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Saint Joseph’s college of maine

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1 Saint Joseph’s college of maine
Modernthink higher education insight survey 2016 Topline survey results

2 281 Colleges Participated in 2016 (8th year)
National Distribution SJC distribution 116,000+ Faculty & Staff 46,000+ Completed Responses 39.65% Participation 16,998 Faculty 12,836 Exempt Professionals 8,268 Administrators 6,925 Non-Exempt Staff 1,195 Adjunct 296 Faculty & Staff 190 Completed Responses 64%*Participation 41 Faculty (61%) 66 Exempt Professionals (70%) 29 Administrators (83%) 54 Non-Exempt Staff (54%) 0 Adjunct (*100% of SJC Full-time)

3 Random Sample Used for SJC Results
66.5% Response Rate 236 Surveys Sent 157 Total Respondents

4 Survey FORMAT 60-Statement online survey using 5 point agreement scale
Strongly Agree, Agree, Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 18 benefits satisfaction items, 15 optional demographics, and 2 open-ended questions Measures 15 dimensions reflecting managerial and organizational competencies

5 Survey Scoring Information
Poor Warrants Attention Fair to Mediocre Good Very Good to Excellent 0% - 44% 45% - 54% 55% - 64% 65% - 74% 75% - 100%

6 SJC 2016 Results Recognition in the Great Colleges To Work For Program
“Very Good to Excellent Category” Institutions Scoring between 75% - 100% (% of Participants who Strongly Agree/Agree) ______________________________________ SJC Result: Not Achieved in 2016

7 SJC 2016 Results Good Category (65% - 74%)
73% Supervisors/Department Chairs (2 points) 71% Pride (4 Points) 66% Job Satisfaction/Support (9 Points) 65% Compensation, Benefits & Work/Life Balance (10 Points)

8 Overall SJC Results 2016 vs 2013 0% - 44% 45% - 54% 55% - 64%
Poor Warrants Attention Fair to Mediocre Good Very Good to Excellent 0% - 44% 45% - 54% 55% - 64% 65% - 74% 75% - 100% 2016 2013 Job Satisfaction/Support 66% Teaching Environment 48% 49% Professional Development 61% Compensation, Benefits & Work/Life Balance 65% 64% Facilities 70% Policies, Resources & Efficiency 47% Shared Governance 50% 56% Pride 71% Supervisors/Department Chairs 73% 62% Senior Leadership 46% 51% Faculty, Administration & Staff Relations 43% Communication 52% Collaboration 55% Fairness Respect & Appreciation 57% SURVEY AVERAGE

9 Results - Categories SJC Improvement in 5 Categories 2016 vs 2013
Compensation, Benefits & Work/Life Balance Fair to Mediocre  Good Supervisors/Department Chairs Collaboration Warrants Attention  Fair to Mediocre Fairness Faculty, Administration & Staff Relations Poor  Warrants Attention

10 Results - categories SJC No Change in 9 Categories 2016 vs 2013
Job Satisfaction/Support Good Pride Professional Development Fair to Mediocre Respect & Appreciation Teaching Environment Warrants Attention Policies, Resources & Efficiency Senior Leadership Communication SURVEY AVERAGE

11 SJC Dropped in 2 Categories Fair to Mediocre  Warrants Attention
Results - categories SJC Dropped in 2 Categories 2016 vs 2013 Facilities Good  Fair to Mediocre Shared Governance Fair to Mediocre  Warrants Attention

12 % Results 2016 vs 2013 Poor: 0% - 44% Warrants Attention: 45% - 54%
Job Satisfaction /Support No change Teaching Environment -1 Professional Development Compensation, Benefits & Work/Life Balance +1 Facilities -9 Policies, Resources & Efficiency Shared Governance -6 Pride Supervisors/Department Chairs +11 Senior Leadership -5 Faculty, Administration & Staff Relations +3 Communication +4 Collaboration Fairness Respect & Appreciation SURVEY AVERAGE Poor: 0% - 44% Warrants Attention: 45% - 54% Fair to Mediocre: 55% - 64% Good: 65% - 74% Very Good to Excellent: 75% - 100% 6 4

13 Moving Forward Share Results to Management Council on Aug 30th
Report Results with Trustees – College Environment Committee on Sept 15th Publish Results on Website for Presidential Address on Sept 20th Additional (non-standard) Reports from Modern Think Conference Call with Modern Think Consultant Establish a Task Force to Assess Survey Results and Action Strategies

14 Thank You!

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