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Angles, Saxons and Jutes

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1 Angles, Saxons and Jutes
By Todd Wagner

2 Who were the Angles? The Angles were one of the main people who settled in Britain in the post-Roman period. They founded several of the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England, and their name is the root of the name England. Todd Wagner

3 Where did the angles come from?
The Angles were Germanic invaders who came from the Danish- German border and conquered most of Roman Britannia, giving the country its later name, England (Angle land), and dividing it up into seven kingdoms. Todd Wagner

4 Who were the Saxons? Historians call them Anglo-Saxons. They were new settlers with a mixture of people from north Germany, Denmark and northern Holland. Most were Saxons, Angles and Jutes. in ancient times lived in the area of modern Schleswig and along the Baltic coast. Todd Wagner

5 Where did the Saxons come from?
The Anglo-Saxons left their homelands in northern Germany, Denmark and The Netherlands and sailed across the North Sea in wooden boats to Britain. They sailed across the North Sea in their long ships, which had one sail and many oars allowing them to invade. Todd Wagner

6 Who were the Jutes? The Jutes, were a Germanic people. They were one of the three most powerful Germanic peoples of their time, the other two being the Saxons and the Angles. Todd Wagner

7 Where did the Jutes come from?
The Jutes settled mainly in Kent. They did not call themselves 'the Jutes', they referred to them selves as 'the Kentings', that is the men living in Kent. Todd Wagner

8 Why did these groups all come to Britain?
In the beginning of the 5th century the romans left Britain . They did not train the British how to defend there self properly so when the Anglo-Saxons and Jutes invaded they succeeded. They arrived to take more land for themselves. Todd Wagner

9 Works cited
Todd Wagner

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