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World Health Organization

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1 World Health Organization
27 May 2018 Scaling up for treating cancers in LMIC: towards a comprehensive cancer treatment programme Andreas Ullrich MD MPH Geneva Switzerland

2 1. Cancer burden and response

3 Cancer burden by type

4 World Health Organization
Population per radiotherapy IAEA data base on radiotherapy

5 Global Cancer Early Detection capacity
WHO NCD survey 2011

6 Cost of Cancer Treatment: Breast Cancer

7 2. WHO Cancer Control Framework and NCD action plan

8 Health system for cancer control

9 Comprehensive approach
PRIMARY PREVENTION SECONDARY PREVENTION TERTIARY PREVENTION Comprehensive approach New stakeholders and partners for cervical cancer prevention and control Ministry of health: Immunization, sexual and reproductive health, adolescent health, cancer control, and HIV prevention partners, Ministry of education: school health, Women's groups Community based group to reach girl out of school Interdisciplinary stakeholders and solid in-country coordination needed by MoH

10 The cancer component of the NCD action plan
Every country with a national NCD strategy which includes: Behavioral risk reduction/ HPV/ HBV Cervical cancer screening Cancer registry

11 Modelling NCD impact of NCD Targets
Four main non-communicable diseases BAU Achieving Targets Deaths avoided All cardiovascular diseases -18% 34 ; All cancers -3% 7 ; Chronic respiratory diseases -16% - 24 ; Diabetes +11% ; Total -10% - 21 ; Ezzati Mathers 2014


13 What we can learn: Behavioural risk reduction alone will not achieve cancer contribution to 25x25 Goal. Early detection + treatment: key element of additional contribution to 25 x 25 Goal Strengthen health care systems at all levels of care

14 Potential for cancer management
Breast screening treatment + Prostate screening treatment + Lung screening ? treatment - Colorect screening treatment + Cx screening treatment + Stomach screening treatment +

15 WHO Cancer Management strategies
WHO Essential medicines for cancer treatment strategies WHO Essential medicines for symptom control and palliative care WHO Essential technologies for cancer diagnosis and treatment

16 A health system for cancer control
Using a building block framework Integration into existing health care systems Medicines Workforce Services Governance

17 Complexity of cancer management

18 The way forward on cancer management
WHO: HQ: normative work on guides tools RO: regional cancer strategies ( AMRO) WCO: developing national NCCPs IARC : cancer causes and prevention research UN Partners: IAEA UNFPA UNICEF: joint country support NGOs: ESMO ASCO UICC …technical assistance and advocacy

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