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Year 10 Subject Selection – Australia at War ( ): World War 2

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1 Year 10 Subject Selection – Australia at War (1919-1945): World War 2

2 Course Description Students study the causes of World War 2, the impact of the Versailles Treaty, the Great Depression and the rise of the ideologies of Fascism and Hitler. They then investigate Australia’s experiences in World War 2; in Europe, Singapore, New Guinea and on the home front. The outcome of the war and its political consequences are discussed.

3 Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks
Various chapters from the course textbook – ‘History Alive 10’. Enquiry into a choice of selected World War 2 topics focussed on Australia’s experience of the war. Source analysis – looking at documents, propaganda and film. Paragraph answers on ‘Causes of WW2’ Group assignment – ‘Australian’s Experience of WW2’ Document study – Propaganda Poster Semester End Exam

4 Subject pathway…. VCE History is relevant to students with a wide range of expectations, including those who wish to pursue formal study at tertiary level, as well as providing valuable knowledge and skills for an understanding of the underpinnings of contemporary society. Unit 1: Twentieth century history The first half of the twentieth century was marked by significant change. In this unit students consider the way that societies responded to these changes and how they affected people’s lives. Unit 2: Twentieth century history 1945–2000 This unit considers some of the major themes and principal events of post–World War II history, and the ways in which individuals and communities responded to the political, economic, social and technological developments in domestic, regional and international settings. Units 3 and 4: Revolutions Students study two revolutions, considering different perspectives and the reason why different groups have made different judgments during the history of the revolution.

5 More information…. Marc Bain – Classroom Teacher Tom Sherring – Humanities Learning Area Coordinator

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