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pp Annihilation _ Gluon- Rich Environment Direct resonant formation of states with all non-exotic quantum numbers. ⟹ excellent precision in mass.

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3 pp Annihilation _ Gluon- Rich Environment
Direct resonant formation of states with all non-exotic quantum numbers. ⟹ excellent precision in mass and width measurement Access to both exotic and non-exotic quantum numbers via production and formation reactions Versatility of physics program (if coupled to universal detector) _ Uniqueness of p probe (no other p facility in this energy range in the world) _


5 Baryon Spectroscopy Prospects for PANDA S=2 hyperons (Ξ)
New baryon states ? Properties of already known states. Symmetries in observed spectrum. Prospects for PANDA S=2 hyperons (Ξ) S=0 baryons (N) S=1 hyperons (Λ) Baryons in PANDA Large cross section s for pp → YY pp → ΞΞ ≈ μb pp → ΩΩ ≈ ÷ 0.06 μb No extra mesons in final state needed for strangeness or charm conservation Symmetry in hyperon and antihyperon PANDA detector versatile S=3 hyperons (Ω) Charmed (Λc, Σc,Pc) Hidden charm (Ncc) PANDA is a Strangeness Factory

6 Open Questions Missing resonances Wrong masses, wrong sequence
Relevant degrees of freedom? 3-quark or quark-diquark structure? single particle excitation modes meson-baryon dynamics

7 Excited Hyperon States?
U. Löring, B.Ch. Metsch, H.R. Petry, Eur. Phys. J A 10 (2001) 309, 395,447 W* : 0 **** X* : 1 **** L* : 8 **** S* : 5 **** N* : 10 **** D : 7 ****

8 SU(6) x O(3) Classification
PDG: octet X states: no partner states of most known N* states X(1820) and X(2030) “educated guess” decuplet X and W states: no D* partner state note on X resonances: “… nothing of significance on X resonances has been added since our 1988 edition.”

9 J = 3/2 J = 5/2 Data on Ξ States: Ξ(1530) The only reasonably well studied Ξ resonance: Ξ(1530) - decuplet g.s JP = 3/2+ Г = 9…10 MeV decay: ~100% Ξπ BaBar measured the Ξ(1530)0 spin J = 3/2 in Λc+  Ξ- π+ K+ Compare to Δ!! BaBar 2008 B. Aubert et al., PRD 78 (2008)

10 Why Study Excited Baryons with PANDA?
_ _ Large cross sections for p p  B B* σ(pp  ΞΞ) ≈ μb σ(pp  ΩΩ) ≈ 0.03 … 0.1 μb (prediction) No extra mesons to balance strangeness or charm Symmetry in baryon and antibaryon observables Capabilities of the PANDA detector PANDA is unique in baryon spectroscopy beyond nucleon and Δ !! _ _ _ _

11 Physics Subtopics: List of physics subtopics: Study excited states of
double-strange hyperons ( Ξ ∗ ) triple-strange hyperons ( Ω ∗ ) charmed hyperons ( Λ 𝑐 ∗ , Σ 𝑐 ∗ ) hidden-charm nucleons ( 𝑁 𝑐 𝑐 ) non-strange baryons ( 𝑁 ∗ ) single-strange hyperons ( Λ ∗ , Σ ∗ ) Comes as by-product Identify specific issues

12 PANDA Physics Book: Ξ*  Ξπ
_ PANDA Physics Book: Ξ*  Ξπ characteristic event topology σ ~ μb: ~107 Ξ /d produced final states to be studied: Ξ*  Ξ π, Ξ η, Λ K, Σ K, Ξ(1530) π, Ξ π π, … benchmark channel: GeV/c p p  Ξ- Ξ+ π0 no empty regions or discontinuities in Dalitz plot Ξ-π0 mass resolution < 4 MeV; rec. eff. ~15%, S/B >19* *DPM generated background _

13 _ _ Simulation of pp  Ξ+Ξ- p = 4 GeV/c
Pandaroot versions: scrut14 (2×105 events), oct14 (106 events) Analysis in progress Specific issues: ideal reco for displaced vertices no vertex fitter yet for Ξ  Λπ reduced efficiency for p as compared to p Multiple tracks for same MC index Λ mass spectrum after vertex fit _

14 p [GeV/c] θ [o]

15 ΞΞ eff.: ~14% _ M [GeV/c2]

16 z [cm]

17 Status of HESR and the PANDA Detector

18 HESR PANDA Electron cooler Stochastic cooling Kicker PU

19 HESR is on time and on budget
Status of HESR 9 of 46 dipoles delivered to FZJ (final one in Q2/2017) 10 of 84 quadrupoles delivered (final one in Q2/2017) Dipole PoCos specified,will be ordered when supply building completed Quad. Power Converters (PoCo) delivered PANDA Chicane dipole PoCo delivered RF and Stochastic Cooling: 1st tanks in 2015 HESR is on time and on budget

20 All PANDA Systems 13 m

21 Rate Estimates for Hyperon Production

22 Potential Run-Plan – Overview first 2 years
χc2 angular distribution X(3872) scan survey light and heavy exotics generic open charm production 1.64 2.0 3.0 15.0 12.0 8.0 7.0 3.75 4.4 5.75 5.55 GeV/c ΩΩbar and ΛcΛcbar production and dynamics excited Ωs generic open and hidden charm production length of run ΔΔ content of the deuteron – feasibility of pbard meson spectroscopy χc1 ang. distr. and excited Ξs ΞΞbar production and dynamics Y(2175) and ΦΦ - T/PS-glueball search Ξ-Atoms and excited Λs pbar and Λbar-potentials (N, Ne, Ar targets) time-like form-factors - meson spectroscopy -ΛΛbar physics

23 Summary/Conclusions 
Many open questions on how complex structures are derived from underlying degrees of freedom Antiprotons provide precision measurements Broad/fascinating physics program at PANDA High cross sections for baryon-antibaryon pairs Accelerator on-time and on-budget Detector proceeding swiftly

24 The PANDA Collaboration
~ 520 Members, 69 Institutes, 18 Countries Austria, Australia, Belarus, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Netherlands, USA, UK


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