons Unit 5- Triangles Unit 6- Congruent & Similar Figures Unit 7- Quadrilaterals Unit 8- Right Triangles & Trigonometry Unit 9- Circles Unit 10- Area & Perimeter Unit 11- Surface Area & Volume By signing the following page, both student and parent/guardian are stating that they completely understand and agree to each of the rules and procedures in the classroom expectations. If you have any questions , please contact me. .

3 Student Laptop Agreement
I, ________________________________________, have read and understand the rules and expectations for this course. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I know that this syllabus, assignments, calendars, and resources are available to me. Student Signature ______________________ Date __________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________ Date __________ Parent/Guardian Preferred Phone Number ( C / H / W ) Secondary Phone Number ( C / H / W ) Parents, please feel free to include any additional comments that you feel I should know about your child. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to fill this out and I look forward to a great semester with your child! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Student Laptop Agreement You will be using CFF laptops as a valuable educational tool in our classroom. Throughout the semester, you should adhere to some guidelines. If you cannot follow the guidelines provided, you may lose computer privileges for portions of the semester. Guidelines Use two hands when carrying the laptop. Laptops should be on the desks and not on your laps. Before you close the computer you must exit all open windows and shut down. If you become a distraction with the laptop, you will lose privileges (sounds, banging… etc). If you are using software or navigating a website that is NOT the assigned class activity, you will lose privileges. When you return the laptop, you must plug in the charge cord appropriately. If this is not done consistently, you will lose privileges. Do not place anything on tops of the lap when it is closed. Do not place food or drink anywhere near the laptop. I understand the guidelines stated and will adhere to them. I realize that my computer privileges will be taken away if I cannot consistency follow the correct procedures. Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________

4 Student Information Sheet
Name: _______________________________ (I liked to be called ____________________) Period: _________ Birthday: _____________________________ Sports, extra-curricular activities in which you participate (if any):____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Something you would like me to know about you: ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Who was your last math teacher? ___________________________________________ What was your final grade in that math course? A/A- B+/B/B- C+/C/C- D+/D/D- I plan to get a(n) _____ in this course b/c _____________________________________________________ My parents probably expect a(n) ______ b/c _____________________________________________________ Any anxieties about math this semester? _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ I feel the best way to review homework is: _____________________________________________________ List an activity that you have done in another math class that you found to be interesting, fun, motivating, or that you felt got you involved. What is the hardest thing you learned in your previous math class? Why was it so hard?  _______________________________________________________________________________________ What can I do to make this a better semester for you? What was it about your favorite math teacher that made him/her the best? What was it about your LEAST favorite math teacher that made learning difficult? How do you learn best (lectures & notes, projects, activities, worksheets)? Do you have any ideas on what careers you might want to pursue? In what colleges or post-graduation programs are you most interested?  I look forward to getting to know you this semester!!! Please discuss any questions, concerns or complaints that you have with me. I am here to help you learn- that is my goal! 

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